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Created March 25, 2012 11:12
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hackable mercurial 2.1 のテスト結果
Skipped test-add.t: system supports Windows
Skipped test-addremove.t: system supports Windows
Skipped test-alias.t: missing feature: system() uses sh
Skipped test-archive-symlinks.t: missing feature: symbolic links
Skipped test-archive.t: missing feature: platform and python can manage 'hg serve -d'
Skipped test-audit-path.t: missing feature: symbolic links
Skipped test-bad-pull.t: missing feature: platform and python can manage 'hg serve -d'
Skipped test-bisect.t: missing feature: system() uses sh
Skipped test-bookmarks-pushpull.t: missing feature: platform and python can manage 'hg serve -d'
Skipped test-bundle.t: missing feature: system() uses sh
Skipped test-casecollision.t: system supports case insensitive file system
Skipped test-changelog-exec.t: missing feature: executable bit
Skipped test-check-pyflakes.t: missing feature: Pyflakes python linter
Skipped test-clone-cgi.t: system supports Windows with MSYS
Skipped test-clone-failure.t: missing feature: unix-style permissions
Skipped test-clone-pull-corruption.t: missing feature: system() uses sh
Skipped test-command-template.t: missing feature: unix-style permissions
Skipped test-commit.t: missing feature: symbolic links
Skipped test-convert-baz: missing feature: GNU Arch baz client
Skipped test-convert-bzr-114.t: missing feature: Canonical's Bazaar client >= 1.14
Skipped test-convert-bzr-directories.t: missing feature: Canonical's Bazaar client
Skipped test-convert-bzr-ghosts.t: missing feature: Canonical's Bazaar client
Skipped test-convert-bzr-merges.t: missing feature: Canonical's Bazaar client
Skipped test-convert-bzr-treeroot.t: missing feature: Canonical's Bazaar client
Skipped test-convert-bzr.t: missing feature: executable bit
Skipped test-convert-cvs-branch.t: missing feature: cvs client/server
Skipped test-convert-cvs-detectmerge.t: missing feature: cvs client/server
Skipped test-convert-cvs-synthetic.t: missing feature: cvs client/server
Skipped test-convert-cvs.t: missing feature: cvs client/server
Skipped test-convert-cvsnt-mergepoints.t: missing feature: cvs client/server
Skipped test-convert-darcs.t: missing feature: darcs client
Skipped test-convert-git.t: missing feature: git command line client
Skipped test-convert-hg-source.t: missing feature: executable bit
Skipped test-convert-hg-svn.t: missing feature: subversion python bindings
Skipped test-convert-mtn.t: missing feature: monotone client (>= 1.0)
Skipped test-convert-p4: missing feature: Perforce server and client
Skipped test-convert-p4-filetypes: missing feature: symbolic links
Skipped test-convert-svn-branches.t: missing feature: subversion python bindings
Skipped test-convert-svn-encoding.t: missing feature: subversion python bindings
Skipped test-convert-svn-move.t: missing feature: subversion python bindings
Skipped test-convert-svn-sink.t: missing feature: executable bit
Skipped test-convert-svn-source.t: missing feature: subversion python bindings
Skipped test-convert-svn-startrev.t: missing feature: subversion python bindings
Skipped test-convert-svn-tags.t: missing feature: subversion python bindings
Skipped test-convert-tagsbranch-topology.t: missing feature: git command line client
Skipped test-convert-tla.t: missing feature: symbolic links
Skipped test-convert.t: missing feature: unix-style permissions
Skipped test-diff-color.t: missing feature: executable bit
Skipped test-diff-upgrade.t: missing feature: executable bit
Skipped test-eol.t: missing feature: unix-style permissions
Skipped test-eolfilename.t: missing feature: end-of-lines in paths
Skipped test-execute-bit.t: missing feature: executable bit
Skipped test-extdiff.t: missing feature: executable bit
Skipped test-fetch.t: missing feature: platform and python can manage 'hg serve -d'
Skipped missing feature: cacheable filesystem
Skipped test-flags.t: missing feature: executable bit
Skipped test-gendoc.t: missing feature: Docutils text processing library
Skipped test-getbundle.t: missing feature: platform and python can manage 'hg serve -d'
Skipped test-git-export.t: missing feature: executable bit
Skipped test-gpg.t: missing feature: gpg client
Skipped test-hardlinks.t: system supports Windows
Skipped test-hgweb-commands.t: missing feature: platform and python can manage 'hg serve -d'
Skipped test-hgweb-descend-empties.t: missing feature: platform and python can manage 'hg serve -d'
Skipped test-hgweb-diffs.t: missing feature: executable bit
Skipped test-hgweb-empty.t: missing feature: platform and python can manage 'hg serve -d'
Skipped test-hgweb-filelog.t: missing feature: platform and python can manage 'hg serve -d'
Skipped test-hgweb-raw.t: missing feature: platform and python can manage 'hg serve -d'
Skipped test-hgweb-removed.t: missing feature: platform and python can manage 'hg serve -d'
Skipped test-hgweb.t: missing feature: platform and python can manage 'hg serve -d'
Skipped test-hgwebdir.t: missing feature: platform and python can manage 'hg serve -d'
Skipped test-hgwebdirsym.t: missing feature: symbolic links
Skipped test-highlight.t: missing feature: platform and python can manage 'hg serve -d'
Skipped test-hook.t: missing feature: system() uses sh
Skipped test-http-branchmap.t: missing feature: platform and python can manage 'hg serve -d'
Skipped test-http-clone-r.t: missing feature: platform and python can manage 'hg serve -d'
Skipped test-http-proxy.t: missing feature: platform and python can manage 'hg serve -d'
