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Created October 1, 2009 16:26
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describe("when user is auth'd", function() {
before(function() {
Screw.Stub.stub(window, "getPortalData").andReturn({guid: '067416251802022009comcast.usr4jr',zip:'19103',wid:'19103'});
console.log(' before in auth user describe ' + getPortalData().zip);
describe(" and when localstorage is not available", function() {
console.log(' before in auth user describe -- innner ' + getPortalData().zip);
Prefs.remove(AdTargetingConstant.ADT_ZIP, Prefs.ADS);
Prefs.remove(AdTargetingConstant.IS_LS_AVAILABLE, Prefs.ADS);
describe(" and when auht'd user has not opted out", function() {
//Screw.Stub.stub(service, "_isUserOptedOutInCloud").andReturn(false);
it("should return a valid zipcode from user's cookie", function(){
expect("19103").to(equal, '19103');
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