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Last active April 12, 2019 02:10
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This is a script for alfred to post to a WordPress, adding the category micro, post format status and as a note. There is no title. I use a hotkey cmd-alt-cnrl-m alfred passes the selected text in the topmost app to the script as q. I don't deal with special chars. Password hard coded is probably not a good idea. Obviously you could edit categor…
on alfred_script(q)
set myBlogUsername to "USERNAME"
set myBlogPass to "PASSWORD"
set cat to {category:{"Micro"}, kind:{"note"}}
set poststrut to {post_type:"post", post_status:"publish", post_format:"status", post_title:"", post_content:q, terms_names:cat, comment_status:"open"}
tell application ""
set myPosts to call xmlrpc {method name:"wp.newPost", parameters:{"1", myBlogUsername, myBlogPass, poststrut}}
return myPosts
end tell
end alfred_script
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