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Created September 15, 2018 17:24
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  • Save troysjanda/6e689dcb2ae1001def0fe017986f59ea to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save troysjanda/6e689dcb2ae1001def0fe017986f59ea to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# Expires: 3 days
# License: GPL-3.0
# Source:
# This file is a compiled binary, do not modify
# All modifications will be overwritten on the next build
nano-tiny-noopvast-2.0 text/xml
<VAST version="2.0"></VAST>
nano-tiny-noopvast-3.0 text/xml
<VAST version="3.0"></VAST>
nano-hijack-script-create.js application/javascript
(function() {
var _createElement = document.createElement;
var needle = '{{1}}';
if ( needle === '' || needle === '{{1}}' ) {
needle = '.?';
} else if ( needle.length > 2 &&
needle.startsWith('/') && needle.endsWith('/') ) {
needle = needle.slice(1,-1);
} else {
needle = needle.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&');
needle = new RegExp(needle);
document.createElement = function(name) {
var elem = _createElement.apply(this, arguments);
if ( name === 'script' ) {
elem.addEventListener('error', function(e) {
if ( needle.test(elem.src) ) {
var ev = new Event('load');
return elem;
nano-remove-elements-onready.js application/javascript
(function() {
var selector = '{{1}}';
if ( selector === '' || selector === '{{1}}' ) {
var remove = function() {
var elements = document.querySelectorAll(selector);
for ( var element of elements ) {
if ( document.readyState === 'interactive' ||
document.readyState === 'complete' ) {
} else {
addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', remove);
nano-make-bait-element.js application/javascript
(function() {
var identifier = '{{1}}';
var element = document.createElement('div');
if ( identifier.charAt(0) === '#' ) { = identifier.substring(1);
} else if ( identifier.charAt(0) === '.' ) {
element.className = identifier.substring(1);
} else {
} = 'none';
nano-vvvvid-it.js application/javascript
(function() {
// Based on KAADIVVVV
// License:
function defuse() {
var startAdv = function(f, b, e) {
var d = this;
var c = d.playlistItem.toJSON();
if ( ( 'vod_mode' in c ) && ( c.vod_mode & 1 ) === 0 &&
!vvvvid.user.svodActive() ) {
'Il video selezionato e disponibile solo in modalita abbonamento.',
function() {
if ( !f ) {
vvvvid.models.PlayerObj.prototype.startAdv = startAdv;
window[mnsJHnyT] = vvvvid.models.PlayerObj.prototype.startAdv;
if ( typeof vvvvid === 'object' ) {
} else {
addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', defuse);
nanop-colombiaonline-com.js application/javascript
(function() {
var guard = '{{nano}}';
if ( guard === '{{nano}}' ) {
var magic = 'a' + Math.random().toString(36).substring(2);
var testScript = "typeof otab == 'function'";
var testComment = /\d{5,} \d{1,2}/;
var getter = function() {
var script, temp;
temp = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(
'script:not([src]):not([' + magic + '])'
if (
document.currentScript &&
) {
if ( temp.length === 0 ) {
return true;
for ( var e of temp ) {
e.setAttribute(magic, 1);
if ( e.textContent && e.textContent.includes(testScript) ) {
script = e;
if ( script === undefined ) {
return true;
var prev = script.previousSibling;
temp = prev;
while ( temp = temp.previousSibling ) {
if (
temp.nodeType === Node.COMMENT_NODE &&
) {'display', 'none', 'important');
return false;
Object.defineProperty(window, "trev", {
set: function() { },
get: function() {
var r;
var i = 0;
do {
try {
r = getter();
} catch ( err ) {
} while ( i++, !r && i < 100 );
return null;
addEventListener('load', function() {
void trev;
var isInBackground = false;
var reStart = /^\/[a-z_]+\.cms/;
var reEnd = /^ \d{5,} \d{1,2} $/;
var adsHidder = function() {
if ( isInBackground || !document.body ) {
var iterator = document.createTreeWalker(
document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_COMMENT
var comment;
while ( comment = iterator.nextNode() ) {
if ( reStart.test( ) {
var toHide = [];
var prev = comment;
while ( prev = prev.previousSibling ) {
if (
prev.nodeType === Node.COMMENT_NODE &&
) {
if ( toHide.length < 15 ) {
