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This script autoblocks accounts which post any sponsored tweets, hopefully before you even see them. Use the autoscroll checkbox to let it scroll replies on a popular tweet, to hoover up accounts who sponsor.
// Boost by Thanael -
// Created as a boost for Arc browser
// Could easily be ported to a tampermonkey script
// This script autoblocks accounts which post any sponsored tweets, hopefully before you even see them
// Use the autoscroll checkbox to let it scroll replies on a popular tweet, to hoover up accounts who sponsor.
if (!localStorage.userWantsPromotersBlocked){
localStorage.userWantsPromotersBlocked = true;
if (!localStorage.autoScroll){
localStorage.autoScroll = false;
let userWantsPromotersBlocked = localStorage.userWantsPromotersBlocked;
let autoScroll = localStorage.autoScroll;
function go() {
if (autoScroll === 'true'){
// Helper function to create new DOM elements, by thanael -
function addEl() {
function isElement(element) { // Check if something is a DOM element
// This function from
return element instanceof Element || element instanceof HTMLDocument;
// Defaults, if the user specifies nothing:
let el = document.body; // add our new element to the document.body by default
let tag = "div"; // add a DIV element by default
let attr = {}; // no attributes by default
for (let i = 0, j = arguments.length; i < j; i++) { // for each argument the user supplied
// Idea from
if (isElement(arguments[i])) { // if it's a DOM element
el = arguments[i]; // assign it to the el variable
else if (typeof arguments[i] === "object") { // if it's a normal object
attr = arguments[i]; // assign it to the attributes variable
else if (typeof arguments[i] === "string") { // or if it's a string
tag = arguments[i]; // assign it to the tag name variable
else {
return "You must specify a tag name (string) or a DOM element, or an object full of attribute names & values";
const potentialHeadTags = ["style", "title", "link", "meta", "script", "base"]; // hardcoded list of potential tags that belong in <head>
if (potentialHeadTags.includes(tag.toLowerCase()) && el === document.body) {
// If the user has specified a tag usually put in the head,
// and haven't supplied any other element:
el = document.head; // we'll be appending our new element in the document.head
var insertBefore = false; // the user wants to insert the element before the element they specified in "el". Off by default.
var append = true;
var newEl = document.createElement(tag); // create the new element
var attrKeys = Object.keys(attr); // generate an array of all attribute names the user supplied
for (let i = 0, j = attrKeys.length; i < j; i++) { // for each attribute
if (attrKeys[i] === "insertBefore") { // Checks for the presence of the "insertBefore" directive
insertBefore = Boolean(attr[attrKeys[i]]); // convert to a boolean and assign
else if (attrKeys[i] === "append") { // Checks for the presence of the "append" directive
append = Boolean(attr[attrKeys[i]]); // convert to a boolean and assign
else if (attrKeys[i].toLowerCase().startsWith("on") && typeof (attr[attrKeys[i]]) === "function") { // if the user is trying to add an event handler
let handler = attrKeys[i].match(/on(.*)/i)[1]; // Regex out the actual event handler
newEl.addEventListener(handler, attr[attrKeys[i]]);
else if (attrKeys[i] in el && !attrKeys[i].toLowerCase().startsWith("on")) {
// if the user wants to specify a dot notation property (textContent etc)
// "in" syntax from
// added the check for !startsWith("on") to handle edge cases where the user wants to supply a string containing JS
// otherwise javascript will do el.onmouseover = "alert()" which achieves nothing.
newEl[attrKeys[i]] = attr[attrKeys[i]]; // set the related element property to be whatever they asked for
else { // otherwise, they've just specified a regular attribute
newEl.setAttribute(attrKeys[i], attr[attrKeys[i]]); // set it and forget
if (!append) { return newEl } // The user wants to append the element later. Return it to them as-is
if (insertBefore) { // If the user assigned this as true, this is where we insert the element before the element they specified
el.parentNode.insertBefore(newEl, el);
else { // Otherwise, we just append the element to the page
return newEl;
// Usage:
// The function expects any of 3 types of arguments:
// * a tag name for your new element (string) - default: "div"
// * a DOM element you want to add your new element to - default: document.body
// * an object containing a list of attributes - default: {}. Example: {textContent:"Hello World", class: "dark", onclick: functionName}
// Don't try to supply two strings, or two DOM elements etc.
// The function will return the newly created element.
// Examples:
// Elements are added to the document.body by default:
// addEl({textContent:"A new div on the document body"});
// You can specify which element to add to:
// addEl("li", document.querySelector("ul"), {innerText:"A new list item",});
// You can specify an element and insert your new element in front of it by setting insertBefore to true (or anything that coerces to true!)
// addEl("li", document.querySelector("li"), {textContent:"A bumped first list item", insertBefore:true});
// You can create an element but not add it to the page, using the "append" attribute boolean:
// addEl("div",{textContent:"loading...", class:"main", append:false});
// You can set values
// addEl("input",{value:"Joe Bloggs"});
// Set event handler function names (Where handleEvent is the name of a function you've written)
// addEl("button", {textContent:"mouseoverme!", class:"btn", onmouseover:handleEvent});
// Set inline styles on the fly:
// addEl({textContent:"Warning!", style:"color: red;"});
// You can specify innerHTML if you realllly want to.
