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MetalStateCaches for concurrency debugging
// Caches.swift
// MetalRenderer
// Created by Thomas Roughton on 24/12/17.
#if canImport(Metal)
@preconcurrency import Metal
import SubstrateUtilities
final actor MetalFunctionCache {
let library: MTLLibrary
private var functionCache = [FunctionDescriptor : MTLFunction]()
private var functionTasks = [FunctionDescriptor : Task<Void, Error>]()
init(library: MTLLibrary) {
self.library = library
private func setFunction(_ function: MTLFunction, for descriptor: FunctionDescriptor) {
self.functionCache[descriptor] = function
@_optimize(none) @inline(never)
nonisolated func createFunction(for functionDescriptor: FunctionDescriptor) async throws {
print("In functionTask for descriptor \(")
let function = try await library.makeFunction(name:, constantValues: { MTLFunctionConstantValues($0) } ?? MTLFunctionConstantValues())
await self.setFunction(function, for: functionDescriptor)
func function(for functionDescriptor: FunctionDescriptor) async -> MTLFunction? {
if let function = self.functionCache[functionDescriptor] {
return function
let functionTask: Task<Void, Error>
if let task = self.functionTasks[functionDescriptor] {
functionTask = task
} else {
let library = self.library
print("Creating functionTask for descriptor \(")
functionTask = Task.detached {
try await self.createFunction(for: functionDescriptor)
self.functionTasks[functionDescriptor] = functionTask
do {
_ = try await functionTask.value
return self.functionCache[functionDescriptor]!
} catch {
print("MetalRenderGraph: Error creating function named \(\( { " with constants \($0)" } ?? ""): \(error)")
return nil
final actor MetalRenderPipelineCache {
struct RenderPipelineFunctionNames : Hashable {
var vertexFunction : String
var fragmentFunction : String
let device: MTLDevice
let functionCache: MetalFunctionCache
private var renderStates = [MetalRenderPipelineDescriptor : MTLRenderPipelineState]()
private var renderReflection = [RenderPipelineDescriptor: MetalPipelineReflection]()
private var renderStateTasks = [MetalRenderPipelineDescriptor : Task<Void, Error>]()
init(device: MTLDevice, functionCache: MetalFunctionCache) {
self.device = device
self.functionCache = functionCache
private func setState(_ state: MTLRenderPipelineState, reflection: MetalPipelineReflection, for descriptor: MetalRenderPipelineDescriptor) {
self.renderStates[descriptor] = state
if self.renderReflection[descriptor.descriptor] == nil {
self.renderReflection[descriptor.descriptor] = reflection
@_optimize(none) @inline(never)
nonisolated func createRenderState(metalDescriptor: MetalRenderPipelineDescriptor) async throws {
print("In renderStateTask for descriptor \(metalDescriptor)")
guard let mtlDescriptor = await MTLRenderPipelineDescriptor(metalDescriptor, functionCache: self.functionCache) else {
var reflection: MTLAutoreleasedRenderPipelineReflection? = nil
let state = try self.device.makeRenderPipelineState(descriptor: mtlDescriptor, options: [.bufferTypeInfo], reflection: &reflection)
// TODO: can we retrieve the thread execution width for render pipelines?
let pipelineReflection = MetalPipelineReflection(threadExecutionWidth: 4, vertexFunction: mtlDescriptor.vertexFunction!, fragmentFunction: mtlDescriptor.fragmentFunction, renderState: state, renderReflection: reflection!)
