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Created July 31, 2014 02:52
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Find all paths to climb a digital mountain
(ns climbing
(:require [clojure.string :as string])
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; part a ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
; Each mountain block has 2 children it follows that for a mountain of size n
; the total paths will equal total number of block sequences from top to base
; taking one from each row which is given by p=2^(n-1)
(defn simple-path-count
"How many ways are there to climb a mountain of size n?"
(Math/pow 2 (- n 1))
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; part b ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
; The input mountain definition is parsed and its blocks stored in an array with
; index equal to the block position. Block position starts with 0
; for top block and ends with n-1 for right most base block. An exhaustive depth
; first search is used to find all path taking into consideration the placement of
; paths at arbitrary positions.
(defn filter-mountain-levels
"Remove blanks from input mountain"
(fn [x] (filter #(not (string/blank? %)) x))
(defn parse-mountain
"Turn input mountian into a list of lists of strings representing the state of each
(map #(map str %) mnt)
(defn get-row
"This functions returns the block row given its position"
(def est-row (* 0.5 (- (Math/sqrt (+ (* 8 pos) 9)) 3)))
(def int-row (int est-row))
(if (< 0.0 (- est-row int-row))
(+ 1 int-row)
(defn get-max-pos
"Returns the largest block position index for a given row"
(- (* 0.5 (* row (+ row 1))) 1)
(defn create-block
"Create db entry for block. The first entry in list contains position of last block
before base row."
[db blk]
(def pos (count (rest db)))
(def row (get-row pos))
(def children (if (<= pos (first db))
[(+ (+ pos row) 1), (+ (+ pos row) 2)]
(conj db {:value blk :children children})
(defn create-db
"Create db of mountain block data from mountain input"
(def position-before-base (-> (count (flatten mnt)) (get-row) (- 1) (get-max-pos)))
(fn [db row] (reduce create-block db row))
(defn count-paths
"Count paths to mountain base from mountain top using exahaustive depth first search"
[blk_index db]
(def blk (nth db blk_index))
(empty? (:children blk))
(= (:value blk) "X")
(let [children (:children blk)
left-child (first children)
right-child (nth children 1)]
(+ (count-paths left-child db)
(count-paths right-child db))
(defn path-count-with-traps
"How many ways are there to climb this 'mountain' with traps?
'mountain' represents a mountain of size n = (count mountain),
and (nth mountain i) is a String with exactly i+1 'O's or 'X's
and the rest spaces.
(def db (->
(count-paths 0 (rest db))
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; part b bonus ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
; Find closed form solution for paths from base to top for mountain of size n with
; trap located at row r and column c.
; Mountain coordinate system has origin at mountain top, left most base block at
; (n-1,-n+1) and right most base block at (n-1, n-1)
; Number of paths will be total paths from base top minus the number of paths
; passing through trap.
; Total paths is given by 2^(n-1)
; Number of paths passing through trap has 2 parts, paths terminating at trap and
; paths originating at trap. Total paths passing through trap will be product of
; two parts.
; Number of paths terminating at trap is given by 2^(n-r-1)
; Total paths originating from trap is a little harder. If a few are computed manually
; it can be seen that a pattern forms where the number of paths originating
; from a block is equal to the sum of the paths originating from the two blocks above it.
; This is Pascal's Triangle. It follows that the total number of paths originating from trap
; is given by the binomial coefficient of the coordinates, namely,
; binomial-coefficient(r, (r+c)/2)
; Total paths passing through trap is,
; 2^(n-r-1) * binomial-coefficient(r, (r+c)/2)
; Total paths is then
; 2^(n-1)[1-2^(-r) * binomial-coefficient(r, (r+c)/2)]
(defn fact
([n] (fact n 1))
([n acc]
(if (= (int n) 0)
(recur (dec n) (* acc n))
(defn binomial-coefficient
[n k]
(/ (fact n) (* (fact k) (fact (- n k))))
(defn path-count-with-trap-at-row-and-column
"Compute total paths from base to mountain top for mountain of size n
with trap located at row r and column c"
[n r c]
(def k (* 0.5 (+ c r)))
(def total-paths (Math/pow 2 (- n 1)))
(def trap-factor (* (binomial-coefficient r k) (Math/pow 2 (- r))))
(int (* total-paths (- 1 trap-factor)))
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