for ( var e of toHide ) {
try {
'display', 'none', 'important'
} catch ( err ) { }
addEventListener('focus', function() {
isInBackground = false;
addEventListener('blur', function() {
isInBackground = true;
setInterval(adsHidder, 1000);
nanop-click-elements-onready.js application/javascript
(function() {
var guard = '{{nano}}';
if ( guard === '{{nano}}' ) {
var selector = '{{1}}';
if ( selector === '' || selector === '{{1}}' ) {
var click = function() {
var elements = document.querySelectorAll(selector);
for ( var element of elements ) {;
if ( document.readyState === 'interactive' ||
document.readyState === 'complete' ) {
} else {
addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', click);
nanop-click-elements-onload.js application/javascript
(function() {
var guard = '{{nano}}';
if ( guard === '{{nano}}' ) {
var selector = '{{1}}';
if ( selector === '' || selector === '{{1}}' ) {
var click = function() {
var elements = document.querySelectorAll(selector);
for ( var element of elements ) {;
if ( document.readyState === 'complete' ) {
} else {
addEventListener('load', click);
nanop-easy-set-cookie.js application/javascript
(function() {
var guard = '{{nano}}';
if ( guard === '{{nano}}' ) {
var data = '{{1}}';
var path = '{{2}}';
var domain = '{{3}}';
var secure = '{{4}}';
if ( data.indexOf('=') === -1 ) {
data += ';max-age=2592000'; // 30 days
if ( path !== '' && path !== '{{2}}' ) {
data += ';path=' + path;
if ( domain !== '' && domain !== '{{3}}' ) {
data += ';domain=' + domain;
if ( secure === 'true' ) {
data += ';secure';
document.cookie = data;
nanop-timer-booster.js application/javascript
(function() {
var guard = '{{nano}}';
if ( guard === '{{nano}}' ) {
var func = '{{1}}';
var needle = '{{2}}';
var boost = parseFloat('{{3}}');
if ( func !== 'setTimeout' && func !== 'setInterval' ) {
if ( needle === '' || needle === '{{2}}' ) {
needle = '.?';
} else if ( needle.charAt(0) === '/' && needle.slice(-1) === '/' ) {
needle = needle.slice(1, -1);
} else {
needle = needle.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&');
needle = new RegExp(needle);
if ( isNaN(boost) || !isFinite(boost) ) {
boost = 0.02;
var original = window[func];
window[func] = function(a, b) {
if ( needle.test(a.toString()) || needle.test(b.toString()) ) {
b *= boost;
return original.apply(this, arguments);
# Collection of scriptlets to be used for injection/redirection on specific domains.
# - Each distinct resource entry is separated by an empty line.
# - The first line in a resource entry is: token mime-type[;encoding]
# - All following lines are the data. An empty line signals the end of the
# data.
# If the encoding is absent, the data will be converted to base64, and the
# encoding will be set to `;base64`.
# eval-logger
eval-logger.js application/javascript
(function() {
let z = window.eval,
log = console.log.bind(console);
window.eval = function(a) {
log('uBO: eval("%s")', a.toString());
return z.apply(this, arguments);
# element-clicker-onload
eclick2.js application/javascript
(function() {
let selector = '{{1}}';
if ( selector === '' || selector === '{{1}}' ) {
let click = function() {
let elements = document.querySelectorAll(selector);
for (let element of elements) {;
if (document.readyState === 'complete') {
} else {
addEventListener('load', click);
# element-clicker
eclick.js application/javascript
(function() {
let selector = '{{1}}';
if ( selector === '' || selector === '{{1}}' ) {
let click = function() {
let elements = document.querySelectorAll(selector);
for (let element of elements) {;
if ( document.readyState === 'interactive' || document.readyState === 'complete' ) {
} else {
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', click);
# script-defuser
script-defuser.js application/javascript
(function() {
let _createElement = document.createElement;
let needle = '{{1}}';
if ( needle === '' || needle === '{{1}}' ) {
needle = '.?';
} else if ( needle.length > 2 &&
needle.startsWith('/') && needle.endsWith('/') ) {
needle = needle.slice(1,-1);
} else {
needle = needle.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&');
needle = new RegExp(needle);
document.createElement = function(name) {
