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Created September 22, 2014 15:25
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Function Process-RunbookFolder
Param (
$allwfs = get-childitem -Path $Path -Recurse:$recurse
$Global:referencelist = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$Global:ToProcessList = $allwfs | select Fullname
$Global:DoneProcessList = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
foreach ($wf in $ToProcessList)
#Validate-RunbookFile -path $wf.FullName -erroraction Stop
Get-RunbookReference -path $wf.Fullname
foreach ($wf in $ToProcessList)
#Validate-RunbookFile -path $wf.FullName -erroraction Stop
Process-RunbookFile -path $wf.FUllname -basepath $Path -recurse:$recurse -WebServiceEndpoint $WebServiceEndpoint -Credential $credential
#get-variable processlist -Scope global | Remove-Variable
Function Get-RunbookReference
Param ($path)
$ThisWf = get-content $path -Raw
$ThisWfSB = [scriptblock]::Create($ThisWf)
#$ThisWfAST = $ThisWfSB.Ast
$TokenizedWF = [System.Management.Automation.PSParser]::Tokenize($ThisWfSB,[ref]$null)
$referencedCommands = $TokenizedWF | where {$_.Type -eq "Command"} | select -ExpandProperty "Content"
$myobj = "" |Select Fullname, ReferencedRunbooks
$myobj.Fullname =$path
$myobj.ReferencedRunbooks = $referencedCommands
$Global:referencelist += $myobj; $myobj = $null
Function Process-RunbookFile
Param (
$path = get-item $path
if ($DoneProcessList -contains ($path.FullName))
Write-Verbose "SKIPPING: Already processed runbook $($path.BaseName)"
Write-Verbose "PARSING: Runbook $($path.BaseName)"
#Parse to find wfs this one depends on, and process
$ThisWf = get-content $path -Raw
$ThisWfSB = [scriptblock]::Create($ThisWf)
#$ThisWfAST = $ThisWfSB.Ast
$TokenizedWF = [System.Management.Automation.PSParser]::Tokenize($ThisWfSB,[ref]$null)
$referencedCommands = $TokenizedWF | where {$_.TYpe -eq "Command"}
foreach ($referencedCommand in $referencedCommands)
$runbookpath = get-childitem -Path $basepath -Recurse:$recurse |where {$_.BaseName -eq $referencedCommand.Content}
if ($runbookpath)
Write-Verbose "REFERENCE: $($path.BaseName)--> $($referencedCommand.content)"
Process-RunbookFile -path $runbookpath.FullName -WebServiceEndpoint $WebServiceEndpoint -Credential $Credential
#WHen all referenced runbooks are imported, import this one
#Write-Verbose "PUBLISH: Publishing runbook $($path.BaseName)"
#Check if runbook matches target
$IsUpdated = Compare-Runbook $path -WebServiceEndpoint $WebServiceEndpoint -Credential $credential
if (!($IsUpdated))
Write-Verbose "Runbook $($path.BaseName) is updated and will be republished"
Write-Verbose "It is referenced by these runbooks:"
$Global:referencelist | where {$_.ReferencedRunbooks -match ($path.BaseName)} | Select -ExpandProperty Fullname | foreach {
$refrb = $_
write-verbose $refrb
$global:ToProcessList | where {$_.Fullname -eq $refrb} | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Force -Value $true -Force
$thisRbProcLIst = $global:ToProcessList | where {$_.Fullname -eq $path.FullName}
if ($thisRbProcLIst.Force -eq $true)
$forceUpdateRb = $true
if ($forceUpdateRb)
Write-Verbose "Runbook $path will be forcibly updated because it references an updated runbook"
if (($forceUpdateRb) -or (!($IsUpdated)))
#This function is only called for runbooks which need updating, or runbooks which reference runbooks which need updating
Write-Verbose "PUBLISH: $($path.FullName)"
Publish-Runbook $path -WebServiceEndpoint $webserviceendpoint -Credential $credential
$Global:DoneProcessList += $path.FullName
Function Compare-Runbook
Param (
$FileContent = get-content -Path ($path.FullName) -Raw
$SmaRb = Get-SmaRunbook -WebServiceEndpoint $WebServiceEndpoint -Credential $Credential -Name ($path.BaseName) -ErrorAction 0
if (!($SmaRb))
return $false
$SMaRbContent = Get-SmaRunbookDefinition -Id $SmaRb.RunbookId -WebServiceEndpoint $WebServiceEndpoint -Credential $Credential -Type Published
if ($FileContent -ne $SMaRbContent.Content)
return $false
return $true
Function Compare-Runbook
Param (
$FileContent = get-content -Path ($path.FullName) -Raw
$SmaRb = Get-SmaRunbook -WebServiceEndpoint $WebServiceEndpoint -Credential $Credential -Name ($path.BaseName) -ErrorAction 0
if (!($SmaRb))
return $false
$SMaRbContent = Get-SmaRunbookDefinition -Id $SmaRb.RunbookId -WebServiceEndpoint $WebServiceEndpoint -Credential $Credential -Type Published
if ($FileContent -ne $SMaRbContent.Content)
return $false
return $true
Function Publish-Runbook
Param (
$SmaRb = Get-SmaRunbook -WebServiceEndpoint $WebServiceEndpoint -Credential $Credential -Name ($path.BaseName) -ErrorAction 0
if (!($SmaRb))
$smarb = Import-SmaRunbook -Path $path.FullName -WebServiceEndpoint $WebServiceEndpoint -Credential $Credential
Edit-SmaRunbook -Path $path.FullName -WebServiceEndpoint $WebServiceEndpoint -Credential $Credential -Name ($path.BaseName) -Overwrite
$publishedId = Publish-SmaRunbook -Id $SmaRb.RunbookID -WebServiceEndpoint $WebServiceEndpoint -Credential $Credential
#This is the function you need to run to kick everything off:
Process-RunbookFolder -Path "D:\trond.hindenes\Desktop\wftest" -WebServiceEndpoint "https://MySmaServer" -Credential $cred
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Great script! Making some use out of it recently and it seems to be working very well!

I noticed you have a commented out function, Validate-RunbookFile. I'm looking for some type of validation myself. Did you happen to come across another way to validate runbooks prior to publishing?


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