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Created October 5, 2018 22:27
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location: BabelNodeLVal,
value: Value,
mightHaveBeenDeleted: boolean,
deleteIfMightHaveBeenDeleted: boolean = false
): BabelNodeStatement {
if (mightHaveBeenDeleted) {
// We always need to serialize this value in order to keep the invariants happy.
let serializedValue = this.serializeValue(value);
let condition;
if (value instanceof AbstractValue && value.kind === "conditional") {
let cf = this.conditionalFeasibility.get(value);
invariant(cf !== undefined);
let conditionalSerializedValue;
if (cf.t && !cf.f) {
conditionalSerializedValue = this.serializeValue(value.args[1]);
} else if (!cf.t && cf.f) {
conditionalSerializedValue = this.serializeValue(value.args[2]);
} else {
invariant(cf.t && cf.f);
if (conditionalSerializedValue !== undefined) {
return t.expressionStatement(t.assignmentExpression("=", location, conditionalSerializedValue));
let [c, x, y] = value.args;
if (x instanceof EmptyValue) {
if (c instanceof AbstractValue && c.kind === "!") condition = this.serializeValue(c.args[0]);
else condition = t.unaryExpression("!", this.serializeValue(c));
serializedValue = this.serializeValue(y);
} else if (y instanceof EmptyValue) {
condition = this.serializeValue(c);
serializedValue = this.serializeValue(x);
if (condition === undefined) {
condition = t.binaryExpression("!==", this.serializeValue(value), this._serializeEmptyValue());
let assignment = t.expressionStatement(t.assignmentExpression("=", location, serializedValue));
let deletion = null;
if (deleteIfMightHaveBeenDeleted) {
invariant(location.type === "MemberExpression");
deletion = t.expressionStatement(
t.unaryExpression("delete", ((location: any): BabelNodeMemberExpression), true)
return t.ifStatement(condition, assignment, deletion);
} else {
return t.expressionStatement(t.assignmentExpression("=", location, this.serializeValue(value)));
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