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Last active June 26, 2020 14:40
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Bash: Yes/No Confirm script
# Author: Nghia Le <>
# Description:
# - To ask user if they're sure and wanted to run this bash script as current log-in user
echo -e "\n"
read -n 1 -p "Do you want to run this bash script as $(whoami)? Yes/[No]: " YES_NO
echo -e "\n"
if [ -z ${YES_NO} ] || [ ${YES_NO} = "No" ] || [ ${YES_NO} = "no" ] || [ ${YES_NO} = "N" ] || [ ${YES_NO} = "n" ]; then
echo -e "\nYou select No, then it is going to exit now... "
sleep 1
echo -e "\nGood bye now..!!!\n"
sleep 1
exit 1
elif [ ${YES_NO} = "Yes" ] || [ ${YES_NO} = "yes" ] || [ ${YES_NO} = "Y" ] || [ ${YES_NO} = "y" ]; then
echo -e "\nHmmmm, hummm..."
sleep 2
echo -e "\nOkey, then it is going to run the bash script now... after 5 seconds"
sleep 3
echo -e "\n2 seconds now..."
sleep 2
echo -e "\nDeploying...\n"
echo -e "\nWrong input!!!"
sleep 1
echo -e "\nGood bye now..!!!\n"
sleep 1
exit 1
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