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Created May 28, 2012 10:40
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Rails Session at Vancouver Polyglot 2012 Recap

The Rails Session at Polyglot was group Q&A:

Q: What are the most popular and hot testing tools?

Q: What about background processes?
A: [IronWorker] ( (better and cheaper than Heroku worker dynos) - use the [CLI] ( for deploy

Q: What about cloud databases?
A: [MongoHQ] ( (nice control panel), [MongoLab] (, or [Heroku Postgres] (

Q: What is Cucumber and should I use it?
A: [Cucumber] ( is for testing user stories using the [Gherkin Syntax with Step Definitions] ( The group opinion was to favor RSpec.

Q: What are my choices for CI?
A: For open source there is [Travis CI] ( (the GitHub for CI) and for closed source there are many - [Tddium] (, [Teamcity] ( , [Jenkins] (, [CIJoe] (, and etc. [Tddium] ( is a cloud service CI.

Q: How do I speed up Selenium testing?
A: Use cloud services - [SauceLabs] ( or [BrowserStack] (

Q: How can I measure my app's performance?
A: [NewRelic] ( and [ActiveSupport::Notifications] (

Q: People say "Rails can't scale!" what should I tell them?
A: Tell them that scaling Rails is easy, flexible, and affordable by using [Heroku] ( A Heroku Rails app (using only one web dyno) can get about [800 requests per second] ( (by using 3 Unicorn workers) ([Setup Info] ( for [free] ( that is scaled by using a [graphical slider] (, [API] (, or [CLI] ( To prevent [dyno idling] ( for free apps use [NewRelic or another monitoring tool] ( Additional scaling gains can be made with Cloudfront and Caching. Heroku Rails apps have access to great [Addons] ( Here is a Heroku [success story] (

Q: What is the best way to use Rake on Windows?
A: [Albacore] (

Q: What text-editors and IDEs are good for Ruby/Rails?
A: [Rubymine] ( (Win,Linux,Mac), [Sublime Text 2] ( (Win,Linux,Mac), Vim (Win,Linux,Mac), [Chocolat] ( (Mac), [Textmate] ( (Mac), and etc.

Q: How do I setup Authentication & Role Authorization in a Rails app?
A: Install/Setup authentication using the built-in system or a gem ([Sorcery] (, [Devise] (, etc.) then use [Cancan] ( for authorization. Cancan is role neutral - the recommended solutions are to use one role per user (boolean admin field in the user model with a model admin? method) or has_many roles per user (relational model based).

Q: Where can I get a walkthrough on Mountable Engines?
A: [Railscasts #277] (

Q: Why not Node.js?
A: Async everything is a downside. Rails is a full web framework not a micro-framework (Express/Sinatra). Rails takes care of many problems under-the-hood (e.g. CSRF) using "Convention over Configuration". Rails is a mature HTML app framework. Rails also makes a great JSON API (latest Railscasts go into detail).

Here is my Twitter: [@bevanhunt] (

A list of Rails Resources:

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