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Created February 25, 2015 19:15
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git aliases
# Not Mine
branch-name = !git branch --no-color 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e 's/* \\(.*\\)/\\1/'
export-branch = !git format-patch --stdout $1 > ~/Desktop/`git branch-name`.diff
s = status -s
d = diff
ds = diff --stat
dc = diff --cached
# Logging
last = !git log -$1 ${*:2} && : # shows last x commits
filelog = log -u
fl = !git filelog
# Logging w/ format
l = log --pretty=format:"%C(yellow)%h\\ %ad%Cred%d\\ %Creset%s%Cgreen\\ [%cn]" --decorate --date=short
ll = log --pretty=format:"%C(yellow)%h%Cred%d\\ %Creset%s%Cgreen\\ [%cn]" --decorate --numstat
lds = log --pretty=format:"%C(yellow)%h\\ %ad%Cred%d\\ %Creset%s%Cgreen\\ [%cn]" --decorate --date=short
ld = log --pretty=format:"%C(yellow)%h\\ %ad%Cred%d\\ %Creset%s%Cgreen\\ [%cn]" --decorate --date=relative
hist = log --color --pretty=format:\"%C(yellow)%h%C(reset) %s%C(bold red)%d%C(reset) %C(green)%ad%C(reset) %C(blue)[%an]%C(reset)\" --relative-date --decorate
tree = log --graph --decorate --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit # used to view the git history tree
# Names
name = !git symbolic-ref -q HEAD | cut -b 12-
dlc = diff --cached HEAD^
la = "!git config -l | grep alias | cut -c 7-"
# Stashing
sshow = "!f() { git stash show stash^{/$@} -p; }; f" # Like sapply but shows it only
sapply = "!f() { git stash apply stash^{/$@}; }; f" # Find stash with name like text
spop = "!f() { git stash pop stash@{$(git stashid $@)}; }; f" # Like sapply but pops it off
ssave = stash save # saves with name
stashid = "!f() { git stash list | grep $@ | head -n 1 | sed -n 's/stash@{\\(.*\\)}.*/\\1/p'; }; f" # only accepts single word, no quotations
hide = stash save --include-untracked # hides all files, including untracked files (faster than using --all)
# Committing
c = commit -m # commit with message
cp = cherry-pick # alias for cherry-pick
all = add -A # add all
ac = !git add -A && git commit -m # add all and commit with message
amend = !git add -A && git commit --amend --no-edit # amend all to previous commit without changing message
medit = commit --amend -m # change previous commit's message to what you type in
# Special committing (rebase)
fix = !git commit --fixup=$@ && git jsquash develop --autosquash --autostash --no-verify -q -f && : # fix everything to the commit provided
sfix = !git commit --squash=$@ && git rebase --autosquash --autostash --no-verify -q -f && : # squash everything to the commit provided (includes git commit)
# Push
p = !git push origin $(git name) # push current branch to origin
fpush = !git push origin $(git name) -f # force push current branch to origin
fp = !git fpush # alias of fpush
# Deploy
staging = !git push heroku-staging $(git name):master -f && git track 'Deployed to staging ' # push current branch to staging, can add more comments after
dev = !git push heroku-dev $(git name):master -f && git track 'Deployed to dev ' # push current branch to dev
deploy = !git push heroku $(git name):master -f && git track 'Deployed to produciton ' # push current branch to production
# Squash
mbase = !git merge-base $(git name) origin/$1 && :
jsquash = !git rebase $(git mbase $1) ${*:2} && : # Like squash will be but without fetching or flags (including interactive mode) and you must pass in the name of the origin branch (no 'origin/') as the first argument
squash = !git fetch origin && git rebase $(git mbase $1) --autostash -i && : # squash relative to any origin branch
sq = !git sq # alias for squash
sqmaster = !git squash master # squash relative to master
sqdev = !git squash dev # squash relative to develop
squashlast = "!f(){ git reset --soft HEAD~${1} && git commit --edit -m\"$(git log --format=%B --reverse HEAD..HEAD@{1})\"; };f" # Squash the last x commits; will prompt you with auto-squashed commit messages
# Updating branch via rebase
up = !git fetch origin && git rebase --autostash origin/$1 && : # rebase any origin branch
reup = !git up $(git name) # rebase current branch
upmaster = !git up master # rebase master
updev = !git up develop # rebase develop
# Rebase/Cherry-pick helpers
relast = !git rebase -i HEAD~$1 && : # rebase the last x commits with prompt
rc = !git add -A && git rebase --continue # add all and continue with rebasing
cpc = !git add -A && git cherry-pick --continue # add all and continue with cherry-picking
nvm = rebase --abort
# Checking out and convinient stashing/moving
goto = !git hide remember-goto-$(git name) && git checkout $@ && git spop remember-goto-$(git name) && git track 'Checking out branch '$@ && : # quickly switch branches by stashing current changes just like Github app (which stashes changes to the branch and automatically restores them for you when switching back)
goback = !git hide remember-goto-$(git name) && git checkout - && git spop remember-goto-$(git name) && git track 'Checking out branch '$(git name) && : # go back to previous branch and add the working changes back. also look into using the GOBACK_BRANCH var
move = !git wmove checkout $@ && git track 'Checking out branch '$@ && :
# Reset
undoc = reset --soft HEAD^
wipe = !git add -A && git commit -qm 'WIPE SAVEPOINT' && git reset HEAD~1 --hard # completely reset your branch (including untracked files)
fpull = !git reset --hard origin/$(git name)
# Branching
feature = !git hide $@-feature && git fetch && git checkout -b feature/LD-$@ origin/develop && git spop $@-feature && git track 'Creating new feature branch 'feature/LD-$@ && : # create new feature branch name off of develop with the new changes brought over
hotfix = !git hide $@-hotfix && git fetch && git checkout -b hotfix/v$@ origin/master && git spop $@-hotfix && git track 'Creating new hotfix branch 'hotfix/v$@ # create new hotfix branch name off of master with the new changes brought over
new = !git hide $@-new && git fetch && git checkout -b $@ origin/develop && git spop $@-new && git track 'Creating new branch '$@ # like feature/hotfix but no prefixes
delete = branch -D
# Find branches
findbranch = !git branch -a | grep $@ | head -n 1 | sed 's/remotes\\/origin\\///' && : # Finds all branches, including remotes
fb = !git findbranch
find = !git $1 $(git findbranch ${*:2}) && : # defaults to findbranch
# Date Flags
today = !git $@ --since=6am && :
yesterday = !git $@ --since='1 day ago 6am' --until=6am && :
# Other Flags/Attributes (Used as a prefix to other commands)
my = !git $@ --author=$(git config --author=$(git config && : # runs the git command (with any args) adding in flags that identify your name and/or your email
noscroll = !git --no-pager # Removes scrolling, full page
nscroll = !git --no-pager # alias for noscroll
force = !git $@ -f && :
help = !git help
# Wrappers (commands that run before and after a provided command and used internally by these aliases)
# (shoudn't be used publicly)
# these are usually called by other aliases listed here
wmove = !git hide $1-wmove && git $@ && git spop $1-wmove && :
# Misc
git = !git
a = add
aa = !git add -u && git add -A && git status # adds files then shows you the status
done = !git fetch && git rebase --autostash origin/master && git checkout master && git merge @{-1} && rake && git pus
g = grep --break --heading --line-number
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