let elem = _createElement.apply(this, arguments);
if ( name === 'script' ) {
elem.addEventListener('error', function(e) {
if ( needle.test(elem.src) ) {
let ev = new Event('load');
return elem;
noopvast-2.0 text/xml
<VAST version="2.0"></VAST>
noopvast-3.0 text/xml
<VAST version="3.0"></VAST>
# read-Only-property defuser
rdo.js application/javascript
(function() {
let name = '{{1}}';
let data = '{{2}}';
let Object = window.Object.bind(window);
let descriptor = window.Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor.bind(window.Object);
let defineProperty = window.Object.defineProperty.bind(window.Object);
let finalSetter = function() { };
let finalGetter = function() { return data; };
let trustedSetters = {};
let makeProxy = function(parent, chain) {
let i = chain.indexOf('.');
if ( i === -1 ) {
let current = descriptor(parent, chain);
if ( !current || current.set !== finalSetter || current.get !== finalGetter ) {
defineProperty(parent, chain, {
configurable: false,
set: finalSetter,
get: finalGetter
} else {
let name = chain.slice(0, i);
let val = parent[name];
chain = chain.substring(i + 1);
if ( val instanceof Object ) {
makeProxy(val, chain);
} else {
let current = descriptor(parent, name);
if ( !current || !trustedSetters[chain] || trustedSetters[chain] !== current.set ) {
let setter = function(value) {
if ( value instanceof Object ) {
try {
makeProxy(value, chain);
val = value;
} catch ( err ) { }
trustedSetters[chain] = setter;
defineProperty(parent, name, {
configurable: false,
set: setter,
get: function() { return val; }
let define = function(payload) {
data = payload;
try {
makeProxy(window, name);
} catch ( err ) { }
switch ( data ) {
case 'true': return define(true);
case 'false': return define(false);
case '1': return define(1);
case '0': return define(0);
case 'null': return define(null);
case 'undefined': return define(undefined);
case 'noopFunc': return define(function() { });
case 'trueFunc': return define(function() { return true; });
case 'falseFunc': return define(function() { return false; });
case 'nullFunc': return define(function() { return null; });
case 'unFunc': return define(function() { return undefined; });
case 'oneFunc': return define(function() { return 1; });
case 'zeFunc': return define(function() { return 0; });
default: return;
# element-adder
eadd.js application/javascript
(function() {
let identifier = '{{1}}';
let element = document.createElement('div');
if ( identifier.charAt(0) === '#' ) { = identifier.substring(1);
} else if ( identifier.charAt(0) === '.' ) {
element.className = identifier.substring(1);
} else {
} = 'none';
# element-remover
eremove.js application/javascript
(function() {
let selector = '{{1}}';
if ( selector === '' || selector === '{{1}}' ) {
let remove = function() {
let elements = document.querySelectorAll(selector);
for ( let element of elements ) {
if ( document.readyState === 'interactive' || document.readyState === 'complete' ) {
} else {
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', remove);
# cookie-inserter
cookie.js application/javascript
document.cookie = '{{1}}={{2}}; expires=Fri, 31 Dec 3018 23:59:59 GMT; path=/;';
# frame-defuser
frd.js application/javascript
(function() {
let log = console.log.bind(console);
let removedHead = {
async: false,
result: false
let removedBody = removedHead;
let url = 'unknown';
try {
url = window.location.href || url;
} catch (e) {};
function inIframe() {
try {
return window.self !==;
} catch (e) {};
return true;
function removeHead() {
try {
document.head.innerHTML = '';
return true;
} catch (e) {};
return false;
function removeBody() {
try {
document.body.innerHTML = '';
return true;
} catch (e) {};
return false;
if (inIframe()) {
if (document.head) {
removedHead.result = removeHead();
} else {
setTimeout(function() {
removedHead.async = true;
removedHead.result = removeHead();
}, 0);
if (document.body) {
removedBody.result = removeBody();
} else {
setTimeout(function() {
removedBody.async = true;
removedBody.result = removeBody();
}, 0);
setTimeout(function() {
log('uBO> Removed frame content [HEAD:%s] [BODY:%s] [URL:%s]',
removedHead.result + (removedHead.async ? ',async' : ''),
