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Created January 2, 2019 02:09
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Inlcude Custom Android framework jar to Android Studio
// Top-level build file where you can add configuration options common to all sub-projects/modules.
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath ''
// NOTE: Do not place your application dependencies here; they belong
// in the individual module build.gradle files
allprojects {
repositories {
gradle.projectsEvaluated {
tasks.withType(JavaCompile) {
task clean(type: Delete) {
delete rootProject.buildDir
preBuild {
doLast {
def imlFile = file( + ".iml")
println 'Change ' + + '.iml order'
try {
def parsedXml = (new XmlParser()).parse(imlFile)
def jdkNode = parsedXml.component[1].orderEntry.find { it.'@type' == 'jdk' }
def sdkString = "Android API " + android.compileSdkVersion.substring("android-".length()) + " Platform"
println 'what' + sdkString
new Node(parsedXml.component[1], 'orderEntry', ['type': 'jdk', 'jdkName': sdkString, 'jdkType': 'Android SDK'])
groovy.xml.XmlUtil.serialize(parsedXml, new FileOutputStream(imlFile))
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
// nop, iml not found
println "no iml found"
dependencies {
compileOnly files('framework.jar')
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