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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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Handy JavaScript console Methods

Handy console methods


Prints to the console:

console.log('Hello World!')

String Interpolation

console.log("%s %s pass!", 'You', 'shall not')

  • %s - string
  • %d, %i - integer
  • %f - float
  • %o - expandable DOM element
  • %O - expandable JavaScript object
  • %c - applies CSS rules to output string

Example for %c

console.log('You! Shall! Not! %cPass!', 'color: orange; font-weight: bold')

The word 'pass' will have the color and font weight applied in the console output.


Prints an error message in red in the console:

console.error('Bad Response.')


Prints a warning message to the console:

console.warn("You shouldn't have done that.")


Tests if an assertion is true.

console.assert(1 === 1) // This assertion will pass.

console.assert(balrag.shallPass(), 'You shall not pass!') // accepts an optional error message

group and groupEnd

Groups console output together.'Hobbits passing.');

if (balrag.shallNotPass()) {
    console.log('You shall not pass!');

console.log('Hobbits safe...for now.');

Measuring Time

Similar to group and groupEnd.

// long for loop
* Debugger that takes advantage of some of the lesser known features of the
* JavaScript console. I recommend you create a boolean debug setting in your
* JavaScript and only execute this code when debug === true.
;(function(window) {
"use strict";
* Creates a Debugger instance
* @class
var Debugger = function() {
// What?! Styles in the console? Cool.
console.log('%cYou are running the custom debugger.', 'color: blue; font-family: sans-serif;');
* Creates a new group for console messages and sends messages to
* Debugger.router for parsing
* @extends Debugger
* @param {string} method_name - The console method you wish to use: log, error or warning
* @param {string} group_name - The name you wish to use for the method
* @param {array} msgs - An array of objects with a name: value pair to write to the console
Debugger.prototype.writeMessages = function(method_name, group_name, msgs) {;
this.router(method_name, msgs);
* Writes message to the console using method_name to decide which console method to use.
* @extends Debugger
* @param {string} method_name - The console method you wish to use: log, error or warning
* @param {array} msgs - An array of objects with a name: value pair to write to the console
Debugger.prototype.router = function(method_name, msgs) {
$.each(msgs, function(key, value) {
$.each(value, function(k, v) {
if (method_name === 'log') {
console.log(k + ': ', v);
} else if (method_name === 'error') {
console.error(k + ': ', v);
} else if (method_name === 'warning') {
console.warn(k + ': ', v);
* Uses this.assertBoolean to assert that a variable is false
* @param {boolean} v - the variable to test
* @param {string} [error_msg] - optional error message
Debugger.prototype.assertFalse = function(v, error_msg) {
var em = this.setAssertionErrorMessage(error_msg);
this.assertBoolean(v, false, em);
* Uses this.assertBoolean to assert that a variable is true
* @param {boolean} v - the variable to test
* @param {string} [error_msg] - optional error message
Debugger.prototype.assertTrue = function(v, error_msg) {
var em = this.setAssertionErrorMessage(error_msg);
this.assertBoolean(v, true, em);
* Uses the console.assert() method to assert that a variable is true
* @param {boolean} v - the variable to test
* @param {boolean} t_f - condition to test against (true or false)
* @param {string} error_msg - error message
Debugger.prototype.assertBoolean = function(v, t_f, error_msg) {
if (typeof v !== 'boolean') {
this.writeMessages('error', 'Debugger.assertBoolean', "Variable is not boolean. Pass a boolean value or try another assertion.");
} else {
console.assert(v === t_f, error_msg);
* Uses the this.assertType to check if a variable or object is defined
* @param {(boolean|null|undefined|number|string|object|array)} v The var to test
* @param {string} [error_msg] - optional error message
Debugger.prototype.assertUndefined = function(v, error_msg) {
var em = this.setAssertionErrorMessage(error_msg);
this.assertType(v, 'undefined', em);
* Uses the this.assertType to check if a variable or object is an object
* @param {(boolean|null|undefined|number|string|object|array)} v The var to test
* @param {string} [error_msg] - optional error message
Debugger.prototype.assertObject = function(v, error_msg) {
var em = this.setAssertionErrorMessage(error_msg);
this.assertType(v, 'object', em);
* Uses the this.assertType to check if a variable or object is null
* @param {(boolean|null|undefined|number|string|object|array)} v The var to test
* @param {string} [error_msg] - optional error message
Debugger.prototype.assertNull = function(v, error_msg) {
var em = this.setAssertionErrorMessage(error_msg);
this.assertType(v, 'null', em);
* Uses the this.assertType to check if a variable or object is a number
* @param {(boolean|null|undefined|number|string|object|array)} v The var to test
* @param {string} [error_msg] - optional error message
Debugger.prototype.assertNumber = function(v, error_msg) {
var em = this.setAssertionErrorMessage(error_msg);
this.assertType(v, 'number', em);
* Uses the this.assertType to check if a variable or object is a string
* @param {(boolean|null|undefined|number|string|object|array)} v The var to test
* @param {string} [error_msg] - optional error message
Debugger.prototype.assertString = function(v, error_msg) {
var em = this.setAssertionErrorMessage(error_msg);
this.assertType(v, 'string', em);
* Uses the this.assertType to check if a variable or object is an array
* @param {(boolean|null|undefined|number|string|object|array)} v The var to test
* @param {string} [error_msg] - optional error message
Debugger.prototype.assertArray = function(v, error_msg) {
var em = this.setAssertionErrorMessage(error_msg);
this.assertType(v, 'array', em);
* Uses the console.assert() method to check for a given data type
* @param {(boolean|null|undefined|number|string|object|array)} v The var to test
* @param {string} v_type - the data type
* @param {string} error_msg - error message
Debugger.prototype.assertType = function(v, v_type, error_msg) {
console.assert(typeof v === v_type, error_msg);
* Uses the console.assert() method to check if a var is defined
* @param {(boolean|null|undefined|number|string|object|array)} v The var to test
* @param {string} [error_msg] - optional error message
Debugger.prototype.assertExists = function(v, error_msg) {
var em = this.setAssertionErrorMessage(error_msg);
console.assert(typeof v !== 'undefined', error_msg);
* Provides a consistent way to set a default error message for assertions.
* @param {(string|undefined)} [msg] - optional error message.
* @returns A default error message if msg is undefined, otherwise the passed message
Debugger.prototype.setAssertionErrorMessage = function(msg) {
if (typeof msg === "undefined") {
return "Did not pass.";
return msg;
window.Debugger = Debugger;
var dbgr = new Debugger();

Debugger Example

You'll need to include JQuery for debugger.js to work.

var test_function = function() {
    dbgr.writeMessages('log', 'test_function', [{'msg': 'Hello World.'}]);

The console output from above will look something like this:


msg: Hello World.

I find this handy when trying to debug the order things are executed and also where in the code things are happening.

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