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Created June 25, 2023 03:43
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Simple cheat for typing tests.
// Get the parent element by its class names
const parentElement = document.querySelector('.css-1rw37je.eu4oa1w0');
// Check if the parent element exists
if (parentElement) {
// Get all the child spans of the parent element
const childSpans = parentElement.querySelectorAll('span');
// Create an array to store the words
const wordsArray = [];
// Iterate over each child span and extract the word
childSpans.forEach(span => {
const word = span.textContent.trim();
// Get the input element by its class names
const inputElement = document.querySelector('.css-11a28ok.e1jgz0i2');
// Check if the input element exists
if (inputElement) {
// Function to simulate typing effect
const typeSentence = () => {
let sentence = '';
let currentIndex = 0;
let currentCharacterIndex = 0;
// Define an interval to simulate typing
const interval = setInterval(() => {
// Get the current word
const currentWord = wordsArray[currentIndex];
// Get the current character
const currentCharacter = currentWord[currentCharacterIndex];
// Add the current character to the sentence
sentence += currentCharacter;
// Set the value of the input element to the sentence
inputElement.value = sentence;
// Create a keydown event with the relative key
const keyEvent = new KeyboardEvent('keydown', {
key: currentCharacter,
keyCode: currentCharacter.charCodeAt(0),
which: currentCharacter.charCodeAt(0)
// Dispatch the keydown event
// Move to the next character
// If all characters of the current word have been typed
if (currentCharacterIndex === currentWord.length) {
// Reset the character index for the next word
currentCharacterIndex = 0;
// Move to the next word
// If there are more words, add a space after the word
if (currentIndex !== wordsArray.length) {
// Add a space to the sentence
sentence += ' ';
// Create a space keydown event
const spaceKeyEvent = new KeyboardEvent('keydown', {
key: ' ',
keyCode: 32,
which: 32
// Dispatch the space keydown event
// If all words have been typed, clear the interval
if (currentIndex === wordsArray.length) {
}, 100); // Adjust the typing speed (in milliseconds) as per your preference
// Call the function to start simulating typing
} else {
console.log('Input element not found.');
} else {
console.log('Parent element not found.');
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