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Last active April 22, 2022 11:52
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Export a Notability note as SVG and PNG.
Display the source blob
Display the rendered blob
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import biplist
import struct
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Convert Notability files to SVG and PNG. Unzip the Notability file first.\n After running the script, images will be in the same directory as the .note file.')
parser.add_argument('filepath', type=str, nargs=1, help='a path to the unzipped Notability directory')
parser.add_argument('size', type=int, nargs=2, help='width and height of the resulting SVG and PNG')
args = parser.parse_args()
note_name = args.filepath[0]
note = note_name + '/Session.plist'
plist = biplist.readPlist(note)
except e:
print('Not a readable plist: ', e)
def unpack_struct(string, fmt, size):
return struct.unpack('{num}{format}'.format(num=int(len(string)/size), format=fmt), string)
drawings = plist['$objects'][8]
points = unpack_struct(drawings['curvespoints'], 'f', 4)
xs = points[0::2]
ys = points[1::2]
widths = unpack_struct(drawings['curveswidth'], 'f', 4)
colors = unpack_struct(drawings['curvescolors'], 'B', 1)
colors = [x / 255 for x in colors]
colors_list = [colors[i:i+4] for i in range(0, len(colors), 4)]
num_points = unpack_struct(drawings['curvesnumpoints'], 'i', 4)
x_size, y_size = args.size
plotty = plt.figure(figsize=(x_size, y_size))
plt.ylim(max(ys), min(ys))
plt.xlim(min(xs), max(xs))
current_x = 0
current_y = 0
for i, curve in enumerate(num_points):
max_x = current_x + curve
max_y = current_y + curve
plt.plot(xs[current_x:max_x], ys[current_y:max_y], color=colors_list[i], linewidth=(x_size/5)*widths[i])
current_x = max_x
current_y = max_y
plotty.savefig(note_name + '.png', transparent=True, bbox_inches=0)
plotty.savefig(note_name + '.svg', transparent=True, bbox_inches=0)
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