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Created February 1, 2017 16:03
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Reject an entire feed import if a required field in feeds_tamper fails
* Implements hook_feeds_after_parse().
function my_module_feeds_after_parse(FeedsSource $source, FeedsParserResult $result) {
// $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM feeds_log WHERE request_time = " . REQUEST_TIME . " AND id = " . $source->id . " AND type LIKE '%feeds_tamper:required%'" ;
$number_of_prase_errors = db_select('feeds_log', 'f')
->fields('f', array('flid'))
->condition('request_time', REQUEST_TIME, '=')
->condition('id', $source->id, '=')
->condition('type', '%feeds_tamper:required%', 'LIKE')
if ($number_of_prase_errors > 0) {
// unset all the items so nothing gets uploaded
$result->items = array();
$args = array();
$source->log('my_module:reject_upload', 'There was a problem with the uploaded file. Please correct the above errors and try again.', $args);
drupal_set_message(t('There was a problem with the uploaded file. Please correct the above errors and try again.', $args));
* Implements hook_module_implements_alter().
* Make sure that our feeds_after_parse is called AFTER the same hook provided in feeds_tamper
function my_module_module_implements_alter(&$implementations, $hook) {
if ($hook == 'feeds_after_parse') {
// Move my_module_rdf_mapping() to the end of the list. module_implements()
// iterates through $implementations with a foreach loop which PHP iterates
// in the order that the items were added, so to move an item to the end of
// the array, we remove it and then add it.
$group = $implementations['my_module'];
$implementations['my_module'] = $group;
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