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Created July 8, 2019 17:01
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This script takes the output of running ROMS where the name of result files are an increasing integer ROMS.1, ROMS.2, ROMS.3 ... ROMS.N. The new filenames uses the startdate (ocean_time ) of the ROMS file as the integer instead. This means that all files have names indicating start date as days since 1948/1/1
import os, shutil
import datetime as datetime
from netCDF4 import Dataset
import numpy as np
import glob
import string
__author__ = 'Trond Kristiansen'
__email__ = 'me (at)'
__created__ = datetime.datetime(2015, 10, 5)
__modified__ = datetime.datetime(2015, 10, 5)
__version__ = "1.0"
__status__ = "Production"
"""This script takes the output of running ROMS where the name of result files are an increasing integer ROMS.1, ROMS.2,
ROMS.3 ... ROMS.N. The new filenames uses the startdate (ocean_time ) of the ROMS file as the integer instead.
This means that all files have names indicating start date as days since 1948/1/1. """
def extractTimeFromNetCDF(infile):
cdf = Dataset(infile)
times = cdf.variables["ocean_time"][:]
refDate=datetime.datetime(1948, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
currentDate=refDate + datetime.timedelta(seconds=times[0])
print "time-step: %s - %s" % (times[0], currentDate)
difference = currentDate - refDate
print "Days since refdate %s - %s"%(refDate,difference.days)
return difference.days
def renameROMSFiles(datapath,mypattern,outputDirectory,newFilename):
allFiles = glob.glob(argument)
print "argument %s"%(argument)
print "Sorting %s files found in NS8KM datadirectory"%(len(allFiles))
for resultfile in allFiles:
days = extractTimeFromNetCDF(resultfile)
newName = ""%(outputDirectory,newFilename,days)
print "File %s renamed to %s"%(resultfile,newName)
def main():
# Where the ROMS results files are stored
datapath ="/work/users/trondk/KINO/FORWARD/Run/SAVE/"
# The pattern of the ROMS files
# The directory to store the renamed files
# The new filename pattern where days since 1948/1/1 will be added at the end:
# Create results folder
if not os.path.exists(outputDirectory):
# Rename all of the files in the datatpath
if __name__ == "__main__":
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