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mkchandler / DisableNuGetPackageRestore.ps1
Last active February 13, 2018 04:07
Disable the NuGet Package Restore functionality in a Visual Studio solution.
# Usage: .\DisableNuGetPackageRestore.ps1 C:\Path\To\Solution.sln
# Get the path that the user specified when calling the script
$solution = $args[0]
$solutionPath = Split-Path $solution -Parent
$solutionName = Split-Path $solution -Leaf
# Delete the .nuget directory and all contents
Remove-Item (Join-Path $solutionPath ".nuget") -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction 0

Snow in canvas land

Other people's code is awful, and your own code from months previous counts as someone else's. With this and the festive spirit in mind, I dug up a canvas snow demo I made two years ago to see how bad my code really was.

Turns out the performance landscape has changed quite a bit, but after applying a couple of workarounds, best practices, and memory management, I got the demo running smoother than it ever did.

Ugh, I can't believe I just wrote "performance landscape". Anyway...

How does the demo work?