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Created August 3, 2023 14:51
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import { Button, VerticalBox , Switch, TabWidget, HorizontalBox, Slider, ComboBox, GroupBox} from "std-widgets.slint";
export struct NetworkDetails {
ssid: string,
connected: bool,
strength: int
component WifiNetworkList inherits VerticalLayout {
in property <bool> enabled;
in property <[NetworkDetails]> networks;
states [
expanded when enabled: {
height: self.min-height;
closed when !enabled: {
height: 0px;
opacity: 0;
animate height {
duration: 250ms;
animate opacity {
duration: 250ms;
for network in networks: HorizontalBox {
Text {
text: network.ssid + (network.connected ? " 🛜 " : " ");
Text {
horizontal-alignment: right;
text: "\{network.strength}%";
export component AppWindow inherits Window {
in-out property <[NetworkDetails]> wifi-networks: [
{ ssid: "Toradex Customers", connected: true, strength: 80 },
{ ssid: "Toradex Guests", connected: false, strength: 80 },
{ ssid: "Free Airport WiFi", connected: false, strength: 30 },
callback bluetooth-toggled(bool);
callback reboot-device();
VerticalBox {
HorizontalLayout {
Text {
text: "Control Panel";
font-size: 2rem;
Text {
text: "12:34";
horizontal-alignment: right;
TabWidget {
Tab {
title: "Networking";
VerticalBox {
alignment: start;
wifi-enabled := Switch {
text: "WiFi";
GroupBox {
title: "Networks:";
WifiNetworkList {
enabled: wifi-enabled.checked;
networks <=> root.wifi-networks;
Switch {
text: "Bluetooth";
toggled => {
Switch {
text: "VPN";
Tab {
title: "Display Settings";
VerticalBox {
alignment: start;
GroupBox {
title: "Brightness";
VerticalBox {
Slider {
maximum: 100;
value: 60;
enabled: !auto-brightness.checked;
auto-brightness := Switch {
text: "Automatic Brightness";
checked: false;
GroupBox {
title: "Screen Refresh Rate";
ComboBox {
model: [
HorizontalBox {
alignment: start;
Button {
text: "Enter Service Mode";
Button {
text: "Reboot Device";
clicked => { root.reboot-device(); }
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