await self.setState(state, reflection: pipelineReflection, for: metalDescriptor)
public func state(descriptor: RenderPipelineDescriptor, renderTarget renderTarget: RenderTargetDescriptor) async -> MTLRenderPipelineState? {
let metalDescriptor = MetalRenderPipelineDescriptor(descriptor, renderTargetDescriptor: renderTarget)
if let state = self.renderStates[metalDescriptor] {
return state
let renderStateTask: Task<Void, Error>
if let task = self.renderStateTasks[metalDescriptor] {
renderStateTask = task
} else {
print("Creating renderStateTask for descriptor \(metalDescriptor)")
renderStateTask = Task.detached {
try await self.createRenderState(metalDescriptor: metalDescriptor)
self.renderStateTasks[metalDescriptor] = renderStateTask
do {
_ = try await renderStateTask.value
return self.renderStates[metalDescriptor]
} catch {
print("MetalRenderGraph: Error creating render pipeline state for descriptor \(descriptor): \(error)")
return nil
public func reflection(descriptor pipelineDescriptor: RenderPipelineDescriptor, renderTarget: RenderTargetDescriptor) async -> MetalPipelineReflection? {
if let reflection = self.renderReflection[pipelineDescriptor] {
return reflection
guard await self.state(descriptor: pipelineDescriptor, renderTarget: renderTarget) != nil else {
return nil
return await self.reflection(descriptor: pipelineDescriptor, renderTarget: renderTarget)
final actor MetalComputePipelineCache {
struct CacheKey: Hashable {
var descriptor: ComputePipelineDescriptor
var threadgroupSizeIsMultipleOfThreadExecutionWidth: Bool
let device: MTLDevice
let functionCache: MetalFunctionCache
private var computeStates = [CacheKey: MTLComputePipelineState]()
private var computeReflection = [ComputePipelineDescriptor: MetalPipelineReflection]()
private var computeStateTasks = [CacheKey : Task<Void, Error>]()
init(device: MTLDevice, functionCache: MetalFunctionCache) {
self.device = device
self.functionCache = functionCache
private func setState(_ state: MTLComputePipelineState, reflection: MetalPipelineReflection, for cacheKey: CacheKey) {
self.computeStates[cacheKey] = state
if self.computeReflection[cacheKey.descriptor] == nil {
self.computeReflection[cacheKey.descriptor] = reflection
@_optimize(none) @inline(never)
nonisolated func createComputeState(cacheKey: CacheKey) async throws {
let descriptor = cacheKey.descriptor
guard let function = await self.functionCache.function(for: descriptor.function) else {
let mtlDescriptor = MTLComputePipelineDescriptor()
mtlDescriptor.computeFunction = function
mtlDescriptor.threadGroupSizeIsMultipleOfThreadExecutionWidth = cacheKey.threadgroupSizeIsMultipleOfThreadExecutionWidth
if !descriptor.linkedFunctions.isEmpty, #available(iOS 14.0, macOS 11.0, *) {
var functions = [MTLFunction]()
for functionDescriptor in descriptor.linkedFunctions {
if let function = await self.functionCache.function(for: functionDescriptor) {
let linkedFunctions = MTLLinkedFunctions()
linkedFunctions.functions = functions
mtlDescriptor.linkedFunctions = linkedFunctions
var reflection: MTLAutoreleasedComputePipelineReflection? = nil
let state = try self.device.makeComputePipelineState(descriptor: mtlDescriptor, options: [.bufferTypeInfo], reflection: &reflection)
let pipelineReflection = MetalPipelineReflection(threadExecutionWidth: state.threadExecutionWidth, function: mtlDescriptor.computeFunction!, computeState: state, computeReflection: reflection!)
await self.setState(state, reflection: pipelineReflection, for: cacheKey)
public func state(descriptor: ComputePipelineDescriptor, threadgroupSizeIsMultipleOfThreadExecutionWidth: Bool = false) async -> MTLComputePipelineState? {
// Figure out whether the thread group size is always a multiple of the thread execution width and set the optimisation hint appropriately.
let cacheKey = CacheKey(descriptor: descriptor, threadgroupSizeIsMultipleOfThreadExecutionWidth: threadgroupSizeIsMultipleOfThreadExecutionWidth)
if let state = self.computeStates[cacheKey] {
return state
let computeStateTask: Task<Void, Error>
if let task = self.computeStateTasks[cacheKey] {
computeStateTask = task
} else {
computeStateTask = Task.detached {
try await self.createComputeState(cacheKey: cacheKey)
self.computeStateTasks[cacheKey] = computeStateTask
do {
_ = try await computeStateTask.value
return self.computeStates[cacheKey]
} catch {
print("MetalRenderGraph: Error creating compute pipeline state for descriptor \(descriptor): \(error)")
return nil
public func reflection(for pipelineDescriptor: ComputePipelineDescriptor) async -> MetalPipelineReflection? {
if let reflection = self.computeReflection[pipelineDescriptor] {
return reflection
guard await self.state(descriptor: pipelineDescriptor) != nil else {
return nil
return await self.reflection(for: pipelineDescriptor)
final actor MetalDepthStencilStateCache {
struct RenderPipelineFunctionNames : Hashable {
var vertexFunction : String
var fragmentFunction : String
let device: MTLDevice
let defaultDepthState : MTLDepthStencilState
private var depthStates: [(DepthStencilDescriptor, MTLDepthStencilState)]
init(device: MTLDevice) {
self.device = device
let defaultDepthDescriptor = DepthStencilDescriptor()
let mtlDescriptor = MTLDepthStencilDescriptor(defaultDepthDescriptor)
let defaultDepthState = self.device.makeDepthStencilState(descriptor: mtlDescriptor)!
