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Created May 8, 2014 20:05
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import java.util.List;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Formatter;
public class Machine {
private Tape<Integer>[] tapes;
private int[] memory;
private final int scratch; // index of the scratch tape
private final int reserved = 16; // Words reserved for internal operation
// (everything else is volatile sorting space)
public Machine(int tapes, int size) {
this.tapes = new Tape[tapes];
this.memory = new int[size];
for (int i = 0; i < tapes; i++) {
this.tapes[i] = new Tape<Integer>();
scratch = this.tapes.length - 1;
public Machine(int tapes, int size, Integer... input) {
this(tapes, size);
this.tapes[0] = new Tape<Integer>(Arrays.asList(input));
* Sorts the contents of the 0th tape.
* @return Pointer to the tape that contains the sorted data.
public Tape<Integer> sort() {
final Tape<Integer> input = tapes[0];
memory[0] = reserved; // i
memory[1] = 0; // total length
memory[2] = memory.length - reserved; // size of merge round
memory[3] = 1; // current round's `input` tape
memory[4] = 2; // current round's `output` tape
while (null != input.get()) {
memory[memory[0]] = input.get();
if (memory[0] == memory.length) {
if (memory[0] != reserved) {
while(memory[2] < memory[1]) {
for (memory[0] = 0; memory[0] < memory[1]/(memory[2] * 2)+1; memory[0]++) {
copy_n_from_to(tapes[memory[3]], tapes[scratch]);
merge(tapes[memory[3]], tapes[scratch], tapes[memory[4]]);
memory[2] *= 2;
return tapes[memory[3]];
* In-place sort the contents of the volatile memory store. Implementation
* is a heap sort - O(N * log(N)) time complexity, O(1) space complexity.
private void memory_sort() {
heap(reserved,memory[0] - reserved);
memory[5] = (memory[0] - reserved) - 1;
while (memory[5] > 0) {
swap(reserved + memory[5], reserved);
sift(reserved, 0, memory[5]);
* Heapify a chunk of memory.
* @param array The start address of the heap.
* @param length The size of the heap.
private void heap(int array, int length) {
memory[6] = (length - 2) / 2;
while (memory[6] >= 0) {
sift(array, memory[6], length - 1);
* Sift-down operation on an in-memory heap.
* @param array The start address of the heap.
* @param start The offset from the start address that we're sifting
* down from.
* @param length The size of the heap.
private void sift(int array, int start, int length) {
memory[7] = start; // root
while (memory[7] * 2 + 1 <= length) {
memory[8] = memory[7] * 2 + 1; // child
memory[9] = memory[7]; // swap
if (memory[array + memory[9]] < memory[array + memory[8]])
memory[9] = memory[8];
if (memory[8] + 1 <= length && memory[array + memory[9]] < memory[array + memory[8] + 1])
memory[9] = memory[8] + 1;
if (memory[7] != memory[9]) {
swap(array + memory[7], array + memory[9]);
memory[7] = memory[9];
} else {
* Swaps two memory values.
* @param a Address of the first value.
* @param b Address of the second value.
private void swap(int a, int b) {
memory[a] ^= memory[b];
memory[b] ^= memory[a];
memory[a] ^= memory[b];
* Dumps the current volatile memory store to <code>tape</code>. The read
* head of <code>tape</code> will be advanced by the number of elements
* currently being temporarily stored in memory. Uses
* <code>memory[11]</code>.
* @param memory[0] The end of the current volatile memory store. Will
* be reset to <code>reserved</code> when the
* operation is complete.
private void dump_to_tape(Tape<Integer> tape) {
memory[10] = reserved;
while (memory[10] < memory[0]) {
memory[0] = reserved;
* Copies <code>n</code> elements from {@link Tape} <code>from</code> to
* tape <code>to</code>. The read heads of both tapes will be advanced by
* <code>n</code>. Uses <code>memory[11]</code>.
* @param memory[2] The number of elements to copy.
private void copy_n_from_to(Tape<Integer> from, Tape<Integer> to) {
memory[11] = memory[2];
while (memory[11]-- > 0) {
* Merge at most <code>n</code> words from {@link Tape}s <code>a</code> and
* <code>b</code> into <code>Tape</code> <code>to</code>. The read heads of
* <code>a</code> and <code>b</code> should start at the beginning of both
* lists of things to merge. Both lists are assumed to be already sorted
* for at least the first <code>n</code> elements. Lists are assumed to be
* null-terminated on the tape and the read head is not advanced past the
* end of the list. The read heads of both tapes are guaranteed to not be
* advanced <em>more</em> than <code>n</code> each, but <strong>may</strong>
* be advanced <em>less</em>.
* @param memory[2] (n) The maximum number of words to merge from both lists.
