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Created January 12, 2011 18:49
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Draft of js spatial hash
* Module dependencies
var Vector = require('../public/lib/vector'),
_floor = Math.floor;
* Zone constructor
* @param {string} name zone name.
* @param {int} cellsize the w/h of each cell in the grid.
* @constructor
var Zone = function(name, cellsize) { = name;
this.grid = {}; //Grid hash
this.ent = {}; //Raw entity list
this.cellSize = cellsize;
* Gets the bucket key for a x, y pair
* and returns the hash string
* @param {float} x x-coordinate.
* @param {float} y y-coordinate.
* @return {int} key.
Zone.prototype._rawKey = function(x, y) {
var cs = this.cellSize,
a = _floor(x / cs),
b = _floor(y / cs);
return (b << 16) ^ a;
* Gets the bucket key for a x,y pair without cs lookup
* @param {float} x xcoord.
* @param {float} y ycoord.
* @param {int} c cellSize of grid.
* @return {int} key.
Zone._fastKey = function(x, y, c) {
var a = _floor(x / c),
b = _floor(y / c);
return (b << 16) ^ a;
* Adds an entity to the zone entity list
* @param {Entity} e Entity.
* @param {function} _cb callback(err,
Zone.prototype.addEntity = function(e, _cb) {
this.ent[] = e;
* Returns an entity from the entity list based on its id
* @param {var} id Entity id.
* @return {Entity} Matching entity.
Zone.prototype.getEntity = function(id) {
return this.ent[id];
* Deletes an entity from the entity list based on its id
* @param {var} id Entity id.
Zone.prototype.delEntity = function(id) {
delete this.ent[id];
* Returns entities in the same hash bucket as the given vector
* @param {Vector} vec Vector.
* @param {function} _cb callback(error,result);.
Zone.prototype.getClosest = function(vec, _cb) {
if (!vec) _cb('No vector supplied');
var key = this._rawKey(vec.x, vec.y);
_cb(null, this.grid[key]);
* Get the keys of the buckets within range n from a given vector
* @param {Vector} vec Vector.
* @param {float} n checking range.
* @param {function} _cb callback(error,result).
Zone.prototype.getAreaKeys = function(vec, n, _cb) {
if (!vec || !n) _cb('No vector or distance supplied');
var nwx = vec.x - n,
nwy = vec.y - n,
sex = vec.x + n,
sey = vec.y + n,
cs = this.cellSize,
grid = this.grid,
retval = [],
rk = Zone._fastKey;
for (var x = nwx; x <= sex; x = x + cs) {
for (var y = nwy; y <= sey; y = y + cs) {
var g = rk(x, y, cs);
_cb(null, retval);
* Gets the Id of all entities within distance n of the given vector
* @param {Vector} vec Vector.
* @param {float} n checking range.
* @param {function} _cb callback(err,[ids]);.
Zone.prototype.getAreaIds = function(vec, n, _cb) {
if (!vec || !n) _cb('No vector or distance supplied');
//Todo: this needs to start at NW corner of zone vector is in...
//Scary bug present
//Get all entities within a certain area around the supplied vector
var anwx = vec.x - n,
anwy = vec.y - n,
asex = vec.x + n,
asey = vec.y + n,
cs = this.cellSize,
retval = [],
grid = this.grid,
rk = Zone._fastKey;
//Step with this.cellSize in x/y, dump id of entities along the way
for (var x = anwx; x <= asex; x = x + cs) {
for (var y = anwy; y <= asey; y = y + cs) {
var g = grid[rk(x, y, cs)];
if(!g) continue;
var gl = g.length;
var thiseid = g[gl].id;
if(retval.indexOf(thiseid) == -1) retval.push(thiseid);
_cb(null, retval);
* Rebuilds the grid hash
Zone.prototype.update = function() {
delete this.grid;
this.grid = {};
var ent = this.ent,
g = this.grid,
cs = this.cellSize,
atg = Zone.addToGrid;
for (var e in ent) {
atg(ent[e], g, cs);
* Adds an entity to the grid hash
* @param {Entity} e Entity.
* @param {Array} grid zone instance grid.
* @param {int} cs grid cell size.
Zone.addToGrid = function(e, grid, cs) {
if (!e || !grid || !cs) return;
//Data needed, entity position, checking distance
var px = e.pos.x,
py = e.pos.y,
dist = e.rad,
distdist = dist + dist;
//Add double the objects radius to the position to form padded AABB
//we pad because the grid is not updated every tick, and the padding
//prevents an entity from suddenly swithing cells between updates
co = [px - distdist, py - distdist,
px + distdist, py - distdist,
px - distdist, py + distdist,
px + distdist, py + distdist],
//cells entity needs to be in
ec = [],
//local ref to key function
rk = Zone._fastKey;
//For each corner of AABB check corners location
//and add entity to all cells that the AABB corners are in
//This does not allow for objects larger than cells, but then
//again this is not needed in this implementation.
//To allow for such objects simply iterate nw->se corner and step
//with distdist or something smaller than cellsize and add entity
//to each iterated location.
for (var c = 0; c < 8; c = c + 2) {
var key = rk(co[c], co[c + 1], cs);
if (ec.indexOf(key) == -1) {
var gk = grid[key];
gk ? gk.push(e) : grid[key] = [e];
module.exports = Zone;
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