Skipped test-http.t: missing feature: platform and python can manage 'hg serve -d'
Skipped test-https.t: missing feature: python >= 2.6 ssl module and python OpenSSL
Skipped test-hup.t: missing feature: named pipes
Skipped test-i18n.t: missing feature: GNU Gettext (msgfmt)
Skipped test-identify.t: missing feature: platform and python can manage 'hg serve -d'
Skipped test-import-bypass.t: missing feature: executable bit
Skipped test-import-git.t: missing feature: symbolic links
Skipped test-import.t: missing feature: unix-style permissions
Skipped test-incoming-outgoing.t: missing feature: platform and python can manage 'hg serve -d'
Skipped test-inherit-mode.t: missing feature: unix-style permissions
Skipped test-init.t: system supports Windows
Skipped test-inotify-debuginotify.t: missing feature: inotify extension support
Skipped test-inotify-dirty-dirstate.t: missing feature: inotify extension support
Skipped test-inotify-issue1208.t: missing feature: inotify extension support
Skipped test-inotify-issue1371.t: missing feature: inotify extension support
Skipped test-inotify-issue1542.t: missing feature: inotify extension support
Skipped test-inotify-issue1556.t: missing feature: inotify extension support
Skipped test-inotify-lookup.t: missing feature: inotify extension support
Skipped test-inotify.t: missing feature: inotify extension support
Skipped test-interhg.t: missing feature: platform and python can manage 'hg serve -d'
Skipped test-issue1438.t: missing feature: symbolic links
Skipped test-issue1802.t: missing feature: executable bit
Skipped test-journal-exists.t: missing feature: unix-style permissions
Skipped test-keyword.t: missing feature: platform and python can manage 'hg serve -d'
Skipped test-known.t: missing feature: platform and python can manage 'hg serve -d'
Skipped test-largefiles.t: missing feature: platform and python can manage 'hg serve -d'
Skipped test-lock-badness.t: missing feature: unix-style permissions
Skipped test-log.t: missing feature: executable bit
Skipped test-manifest.t: missing feature: symbolic links
Skipped test-merge-symlinks.t: missing feature: symbolic links
Skipped test-merge-tools.t: missing feature: system() uses sh
Skipped test-merge-types.t: missing feature: executable bit
Skipped test-mq-qclone-http.t: missing feature: platform and python can manage 'hg serve -d'
Skipped test-mq-qimport.t: missing feature: platform and python can manage 'hg serve -d'
Skipped test-mq-symlinks.t: missing feature: symbolic links
Skipped test-mq.t: missing feature: executable bit
Skipped test-newcgi.t: system supports Windows with MSYS
Skipped test-newercgi.t: system supports Windows with MSYS
Skipped test-oldcgi.t: system supports Windows with MSYS
Skipped test-patchbomb.t: missing feature: system() uses sh
Skipped test-paths.t: system supports Windows with MSYS
Skipped test-pending.t: missing feature: system() uses sh
Skipped test-permissions.t: missing feature: unix-style permissions
Skipped test-pull-http.t: missing feature: platform and python can manage 'hg serve -d'
Skipped test-pull-permission.t: missing feature: unix-style permissions
Skipped test-pull.t: missing feature: platform and python can manage 'hg serve -d'
Skipped test-push-cgi.t: system supports Windows with MSYS
Skipped test-push-http.t: missing feature: platform and python can manage 'hg serve -d'
Skipped test-record.t: missing feature: executable bit
Skipped test-rename.t: missing feature: symbolic links
Skipped test-repair-strip.t: missing feature: unix-style permissions
Skipped test-revert-flags.t: missing feature: executable bit
Skipped test-revert.t: missing feature: executable bit
Skipped test-revset.t: system supports Windows with MSYS
Skipped test-rollback.t: missing feature: platform and python can manage 'hg serve -d'
Skipped test-schemes.t: missing feature: platform and python can manage 'hg serve -d'
Skipped test-serve.t: missing feature: platform and python can manage 'hg serve -d'
Skipped test-share.t: missing feature: platform and python can manage 'hg serve -d'
Skipped test-static-http.t: missing feature: platform and python can manage 'hg serve -d'
Skipped test-status-color.t: missing feature: terminfo compiler
Skipped test-subrepo-git.t: missing feature: git command line client
Skipped test-subrepo-relative-path.t: missing feature: platform and python can manage 'hg serve -d'
Skipped irrelevant
Skipped test-symlink-placeholder.t: missing feature: symbolic links
Skipped test-symlinks.t: missing feature: symbolic links
Skipped test-tag.t: missing feature: system() uses sh
Skipped test-tags.t: missing feature: unix-style permissions
Skipped test-transplant.t: missing feature: platform and python can manage 'hg serve -d'
Skipped test-treediscovery-legacy.t: missing feature: platform and python can manage 'hg serve -d'
Skipped test-treediscovery.t: missing feature: platform and python can manage 'hg serve -d'
Skipped test-unbundlehash.t: missing feature: platform and python can manage 'hg serve -d'
Skipped test-update-issue1456.t: missing feature: executable bit
Skipped test-walk.t: system supports Windows
Skipped test-wireproto.t: missing feature: platform and python can manage 'hg serve -d'
Failed test-encoding-align.t: output changed
Failed test-encoding.t: output changed
Failed test-lfconvert.t: output changed
Failed test-mq-qnew.t: output changed
Failed test-mq-subrepo-svn.t: output changed
Failed test-phases-exchange.t: output changed
Failed test-rebase-scenario-global.t: output changed
Failed test-ssh.t: output changed
Failed test-subrepo-svn.t: output changed
# Ran 288 tests, 150 skipped, 9 failed.
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