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Last active December 24, 2015 21:09
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Sample SMILE JSON data
"O1":"Person from outer space",
"O2":"Both answers in 3) and 4)",
"O4":"A first generation of Japanese (Issei) who came to the U.S.A.",
"Q":"When referring to Japanese Americans, what was an Alien?",
"O1":"Arkansas and Arizona",
"O2":"California and Colorado",
"O3":"Idaho, Utah, Wyoming",
"O4":"All of the above",
"Q":"What states had War Relocation Authority (WRA) camps for Japanese and Japanese-Americans?",
"O1":"All the characteristics listed below",
"O2":"Isolated rural areas",
"O3":"Extreme temperatures in summer (120 degrees F) and winter (32 degrees F)",
"O4":"Frequent sandstorms",
"Q":"What environmental and/or geographical characteristics did MOST of the internment camps share?",
"O1":"Double roofs for insulation during hot summers",
"O2":"Crawl space basements for flooding overflows and relief from the hot weather",
"O3":"Mosquito netting for malaria control",
"O4":"Both answers in 1) and 2)",
"Q":"How and why were the barracks at Gila River and Poston built differently from the barracks in other camps?",
"O1":"The desert camps were built on prehistoric ocean floors",
"O2":"Both answers in 1) and 4)",
"O3":"Internees requested imports of shells and other supplies from friends in California coastal towns",
"O4":"Shells were found in ponds and creeks running through the camps",
"Q":"Why was much of the hand-crafted internee jewelry created from seashells?",
"O4":"All of the above",
"Q":"How were the rooms in the tarpaper barracks heated during cold weather?",
"O1":"Truck farming vegetables (like broccoli, carrots, cucumber, tomatoes, etc.)",
"O2":"Gourd-type crops (like pumpkins, cantaloupes, winter squash, watermelon)",
"O3":"Tropical crops (Like: Cocoa, coconuts, coffee, pineapple)",
"O4":"Japanese vegetables (like Daikon, gobo, nasu, napa)",
"Q":"What crops were NOT grown by the internees?",
"O1":"The solutions in 2), 3), and 4) were all used by internees",
"O2":"Laid linoleum over floorboards",
"O3":"Stuffed toilet paper in wall spaces",
"O4":"Laid carpeting to cover floor spaces",
"Q":"How did internees solve the problem of dirt and sand blowing in through the spaces between the floorboards and walls?",
"O1":"All the supplies listed below were issued by the WRA",
"O2":"Metal Army cots (without mattresses) and at least two Army blankets per cot",
"O3":"One heating stove",
"O4":"One electric light",
"Q":"What did the WRA issue for each room in the barracks?",
"O1":"Used scrap lumber to build furniture and placed drop cloths around the cots",
"O2":"Created paintings, craft items, and curtains to decorate the rooms",
"O3":"Insulated walls with sheetrock and later painted them",
"O4":"All of the above",
"Q":"How did internees make their barracks rooms more livable?",
"O1":"fearful about",
"O2":"loyal towards",
"O3":"disloyal towards",
"O4":"confused about",
"Q":"The Army assumed an internee who answered `No` and `No` to questions #27 and #28 meant that he was ______________________the United States.",
"O1":"All the responses below are correct",
"O2":"They were too old to fight as soldiers in the military",
"O3":"They were household heads, who wanted to stay with their families",
"O4":"They would lose all citizenship rights as Japanese or Americans",
"Q":"Why did Issei men respond `No` to question #27 or #28?",
"O1":"They were NOT loyal to the Japanese Emperor in the first place",
"O2":"All the responses in 1), 3) and 4) are correct",
"O3":"They were in internment camps",
"O4":"They had lost their citizenship rights (as enemy aliens), so they wouldnメt fight for a country that had taken away their citizenship",
"Q":"Why did Nisei men respond `No` to question #27 or #28?",
"O1":"Less than 100",
"Q":"How many men were convicted of draft resistance in the camps?",
"O1":"Gila River, AZ",
"O2":"Manzanar, CA",
"O3":"Poston, AZ",
"O4":"Tule Lake, CA",
"Q":"Which camp had the highest number of draft resisters?",
"O1":"Hirabayashi vs. United States",
"O2":"Korematsu vs. United States",
"O3":"Tojo vs. United States",
"O4":"Yasui vs. United States",
"Q":"Which of the following was NOT a Supreme Court case challenging the constitutionality of the World War II experience for Japanese Americans?",
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