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Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
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Conversion script for Face Pile positions
require 'csv'
# Script used to convert the face pile positioning document Nebs put together in
# I made a copy of this document and cleaned it to make it easier to parse:
# This is the document used in this script.
styles = {}
CSV.foreach('face_pile_positions.csv') do |row|
percentage = row[0]
is_packed = !!row[1]
number = row[2].to_i
left = (row[8].to_f * 100).round(2)
top = (row[9].to_f * 100).round(2)
size = (row[10].to_f * 100).round(2)
style = []
style << " top: #{top}%;"
style << " left: #{left}%;"
style << " width: #{size}%;"
style << " height: #{size}%;"
classes = styles[style.join("\n")] ||= []
classes << ".face-pile__face-#{percentage}-#{number}#{('-packed' if is_packed)}"
end do |style, classes|
puts classes.join(",\n") + ' {'
puts style
puts '}'
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