removedBody.result + (removedBody.async ? ',async' : ''),
}, 10);
# atob-defuser
noatob.js application/javascript
(function() {
let needle = '{{1}}';
if ( needle === '' || needle === '{{1}}' ) {
needle = '.?';
} else if ( needle.slice(0,1) === '/' && needle.slice(-1) === '/' ) {
needle = needle.slice(1,-1);
} else {
needle = needle.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&');
needle = new RegExp(needle);
realNoAtob = window.atob;
window.atob = function(a) {
if ( !needle.test(a.toString()) ) {, a);
# atob-logger
atob-logger.js application/javascript
(function() {
let z = window.atob,
log = console.log.bind(console);
window.atob = function(a) {
log('uBO: atob("%s")', a.toString());
return z.apply(this, arguments);
# btoa-defuser
nobtoa.js application/javascript
(function() {
let needle = '{{1}}';
if ( needle === '' || needle === '{{1}}' ) {
needle = '.?';
} else if ( needle.slice(0,1) === '/' && needle.slice(-1) === '/' ) {
needle = needle.slice(1,-1);
} else {
needle = needle.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&');
needle = new RegExp(needle);
realNoBtoa = window.btoa;
window.btoa = function(a) {
if ( !needle.test(a.toString()) ) {, a);
# btoa-logger
btoa-logger.js application/javascript
(function() {
let z = window.btoa,
log = console.log.bind(console);
window.btoa = function(a) {
log('uBO: btoa("%s")', a.toString());
return z.apply(this, arguments);
# decodeURIComponent-defuser
noduc.js application/javascript
(function() {
let needle = '{{1}}';
if ( needle === '' || needle === '{{1}}' ) {
needle = '.?';
} else if ( needle.slice(0,1) === '/' && needle.slice(-1) === '/' ) {
needle = needle.slice(1,-1);
} else {
needle = needle.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&');
needle = new RegExp(needle);
realnoduc = window.decodeURIComponent;
window.decodeURIComponent = function(a) {
if ( !needle.test(a.toString()) ) {, a);
# decodeURIComponent-logger
duc-logger.js application/javascript
(function() {
let z = window.decodeURIComponent,
log = console.log.bind(console);
window.decodeURIComponent = function(a) {
log('uBO: decodeURIComponent("%s")', a.toString());
return z.apply(this, arguments);
# encodeURIComponent-defuser
noeuc.js application/javascript
(function() {
let needle = '{{1}}';
if ( needle === '' || needle === '{{1}}' ) {
needle = '.?';
} else if ( needle.slice(0,1) === '/' && needle.slice(-1) === '/' ) {
needle = needle.slice(1,-1);
} else {
needle = needle.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&');
needle = new RegExp(needle);
realnoeuc = window.encodeURIComponent;
window.encodeURIComponent = function(a) {
if ( !needle.test(a.toString()) ) {, a);
# encodeURIComponent-logger
euc-logger.js application/javascript
(function() {
let z = window.encodeURIComponent,
log = console.log.bind(console);
window.encodeURIComponent = function(a) {
log('uBO: encodeURIComponent("%s")', a.toString());
return z.apply(this, arguments);
# parseInt-defuser
nopi.js application/javascript
(function() {
let needle = '{{1}}';
if ( needle === '' || needle === '{{1}}' ) {
needle = '.?';
} else if ( needle.slice(0,1) === '/' && needle.slice(-1) === '/' ) {
needle = needle.slice(1,-1);
} else {
needle = needle.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&');
needle = new RegExp(needle);
realnopi = window.parseInt;
window.parseInt = function(a) {
if ( !needle.test(a.toString()) ) {, a);
# parseInt-logger
nopi-logger.js application/javascript
(function() {
let z = window.parseInt,
log = console.log.bind(console);
window.parseInt = function(a) {
log('uBO: parseInt("%s")', a.toString());
return z.apply(this, arguments);
# String.fromCharCode-defuser
schar.js application/javascript
(function() {
let needle = '{{1}}';
if ( needle === '' || needle === '{{1}}' ) {
needle = '.?';
} else if ( needle.slice(0,1) === '/' && needle.slice(-1) === '/' ) {
needle = needle.slice(1,-1);
} else {
needle = needle.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&');
needle = new RegExp(needle);
realschar = window.String.fromCharCode;
window.String.fromCharCode = function(a) {
if ( !needle.test(a.toString()) ) {, a);
# String.fromCharCode-logger
schar-logger.js application/javascript
