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Created June 12, 2014 12:23
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workflow set-MITPrestageADComputer
Param (
Write-Output "Prestaging computer $CompName, OU $OU"
$verbosepreference = "Continue"
#$VesselsDomainCredential = Get-AutomationPSCredential -Name "cred-vesselsdomaincredential"
#$VesselsDomainController = Get-AutomationVariable -Name 'var-VesselsDomainDC'
$VesselsDomainController = ""
Write-Verbose "Prestaging computer $CompName in trondcloud domain, OU $OU"
inlinescript {
$CompName = $using:CompName
$ou = $using:OU
$verbosepreference = "Continue"
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
if (!$ou)
Write-error "I didnt get an ou. Breaking."
if (!$CompName)
Write-error "I didnt get a computer account name. Breaking."
import-module ActiveDirectory -verbose:$false
Write-Verbose "Inlinescript: Checking to see if computer $CompName already exists"
$computers = get-adcomputer -filter *
$computer = $computers | where {$_.Name -eq $CompName}
if ($computer)
Write-verbose "Found computer $($computer.DistinguishedName)"
$AssumedDn = "CN=$CompName,$ou"
if ($AssumedDn -ne $computer.DistinguishedName)
Write-Error "Computer account $CompName already exists in target domain, but in the wrong OU. Breaking"
ElseIf ($computer.Enabled -ne $false)
Write-error "Computer account $CompName already exists in target domain, but the computer account is not disabled. Disable the computer in AD to indicate that it is ready for prestaging"
Write-verbose "Computer account $CompName already exist and ready for prestaging"
Else #Computer account not found, creating
Write-Verbose "Computer $CompName not found, creating"
Write-verbose "Creating computer $CompName and setting to disabled"
New-ADComputer -Name $CompName -SamAccountName $CompName -Path $ou -enabled $false
} -pscomputername $VesselsDomainController -PSCredential $VesselsDomainCredential
Write-Output "set-MITPrestageADComputer runbook completed."
workflow Failedtest
Param ($cred)
set-MITPrestageADComputer -CompName "test" -OU "CN=Computers,DC=trondcloud,DC=hindenes,DC=com" -Credential $cred
set-MITPrestageADComputer -CompName "test2" -OU "CN=Computers,DC=trondcloud,DC=hindenes,DC=com" -Credential $cred
workflow Suceedtest
Param ($cred)
set-MITPrestageADComputer -CompName "test" -OU "CN=Computers,DC=trondcloud,DC=hindenes,DC=com" -Credential $cred
start-sleep -Seconds 120
set-MITPrestageADComputer -CompName "test2" -OU "CN=Computers,DC=trondcloud,DC=hindenes,DC=com" -Credential $cred
$cred = Get-Credential
#This will fail
Failedtest -cred $cred
#This will suceed
Suceedtest -cred $cred
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