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Last active May 11, 2024 05:12
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Odoo Backup and Restore Scripts

Odoo Backup and Restore Scripts

These scripts provide a simple way to backup and restore Odoo databases and their associated filestores.


  • Creates a compressed backup of the Odoo database and filestore.
  • Restores an Odoo database and filestore from the created backup.


  • PostgreSQL client (pg_dump, createdb, dropdb) must be installed and accessible in the path.
  • The user must have permission to access and create/delete the database in PostgreSQL.
  • The scripts assume that Odoo filestore is present at /var/lib/odoo/filestore/.


Before using the scripts, ensure that the following environment variables are set:

  • HOST: The hostname of the PostgreSQL server.
  • USER: The username used for PostgreSQL connections.
  • PASSWORD: The password used for PostgreSQL connections.

These variables can be set in the environment or directly in the scripts.

Using the Backup Script

To create a backup of your Odoo database and filestore, use the script as follows:

./ <database_name>

Replace <database_name> with the name of your Odoo database.

The script will create a timestamped backup file in the defined BACKUP_DIR.

Using the Restore Script

To restore an Odoo database and filestore from a backup, use the script as follows:

./ <database_name>

Replace <database_name> with the name of the Odoo database to restore.

The script will look for the most recent backup in the defined BACKUP_DIR and restore it.


These scripts are provided "as is", without warranty of any kind. The user assumes all risks associated with the use of these scripts. Always test scripts in a non-production environment before use.

# Check if a parameter is provided
if [ "$#" -ne 1 ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 <database_name>" >&2
exit 1
TIMESTAMP=$(date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
# Ensure working directory exists
mkdir -p "${WORKING_DIR}"
# Backup database
echo "Backing up the PostgreSQL database..."
PGPASSWORD=$PASSWORD pg_dump -h $HOST -U $USER -F c -b -v -f "${WORKING_DIR}/${DATABASE}.sql" ${DATABASE} >&2
# Check if the dump was successful
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Failed to backup the database, exiting." >&2
exit 2
echo "Backing up the PostgreSQL database to a plain SQL script..."
PGPASSWORD=$PASSWORD pg_dump -h $HOST -U $USER -F p -b -v -f "${WORKING_DIR}/dump.sql" ${DATABASE} >&2
# Check if the plain SQL dump was successful
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Failed to backup the database to plain SQL script, exiting." >&2
exit 3
# Backup filestore
echo "Backing up the filestore..."
if [ -d "${FILESTORE_PATH}" ]; then
cp -r "${FILESTORE_PATH}" "${WORKING_DIR}/filestore" >&2
echo "Filestore directory does not exist, skipping filestore backup." >&2
# Compress backup
echo "Compressing backup..."
tar -czvf "${BACKUP_DIR}/${BACKUP_NAME}.tar.gz" -C "${WORKING_DIR}" . >&2
# Check for successful compression
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Failed to compress backup, exiting." >&2
exit 4
# Verify backup integrity
echo "Verifying backup integrity..."
tar -tzf "${BACKUP_DIR}/${BACKUP_NAME}.tar.gz" > /dev/null
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Backup file is corrupted, exiting." >&2
exit 5
# Clean up
echo "Cleaning up..."
rm -rf "${WORKING_DIR}"
echo "Backup completed successfully."
# Enforces strict mode
set -euo pipefail
# Function definitions
cleanup() {
echo "Cleaning up..."
rm -rf "${WORKING_DIR}"
# Constants
readonly BACKUP_DIR="/mnt/backup"
readonly BASE_FILESTORE_PATH="/var/lib/odoo/filestore"
# Validates input parameters
if [[ "$#" -ne 1 ]]; then
echo "Usage: $0 <database_name>"
exit 1
readonly DATABASE="$1"
readonly WORKING_DIR="/tmp/odoo_restore_${DATABASE}_$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S)"
# Setup trap for cleaning up on error
trap cleanup ERR
# Export PGPASSWORD for non-interactive postgres operations
# Find the most recent backup file
readonly LATEST_BACKUP=$(find "${BACKUP_DIR}" -name "${DATABASE}_*.tar.gz" -print | sort -r | head -1)
if [[ -z "${LATEST_BACKUP}" ]]; then
echo "No backup found for database ${DATABASE}."
exit 1
# Prepare working directory
mkdir -p "${WORKING_DIR}"
echo "Restoring from ${LATEST_BACKUP}..."
# Extract backup
tar -xzf "${LATEST_BACKUP}" -C "${WORKING_DIR}"
# Drop the existing database if it exists
echo "Dropping existing database (if it exists)..."
dropdb --if-exists --force -h "${HOST}" -U "${USER}" "${DATABASE}"
# Create the database
echo "Creating the database..."
createdb -h "${HOST}" -U "${USER}" "${DATABASE}"
# Restore database from the sql dump file
echo "Restoring the database..."
pg_restore --exit-on-error --verbose -h "${HOST}" -U "${USER}" -d "${DATABASE}" "${WORKING_DIR}/${DATABASE}.sql"
# Remove existing filestore if it exists
if [[ -d "${FILESTORE_PATH}" ]]; then
echo "Removing existing filestore..."
rm -rf "${FILESTORE_PATH}"
# Restore filestore
echo "Restoring the filestore..."
cp -r "${WORKING_DIR}/filestore" "${FILESTORE_PATH}"
# Cleanup after successful execution
echo "Restore completed successfully."
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