(function() {
let z = window.String.fromCharCode,
log = console.log.bind(console);
window.String.fromCharCode = function(a) {
log('uBO: String.fromCharCode("%s")', a.toString());
return z.apply(this, arguments);
# document.write-defuser
dwrite.js application/javascript
(function() {
let needle = '{{1}}';
if ( needle === '' || needle === '{{1}}' ) {
needle = '.?';
} else if ( needle.slice(0,1) === '/' && needle.slice(-1) === '/' ) {
needle = needle.slice(1,-1);
} else {
needle = needle.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&');
needle = new RegExp(needle);
rdwrite = document.write.bind(document);
window.document.write = function(a) {
if ( !needle.test(a.toString()) ) {, a);
# document.write-logger
dwrite-logger.js application/javascript
(function() {
let z = window.document.write.bind(document),
log = console.log.bind(console);
window.document.write = function(a) {
log('uBO: document.write("%s")', a.toString());
return z.apply(this, arguments);
# document.getElementById-defuser
dgebi.js application/javascript
(function() {
let needle = '{{1}}';
if ( needle === '' || needle === '{{1}}' ) {
needle = '.?';
} else if ( needle.slice(0,1) === '/' && needle.slice(-1) === '/' ) {
needle = needle.slice(1,-1);
} else {
needle = needle.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&');
needle = new RegExp(needle);
rdgebi = document.getElementById.bind(document);
window.document.getElementById = function(a) {
if ( !needle.test(a.toString()) ) {, a);
# document.getElementById-logger
dgebi-logger.js application/javascript
(function() {
let z = window.document.getElementById.bind(document),
log = console.log.bind(console);
window.document.getElementById = function(a) {
log('uBO: document.getElementById("%s")', a.toString());
return z.apply(this, arguments);
# window.alert-defuser
alt.js application/javascript
(function() {
let needle = '{{1}}';
if ( needle === '' || needle === '{{1}}' ) {
needle = '.?';
} else if ( needle.slice(0,1) === '/' && needle.slice(-1) === '/' ) {
needle = needle.slice(1,-1);
} else {
needle = needle.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&');
needle = new RegExp(needle);
ralt = window.alert;
window.alert = function(a) {
if ( !needle.test(a.toString()) ) {, a);
# window.alert-logger
alt-logger.js application/javascript
(function() {
let z = window.alert,
log = console.log.bind(console);
window.alert = function(a) {
log('uBO: window.alert("%s")', a.toString());
return z.apply(this, arguments);
# document.createElement-defuser
dce.js application/javascript
(function() {
let needle = '{{1}}';
if ( needle === '' || needle === '{{1}}' ) {
needle = '.?';
} else if ( needle.slice(0,1) === '/' && needle.slice(-1) === '/' ) {
needle = needle.slice(1,-1);
} else {
needle = needle.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&');
needle = new RegExp(needle);
rdce = document.createElement.bind(document);
window.document.createElement = function(a) {
if ( !needle.test(a.toString()) ) {, a);
# document.createElement-logger
dce-logger.js application/javascript
(function() {
let z = window.document.createElement.bind(document),
log = console.log.bind(console);
window.document.createElement = function(a) {
log('uBO: document.createElement("%s")', a.toString());
return z.apply(this, arguments);
# document.readyState-defuser
drs.js application/javascript
(function() {
let needle = '{{1}}';
if ( needle === '' || needle === '{{1}}' ) {
needle = '.?';
} else if ( needle.slice(0,1) === '/' && needle.slice(-1) === '/' ) {
needle = needle.slice(1,-1);
} else {
needle = needle.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&');
needle = new RegExp(needle);
rdrs = document.readyState.bind(document);
window.document.readyState = function(a) {
if ( !needle.test(a.toString()) ) {, a);
# document.readyState-logger
drs-logger.js application/javascript
(function() {
let z = window.document.readyState,
log = console.log.bind(console);
window.document.readyState = function(a) {
log('uBO: document.readyState("%s")', a.toString());
return z.apply(this, arguments);
# document.querySelector-defuser
dqs.js application/javascript
(function() {
let needle = '{{1}}';
