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Created August 23, 2018 20:58
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Longest increasing path in a matrix
def find_longest_rising_route(matrix)
matrix_with_locations = do |row, index| do |el, inner_index|
[index, [inner_index, el]]
sorted_with_locations =
matrix_with_locations.flatten(1).sort_by { |el| el[1][1] }
sorted_with_locations.reduce([]) do |memo, el_with_location|
# Get possible right i paths by adding to 'i'
right_i_paths = [el_with_location]
right_next_i = el_with_location[1][0] + 1
current_el = el_with_location[1][1]
j = el_with_location[0] # keep js constant
until right_next_i >= matrix.first.length do
right_el = matrix[j][right_next_i]
break if right_el <= current_el
right_i_paths << [j, [right_next_i, right_el]]
right_next_i += 1
current_el = right_el
# Get possible left i paths by subtracting 'i'
left_i_paths = [el_with_location]
left_next_i = el_with_location[1][0] - 1 # try left i
current_el = el_with_location[1][1]
j = el_with_location[0] # keep js constant
until left_next_i == -1 do
left_el = matrix[j][left_next_i]
break if left_el <= current_el
left_i_paths << [j, [left_next_i, left_el]]
left_next_i -= 1
current_el = left_el
left_el = matrix[j][left_next_i]
# Get greatest of the i paths
greatest_i_path =
left_i_paths.count > right_i_paths.count ? left_i_paths : right_i_paths
end_of_left_ipaths =
# Get possible upper j paths by subtracting to 'j' from greatest of the i paths
upper_j_paths = [end_of_left_ipaths]
upper_next_j = end_of_left_ipaths[0] - 1
current_el = end_of_left_ipaths[1][1]
i = end_of_left_ipaths[1][0] # keep is constant
until upper_next_j == -1 do
upper_el = matrix[upper_next_j][i]
break if upper_el <= current_el
upper_j_paths << [upper_next_j, [i, upper_el]]
upper_next_j -= 1
current_el = upper_el
upper_el = matrix[upper_next_j][i]
# Get possible lower j paths by adding to 'j' from greatest of the i paths
lower_j_paths = [end_of_left_ipaths]
lower_next_j = end_of_left_ipaths[0] + 1
current_el = end_of_left_ipaths[1][1]
i = end_of_left_ipaths[1][0] # keep is constant
until lower_next_j >= matrix.length do
lower_el = matrix[lower_next_j][i]
break if lower_el <= current_el
lower_j_paths << [lower_next_j, [i, lower_el]]
lower_next_j += 1
current_el = lower_el
lower_el = matrix[lower_next_j][i]
# Find greatest of j paths
greatest_j_path =
upper_j_paths.count > lower_j_paths.count ? upper_j_paths : lower_j_paths
# Find the final count of the longest i path with accompanying longest j path
greatest_path = greatest_i_path | greatest_j_path
path_count = greatest_path.count
if memo.empty?
elsif path_count > memo.count
end { |el| el.last.last }
matrix_1 = [
puts "The longest increasing path for #{matrix_1.inspect} is #{find_longest_rising_route(matrix_1).inspect}"
matrix_2 = [
puts "The longest increasing path for #{matrix_2.inspect} is #{find_longest_rising_route(matrix_2).inspect}"
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