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Last active February 10, 2019 13:18
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AppleScript Get your favourites from find photos and make thumbnail grid needs JSON Helper and an app token from your account
* Inspired by smokey
* url for thubnail from @smokey too
* html Thumbnail image griid from favs
* NEEDS JSON Helper free from
* Needs a App token from
* updated to use cloudimage you need a token from iin CLOUDIMAGETOKEN below.
set apptoken to "GET_AN_APP_TOKEN"
set myDate to current date
set myNewDate to myDate - (7 * days)
set scrpt to "curl -X GET -H \"Authorization: Bearer " & apptoken & "\" \"\""
set thejson to do shell script scrpt
tell application "JSON Helper"
set links to read JSON from thejson
set linkstopost to ""
repeat with n from 1 to count of item 4 of items of links
set link to item n of item 4 of items of links
set tusername to username of _microblog of author of link
set tdate_published to date_published of link
set tid to |id| of link
set tcontent_html to content_html of link
set turl to |url| of link
set aslinkdate to my convertDate(tdate_published)
if aslinkdate < myNewDate then exit repeat
if ((offset of "<img" in tcontent_html) > 0) then
set imgsrc to my getFirstImageSrc(tcontent_html)
set linkstopost to linkstopost & "<a href='" & turl & "'><img src='" & imgsrc & "'></a>"
end if
end repeat
tell application "BBEdit"
make new text window ¬
with properties {contents:linkstopost}
end tell -- application "BBEdit"
end tell
to getFirstImageSrc(html)
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "<img"
set html to text item 2 of html
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ">"
set html to text item 1 of html
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "src=\""
set html to text item 2 of html
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "\""
return text item 1 of html
on error
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "src='"
set html to text item 2 of html
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "'"
return text item 1 of html
end try
end getFirstImageSrc
to convertDate(textdate)
set resultDate to the current date
set the year of resultDate to (text 1 thru 4 of textdate)
set the month of resultDate to (text 6 thru 7 of textdate)
set the day of resultDate to (text 9 thru 10 of textdate)
set the time of resultDate to 0
if (length of textdate) > 10 then
set the hours of resultDate to (text 12 thru 13 of textdate)
set the minutes of resultDate to (text 15 thru 16 of textdate)
if (length of textdate) > 16 then
set the seconds of resultDate to (text 18 thru 19 of textdate)
end if
end if
return resultDate
end convertDate
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