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Last active June 26, 2020 14:44
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Python: Print colored text
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Author: Nghia Le <>
# Description:
# - Yes/[No] Confirm to exit bash script
import os
def _wrap_with(code):
def inner(text, bold=True):
c = code
# if os.environ.get('FABRIC_DISABLE_COLORS'):
# return text
if bold:
c = "1;%s" % c
return "\033[%sm%s\033[0m" % (c, text)
return inner
red = _wrap_with('31')
green = _wrap_with('32')
yellow = _wrap_with('33')
blue = _wrap_with('34')
magenta = _wrap_with('35')
cyan = _wrap_with('36')
white = _wrap_with('37')
def print_sample():
print(red('This is a red colored text'))
print(green('This is a green colored text'))
print(yellow('This is a yellow colored text'))
print(magenta('This is a magenta colored text'))
print(cyan('This is a cyan colored text'))
print(white('This is a white colored text'))
if __name__ == "__main__":
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