private void merge(Tape<Integer> a, Tape<Integer> b, Tape<Integer> to) {
memory[12] = memory[2];
memory[13] = memory[2];
while (memory[12] > 0 && null != a.get() &&
memory[13] > 0 && null != b.get()) {
if (a.get() < b.get()) {
} else {
while (memory[12]-- > 0 && null != a.get()) {
while (memory[13]-- > 0 && null != b.get()) {
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
Formatter f = new Formatter(sb);
f.format("Machine [Tapes: %d, Memory: %d]\n", tapes.length, memory.length);
for (int i = 0; i < tapes.length; i++) {
f.format("tape[%d] = %s\n", i, tapes[i].toString());
for (int i = 0; i < memory.length; i++) {
if (0 == i % 8) f.format("\n%04x: ", i);
f.format("%04x ", memory[i]);
return sb.toString();
TARGET ?= target
TP ?= test:$(SP)
JAVA = java
JAVAC = javac
vpath $(SP) $(TP)
objects = Tape Machine SortTest
classes = $(patsubst %,$(TARGET)/%.class,$(subst .,/,$(objects)))
.PHONY: all clean test ;
all: $(classes) ;
-rm -r $(realpath $(PWD)/$(TARGET))
test: all
( cd $(TARGET) && $(JAVA) SortTest )
mkdir -p $@
$(TARGET)/%.class: | $(TARGET)/
$(JAVAC) -d $(TARGET) -classpath $(CP) -sourcepath $(SP) $(JAVA_OPT) $<
import java.util.List;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
public class SortTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
List<List<Integer>> data = new LinkedList();
data.add(new ArrayList<Integer>(Arrays.asList( 0 )));
// 0..64
data.add(new ArrayList<Integer>(Arrays.asList(
5, 51, 25, 3, 41, 36, 49, 40, 29, 59, 39, 46, 45, 22,
21, 20, 18, 16, 35, 53, 13, 26, 47, 52, 7, 42, 33, 44,
43, 17, 9, 64, 58, 62, 28, 23, 60, 4, 8, 15, 54, 56,
38, 31, 30, 37, 14, 55, 24, 10, 1, 63, 11, 19, 6, 50,
57, 34, 48, 12, 0, 2, 61, 32, 27
// 0..256
data.add(new ArrayList<Integer>(Arrays.asList(
170, 0, 48, 10, 103, 194, 217, 59, 187, 60, 116, 80,
94, 151, 221, 76, 25, 135, 176, 20, 167, 100, 125, 228,
152, 106, 205, 181, 50, 234, 12, 17, 81, 174, 158, 128,
16, 165, 18, 247, 73, 29, 244, 157, 102, 186, 237, 28,
49, 252, 171, 63, 21, 172, 154, 224, 169, 123, 53, 64,
66, 38, 208, 44, 67, 134, 147, 77, 199, 255, 207, 24,
219, 220, 41, 37, 45, 119, 253, 163, 225, 168, 175, 72,
235, 162, 30, 254, 160, 84, 206, 229, 146, 51, 215,
183, 22, 209, 97, 245, 109, 87, 58, 82, 214, 164, 5,
222, 177, 36, 35, 239, 256, 198, 242, 112, 156, 23,
218, 159, 34, 230, 126, 113, 203, 31, 250, 2, 179, 11,
129, 212, 185, 121, 78, 71, 216, 145, 96, 197, 88, 213,
68, 202, 232, 248, 117, 148, 8, 6, 40, 110, 150, 132,
93, 14, 69, 142, 98, 143, 120, 193, 118, 39, 223, 57,
115, 101, 114, 65, 201, 95, 240, 246, 138, 89, 32, 26,
137, 133, 54, 188, 236, 210, 4, 91, 104, 130, 233, 195,
75, 3, 251, 191, 52, 33, 124, 226, 196, 122, 139, 107,
180, 227, 108, 90, 131, 9, 211, 144, 243, 61, 74, 136,
140, 70, 111, 149, 42, 86, 85, 127, 241, 189, 200, 56,
141, 166, 192, 27, 92, 178, 231, 204, 105, 13, 7, 153,
62, 173, 79, 184, 55, 46, 182, 99, 19, 249, 1, 190,
161, 155, 83, 43, 47, 15, 238
for (List<Integer> set : data) {
Integer[] set_arr = set.toArray(new Integer[0]);
Machine sorter = new Machine(20,100,set_arr);
Tape<Integer> check = sorter.sort();
int i = 0;
while(null != check.get()) {
if (! check.get().equals(set_arr[i++])) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unsorted list! Expected " +
set_arr[i-1] + " but got " +
check.get() + " at index " + (i-1));
if (i != set_arr.length) {
throw new RuntimeException("Incomplete list! Expected " +
set_arr.length + " elements but got " +
i + " elements.");
import java.util.List;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Formatter;
public class Tape<T> {
private List<Maybe<T>> tape;
private ListIterator<Maybe<T>> it;
private Maybe<T> current;
private class Maybe<V> {
private V v;
public Maybe() { this.v = null; }
public Maybe(V v) { this.v = v; }
public void set(V v) { this.v = v; }
public V get() { return this.v; }
public String toString() {
if (null == get()) return "_";
return get().toString();
* Create a new empty {@link Tape}.
public Tape() {
* Create a new {@link Tape} and populate it with <code>elems</code>.
public Tape(Collection<? extends T> elems) {
tape = new LinkedList<Maybe<T>>();
for (T elem : elems) {
tape.add(new Maybe<T>(elem));
it = tape.listIterator(0);
* Advance the tape head by 1. O(1) operation.
public void advance() {
if (!it.hasNext()) {
it.add(new Maybe<T>());
current =;
* Get the value at the current tape head. O(1) operation.
* @return The value at the current tape head.
public T get() {
return current.get();
* Set the value at the current tape head to <code>o</code>. O(1) operation.
* @param o The value write to the current tape head.
public void set(T o) {
* Rewind the tape to the beginning. O(N) operation.
public void rewind() {
while (it.hasPrevious()) {
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Tape [");
Formatter f = new Formatter(sb);
for (Maybe<T> elem : tape) {
f.format((elem == current ? "^%s," : "%s,"), elem.toString());
return sb.toString();
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