if ( needle === '' || needle === '{{1}}' ) {
needle = '.?';
} else if ( needle.slice(0,1) === '/' && needle.slice(-1) === '/' ) {
needle = needle.slice(1,-1);
} else {
needle = needle.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&');
needle = new RegExp(needle);
rdqs = document.querySelector.bind(document);
window.document.querySelector = function(a) {
if ( !needle.test(a.toString()) ) {, a);
# document.querySelector-logger
dqs-logger.js application/javascript
(function() {
let z = window.document.querySelector.bind(document),
log = console.log.bind(console);
window.document.querySelector = function(a) {
log('uBO: document.querySelector("%s")', a.toString());
return z.apply(this, arguments);
# document.querySelectorAll-defuser
dqsa.js application/javascript
(function() {
let needle = '{{1}}';
if ( needle === '' || needle === '{{1}}' ) {
needle = '.?';
} else if ( needle.slice(0,1) === '/' && needle.slice(-1) === '/' ) {
needle = needle.slice(1,-1);
} else {
needle = needle.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&');
needle = new RegExp(needle);
rdqsa = document.querySelectorAll.bind(document);
window.document.querySelectorAll = function(a) {
if ( !needle.test(a.toString()) ) {, a);
# document.querySelectorAll-logger
dqsa-logger.js application/javascript
(function() {
let z = window.document.querySelectorAll.bind(document),
log = console.log.bind(console);
window.document.querySelectorAll = function(a) {
log('uBO: document.querySelectorAll("%s")', a.toString());
return z.apply(this, arguments);
# document.getElementsByClassName-defuser
dgebcn.js application/javascript
(function() {
let needle = '{{1}}';
if ( needle === '' || needle === '{{1}}' ) {
needle = '.?';
} else if ( needle.slice(0,1) === '/' && needle.slice(-1) === '/' ) {
needle = needle.slice(1,-1);
} else {
needle = needle.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&');
needle = new RegExp(needle);
rdgebcn = document.getElementsByClassName.bind(document);
window.document.getElementsByClassName = function(a) {
if ( !needle.test(a.toString()) ) {, a);
# document.getElementsByClassName-logger
dgebcn-logger.js application/javascript
(function() {
let z = window.document.getElementsByClassName.bind(document),
log = console.log.bind(console);
window.document.getElementsByClassName = function(a) {
log('uBO: document.getElementsByClassName("%s")', a.toString());
return z.apply(this, arguments);
# document.getElementsByName-defuser
dgebn.js application/javascript
(function() {
let needle = '{{1}}';
if ( needle === '' || needle === '{{1}}' ) {
needle = '.?';
} else if ( needle.slice(0,1) === '/' && needle.slice(-1) === '/' ) {
needle = needle.slice(1,-1);
} else {
needle = needle.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&');
needle = new RegExp(needle);
rdgebn = document.getElementsByName.bind(document);
window.document.getElementsByName = function(a) {
if ( !needle.test(a.toString()) ) {, a);
# document.getElementsByName-logger
dgebn-logger.js application/javascript
(function() {
let z = window.document.getElementsByName.bind(document),
log = console.log.bind(console);
window.document.getElementsByName = function(a) {
log('uBO: document.getElementsByName("%s")', a.toString());
return z.apply(this, arguments);
# document.getElementsByTagName-defuser
dgebtn.js application/javascript
(function() {
let needle = '{{1}}';
if ( needle === '' || needle === '{{1}}' ) {
needle = '.?';
} else if ( needle.slice(0,1) === '/' && needle.slice(-1) === '/' ) {
needle = needle.slice(1,-1);
} else {
needle = needle.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&');
needle = new RegExp(needle);
rdgebtn = document.getElementsByTagName.bind(document);
window.document.getElementsByTagName = function(a) {
if ( !needle.test(a.toString()) ) {, a);
# document.getElementsByTagName-logger
dgebtn-logger.js application/javascript
(function() {
let z = window.document.getElementsByTagName.bind(document),
log = console.log.bind(console);
window.document.getElementsByTagName = function(a) {
log('uBO: document.getElementsByTagName("%s")', a.toString());
return z.apply(this, arguments);
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