self.defaultDepthState = defaultDepthState
self.depthStates = [(defaultDepthDescriptor, defaultDepthState)]
public subscript(descriptor: DepthStencilDescriptor) -> MTLDepthStencilState {
if let (_, state) = self.depthStates.first(where: { $0.0 == descriptor }) {
return state
let mtlDescriptor = MTLDepthStencilDescriptor(descriptor)
let state = self.device.makeDepthStencilState(descriptor: mtlDescriptor)!
self.depthStates.append((descriptor, state))
return state
final class MetalArgumentEncoderCache {
let device: MTLDevice
private var cache: [ArgumentBufferDescriptor: MTLArgumentEncoder]
let lock = SpinLock()
init(device: MTLDevice) {
self.device = device
self.cache = [:]
deinit {
public subscript(descriptor: ArgumentBufferDescriptor) -> MTLArgumentEncoder {
return self.lock.withLock {
if let encoder = self.cache[descriptor] {
return encoder
let arguments = descriptor.argumentDescriptors
let encoder = self.device.makeArgumentEncoder(arguments: arguments)
self.cache[descriptor] = encoder
return encoder!
final class MetalStateCaches {
let device : MTLDevice
var libraryURL : URL?
var loadedLibraryModificationDate : Date = .distantPast
var functionCache: MetalFunctionCache
var renderPipelineCache: MetalRenderPipelineCache
var computePipelineCache: MetalComputePipelineCache
let depthStencilCache: MetalDepthStencilStateCache
let argumentEncoderCache: MetalArgumentEncoderCache
public init(device: MTLDevice, libraryPath: String?) {
self.device = device
let library: MTLLibrary
if let libraryPath = libraryPath {
var libraryURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: libraryPath)
var isDirectory: ObjCBool = false
if FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: libraryPath, isDirectory: &isDirectory), isDirectory.boolValue {
#if os(macOS) || targetEnvironment(macCatalyst)
libraryURL = libraryURL.appendingPathComponent(device.isAppleSiliconGPU ? "Library-macOSAppleSilicon.metallib" : "Library-macOS.metallib")
libraryURL = libraryURL.appendingPathComponent("Library-iOS.metallib")
library = try! device.makeLibrary(filepath: libraryURL.path)
self.libraryURL = libraryURL
self.loadedLibraryModificationDate = try! libraryURL.resourceValues(forKeys: [.contentModificationDateKey]).contentModificationDate!
} else {
library = device.makeDefaultLibrary()!
self.functionCache = MetalFunctionCache(library: library)
self.renderPipelineCache = .init(device: self.device, functionCache: functionCache)
self.computePipelineCache = .init(device: self.device, functionCache: functionCache)
self.depthStencilCache = .init(device: self.device)
self.argumentEncoderCache = .init(device: self.device)
func checkForLibraryReload() async {
self.libraryURL?.removeCachedResourceValue(forKey: .contentModificationDateKey)
guard let libraryURL = self.libraryURL else { return }
if FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: libraryURL.path),
let currentModificationDate = try? libraryURL.resourceValues(forKeys: [.contentModificationDateKey]).contentModificationDate,
currentModificationDate > self.loadedLibraryModificationDate {
for queue in QueueRegistry.allQueues {
await queue.waitForCommandCompletion(queue.lastSubmittedCommand) // Wait for all commands to finish on all queues.
// Metal won't pick up the changes if we use the makeLibrary(filePath:) initialiser,
// so we have to load into a DispatchData instead.
guard let data = try? Data(contentsOf: libraryURL) else {
guard let library = data.withUnsafeBytes({ bytes -> MTLLibrary? in
let dispatchData = DispatchData(bytes: bytes)
return try? device.makeLibrary(data: dispatchData as __DispatchData)
}) else { return }
self.functionCache = MetalFunctionCache(library: library)
self.renderPipelineCache = .init(device: self.device, functionCache: functionCache)
self.computePipelineCache = .init(device: self.device, functionCache: functionCache)
self.loadedLibraryModificationDate = currentModificationDate
public func renderPipelineReflection(descriptor pipelineDescriptor: RenderPipelineDescriptor, renderTarget: RenderTargetDescriptor) async -> MetalPipelineReflection? {
return await self.renderPipelineCache.reflection(descriptor: pipelineDescriptor, renderTarget: renderTarget)
public func computePipelineReflection(descriptor: ComputePipelineDescriptor) async -> MetalPipelineReflection? {
return await self.computePipelineCache.reflection(for: descriptor)
#endif // canImport(Metal)
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