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Created November 20, 2013 23:44
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ModelUtils = require('../../shared/modelUtils')
module.exports = class AddClassMapping
constructor: (@utils)->
@utils ||= new ModelUtils
add: (key, modelConstructor)=>
@utils._classMap[@utils.underscorize(key)] = modelConstructor;
BaseModel = require("./base/model")
BaseCollection = require("./base/collection")
module.exports = class ModelUtils
constructor: (@entryPath)->
@_classMap = {}
getModel: (path, attrs, options) ->
attrs = attrs or {}
options = options or {}
Model = @getModelConstructor(path)
new Model(attrs, options)
getCollection: (path, models, options) ->
models = models or []
options = options or {}
Collection = @getCollectionConstructor(path)
new Collection(models, options)
getModelConstructor: (path) ->
path = ModelUtils.underscorize(path)
@_classMap[path] or require(@entryPath + "app/models/" + path)
getCollectionConstructor: (path) ->
path = ModelUtils.underscorize(path)
@_classMap[path] or require(@entryPath + "app/collections/" + path)
isModel: (obj) ->
obj instanceof BaseModel
isCollection: (obj) ->
obj instanceof BaseCollection
getModelNameForCollectionName: (collectionName) ->
Collection = @getCollectionConstructor(collectionName)
@modelName Collection::model
@uppercaseRe: /([A-Z])/g
@underscorize: (name) ->
return `undefined` unless name?
name = name.replace(@uppercaseRe, (c) ->
"_" + c.toLowerCase()
name = name.slice(1) if name[0] is "_"
underscorize: (name)->
The 'name' property is added to the constructor when using a named function,
and it cannot be changed. I.e.:
function MyClass(){}
-> "MyClass"
We first look for the 'id' property of the constructor, which is compatible
with standard Backbone-style class inheritance.
var MyClass = Backbone.Model.extend({});
-> "" = "MyClass"
modelName: (modelOrCollectionClass) ->
ModelUtils.underscorize or
modelIdAttribute: (modelName) ->
constructor = undefined
constructor = @getModelConstructor(modelName)
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