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Last active February 5, 2025 03:38
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  • Save trongthanh/7d632e90687e1bc219e1f3262d337702 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save trongthanh/7d632e90687e1bc219e1f3262d337702 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
macOS Mojave dynamic background re-implement as GTK+ background slideshow. Background images are changed to reflect the time of the day.
<!-- Instructions:
- Download and unzip Mojave dynamic background here:
- Rename the extracted folder as "mojave-background" (Excuse the trouble but I renamed it on my machine and already use that path in the XML file)
- Save this xml file next to the Mojave background files
- Fix the path to the background images below (better using absolute path)
- Lastly, either:
+ GNOME: Use gnome-tweaks tool to select this XML as wallpaper (as default wallpaper settings won't let you choose wallpaper from custom path)
+ MATE: Go to background setting (in Appearance) > Choose +Add... > make sure **All files** filter is selected at the bottom right > Then choose mojave.xml
<!-- 00:00 -->
<transition type="overlay">
<!-- 03:00 -->
<transition type="overlay">
<!-- 05:00 -->
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<!-- 06:00 -->
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<!-- 07:00 -->
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<!-- 08:00 -->
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<!-- 09:00 -->
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<transition type="overlay">
<!-- 11:00 -->
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<transition type="overlay">
<!-- 14:00 -->
<transition type="overlay">
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<transition type="overlay">
<!-- 16:00 -->
<transition type="overlay">
<!-- 17:00 -->
<transition type="overlay">
<!-- 18:00 -->
<transition type="overlay">
<!-- 20:00 -->
<transition type="overlay">
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miraix0 commented Mar 1, 2021

Hello dude, thanks fot this guide but I have error with day hour, when is day, the wallpaper is night and when is night, wallpaper is day. How I can fix this inverse hours?

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saint-13 commented Mar 30, 2021

Anyone else having issues with smooth transitions? I'm on Ubuntu 20.04, and the pictures just abruptly change from one to another.

hello @guvarallo, that's because of short transition time (only 5 sec), I edited this script, and added smooth transition. i will upload that script in my GitHub with bunch of other dynamic wallpapers ( here ). Also everyone can easily modify or make new wallpaper scripts with program called "Dynamic Wallpaper Editor", which is preinstalled on Manjaro gnome edition.

Screenshot from 2021-03-30 17-05-33

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