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Last active October 18, 2023 14:27
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  • Save trophygeek/d67ecb90cdb5f093313757d9e0d7f46e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save trophygeek/d67ecb90cdb5f093313757d9e0d7f46e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Simple and easy to understand bloom filter in javascript for the browser. Uses BigInts and crypto.subtle.digest in 29 lines
Simple and fast bloom filter (about 40 lines of actual code)
Uses build-in hash and BigInts to do work. Hash requires async/await
Meant for use in browser code not node
used like this:
// add to bloom
const bloomFilter = new BloomFilter();
bloomFilter.loadSaved(); // optional loading from localstorage
await bloomFilter.add("test1");
await bloomFilter.add("test2");
// check for values later
const found = await.bloomFilter.contains("test1"); // MAY be in bloom
const notFound = await.bloomFilter.contains("test3"); // Definitely NOT in bloom
...; // optional save
class BloomFilter {
// may use 'SHA-256' for better distribution
constructor(shaStr='SHA-1') {
this.bloomBigInt = BigInt(0);
this.encoder = new TextEncoder(); // performance
this.shaStr = shaStr;
async hash(item) {
// hash into buffer
const hashBuffer = await crypto.subtle.digest(this.shaStr, // e.g.'SHA-1'
// hash buffer to bigint passes through hex string. must be a better way?
const hashArray = Array.from(new Uint8Array(hashBuffer));
const hashHex = hashArray
.map((b) => b.toString(16).padStart(2, "0"))
return BigInt(`0x${hashHex}`);
async add(item) {
const bn = await this.hash(item);
this.bloomBigInt = bn | this.bloomBigInt;
async contains(item) {
const bn = await this.hash(item);
return (bn & this.bloomBigInt) === bn;
// the save/restore could use some work
save() {
localStorage.setItem(`bloomSha1`, this.bloomBigInt.toString());
loadSaved() {
const loadedBitsStr = localStorage.getItem(`bloomSha1`) || '';
if (loadedBitsStr?.length) {
this.bloomBigInt = BigInt(loadedBitsStr);
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