// addEl("span", {innerHTML:"<button>another button</button>"});
// You can also specify your own event handler javascript inside a string
// addEl("button",{textContent:"clickme!", class:"btn",onclick:"alert()"});
// It detects when a tag should be added to the head rather than the body:
// addEl("style", {textContent:"div {color: red;}"});
// addEl("script", {textContent:"alert()"});
function observeDOM(callback, disconnect) { // a function which observes the DOM and calls the callback function every time there's a new mutation
var mutationObserver = new MutationObserver(function (mutations) { //
mutations.forEach(function (mutation) {
if (typeof ( != "string") { return }
callback(mutation, mutationObserver);
// Keep an eye on the DOM for changes
mutationObserver.observe(document.body, { //
attributes: true,
// characterData: true,
childList: true,
subtree: true,
// attributeOldValue: true,
// characterDataOldValue: true,
//attributeFilter: ["class"] // We're really only interested in stuff that has a className
function sleep(ms) { // usage: await sleep(4000)
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
function addToggles(twitterLogo) {
const container = twitterLogo.closest('div');
if (container.querySelector('#blockPromoters')) { return }
const blockPromotersTitle = "Automatically blocks accounts that have sponsored tweets";
const blockPromotersCheckbox = addEl('input', container, { type: 'checkbox', id: 'blockPromoters', title: blockPromotersTitle, onclick: (e) => {userWantsPromotersBlocked =; localStorage.userWantsPromotersBlocked =} });
const autoscrollTitle = "Scrolls the page looking for sponsored tweets. Refreshes after 25 seconds to get more.";
if (userWantsPromotersBlocked === 'true'){blockPromotersCheckbox.setAttribute('checked','true')}
addEl('label', container, { htmlFor: 'blockPromoters', textContent: 'block promoters', title: blockPromotersTitle });
const autoScrollCheckbox = addEl('input', container, { type: 'checkbox', title: autoscrollTitle, id: 'autoScroll',onclick: (e) => {localStorage.autoScroll =; location.reload()} });
addEl('label', container, { htmlFor: 'autoScroll', textContent: 'autoscroll', title: autoscrollTitle });
if (autoScroll === 'true'){autoScrollCheckbox.checked = 'checked'}
async function refreshAfterAwhile() {
await sleep(25000);
function checkSvgsForDAttributeString(baseElement, string) {
const svgArray = baseElement.querySelectorAll("svg");
for (let element of svgArray) {
const dAttribute = element?.querySelector('g')?.querySelector('path')?.getAttribute('d');
if (dAttribute && dAttribute.includes(string)) {
return element;
async function blockAccount(tweet) {
const threeDotsSvg = checkSvgsForDAttributeString(tweet, 'M3 12c0-1.1.9-2 2-2s2');
const threeDots = threeDotsSvg.closest("[aria-label=More]");
if (threeDots.getAttribute("aria-expanded") === "false") {;
await sleep(500);
const blockSvg = checkSvgsForDAttributeString(document.querySelector("div[role=menu]"), 'M12 3.75c-4.55 0-8.25 3.69-8.25 8.25');
const blockButton = blockSvg.closest("[role=menuitem]");;
await sleep(500);
function doDomStuff(mutation) {
if ( && === "A") {
if ( === "") {
if ( && === "DIV") {
const isPromotedTweet = checkSvgsForDAttributeString(, 'M19.498 3h-15c-1.381');
if (isPromotedTweet && userWantsPromotersBlocked === 'true') {
const tweet ='[data-testid=cellInnerDiv]');
function doScroll() {
var fps = 100;
var speedFactor = 0.001;
var minDelta = 0.5;
var autoScrollSpeed = 10;
var autoScrollTimer, restartTimer;
var isScrolling = false;
var prevPos = 0, currentPos = 0;
var currentTime, prevTime, timeDiff;
window.addEventListener("scroll", function (e) {
// window.pageYOffset is the fallback value for IE
currentPos = window.scrollY || window.pageYOffset;
window.addEventListener("wheel", handleManualScroll);
window.addEventListener("touchmove", handleManualScroll);
function handleManualScroll() {
// window.pageYOffset is the fallback value for IE
currentPos = window.scrollY || window.pageYOffset;
if (restartTimer) {
restartTimer = setTimeout(() => {
prevTime = null;
}, 1000);
function setAutoScroll(newValue) {
if (newValue) {
autoScrollSpeed = speedFactor * newValue;
if (autoScrollTimer) {
autoScrollTimer = setInterval(function () {
currentTime =;
if (prevTime) {
if (!isScrolling) {
timeDiff = currentTime - prevTime;
currentPos += autoScrollSpeed * timeDiff;
if (Math.abs(currentPos - prevPos) >= minDelta) {
isScrolling = true;
window.scrollTo(0, currentPos);
isScrolling = false;
prevPos = currentPos;
prevTime = currentTime;
} else {
prevTime = currentTime;
}, 1000 / fps);
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