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Last active August 29, 2015 14:12
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Save trptcolin/a573561ac9262092f254 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Sorry for all the ->>; they're too much fun not to use.
;; test/foobar/core_test.clj
(ns foobar.core-test
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
[foobar.core :as foobar]))
(deftest formats-intervals-properly
(is (= "1" (foobar/format-interval [1])))
(is (= "1-2" (foobar/format-interval [1 2])))
(is (= "1-3" (foobar/format-interval [1 2 3]))))
(deftest test-intervals-for-pred
(is (= [[2] [4 5 6] [8] [10 11 12]]
(foobar/intervals-for-pred foobar/is-one? "00101110101110"))))
(deftest test-format-one-intervals
(is (= ["3" "5-7" "9" "11-13"]
(foobar/format-one-intervals "00101110101110"))))
;; src/foobar/core.clj
(ns foobar.core
(require [clojure.string :as str]
[clojure.test :refer :all]))
(defn format-interval [xs]
(let [[a z] ((juxt first last) xs)]
(str a (when (not= a z) (str "-" z)))))
(defn intervals-for-pred [pred xs]
(->> xs
(map pred)
(map-indexed vector)
(partition-by last)
(filter (comp last first))
(map #(map first %))))
(defn is-one? [c] (= \1 c))
(defn format-one-intervals [s]
(->> s
(intervals-for-pred is-one?)
(map (comp format-interval
(partial map inc)))))
(defn -main [input-bitstring & args]
(->> input-bitstring
(str/join ", ")
;; colin:foobar/ $ lein run -m foobar.core 001011101011100
;; => 3, 5-7, 9, 11-13
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