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Created July 5, 2018 19:17
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import analysis.real
import set_theory.zfc
import data.list
import data.fintype
namespace direct_graph
--open list
variables {α : Type }
variables u v: α
variable graph: α × α → ℕ
def vertices (graph: α × α → ℕ ) : set α := λ u, ∃ v, graph(u,v)>0 ∨ graph(v,u)>0
def edges (graph: α × α → ℕ ): set (α × α) := λ e, graph e >0
--def numbers_edges (graph: α × α → ℕ ): ℕ := λ e, graph e >0
definition path : list (α × α)→ Prop
| [] := tt
| [a] := tt
| (a :: b :: l) := a.2= b.1
definition walk_in_graph :( α × α → ℕ ) → list (α × α × ℕ )→ Prop
| graph [] := tt
| graph [a] := (graph (a.1,a.2.1)≥ a.2.2)/\ (a.2.2≥ 0)
| graph (a :: b :: l) := (a.1= b.2.1)
∧ (graph (a.1,a.2.1)≥ a.2.2)/\ (a.2.2≥ 0)
∧ (graph (b.1,b.2.1)≥ b.2.2)/\ (b.2.2≥ 0)
definition cycle_in_graph [inhabited (α × α × ℕ )] (graph: α × α → ℕ ) (l : list (α × α × ℕ )) (h : l ≠ list.nil) : Prop
:= walk_in_graph graph l /\ (list.head l).1 = (list.last l h).2.1
definition count_in_list [decidable_eq α] : (α × α × ℕ ) → list (α × α × ℕ )→ ℕ
| a [] := 0
| a (b :: l) := if a = b then
(count_in_list a l)+1
else count_in_list a l
definition count_lists [decidable_eq α]: list (α × α × ℕ )→ ℕ
| [] := 0
| (a :: b) := count_in_list a (a::b) + count_lists b
definition is_unique [decidable_eq α]: list (α × α × ℕ )→ bool :=λ l, count_lists l= list.length l
def to_set : list α → set α
|[] :=∅
| (h::t) := {h} ∪ to_set t
def Euler_walk [decidable_eq α] (graph: α × α → ℕ ) (l : list (α × α × ℕ )) : Prop
:= is_unique l ∧ walk_in_graph graph l ∧
(∀ u v n, graph(u,v)≥ n ∧ n≥ 1 → (u,v,n)∈ to_set l )
def Euler_cycle [inhabited (α × α × ℕ )] [decidable_eq α] (graph: α × α → ℕ ) (l : list (α × α × ℕ )) (h : l ≠ list.nil): Prop
:= is_unique l ∧ cycle_in_graph graph l h ∧
(∀ u v n, graph(u,v)≥ n ∧ n≥ 1 → (u,v,n)∈ to_set l )
def is_Eulerian [inhabited (α × α × ℕ )] [decidable_eq α](graph: α × α → ℕ ) :Prop
:= ∃ l (h : l ≠ list.nil), Euler_cycle graph l h
definition undirected_graph ( graph:α × α → ℕ ): Prop :=
∀ u v:α, graph(u,v)=graph(v,u)
def Euler_walk_in_undirected_graph [decidable_eq α](graph: α × α → ℕ ) (l : list (α × α × ℕ )) : Prop
:= is_unique l ∧ walk_in_graph graph l ∧
(∀ u v n, (u,v,n)∈ to_set l → (u,v,n)∉ to_set l ) ∧
(∀ u v n, graph(u,v)≥ n ∧ n≥ 1 → (u,v,n)∈ to_set l ∨ (v,u,n)∈ to_set l )
def Euler_cycle_in_undirected_graph [inhabited (α × α × ℕ )] [decidable_eq α](graph: α × α → ℕ ) (l : list (α × α × ℕ )) (h : l ≠ list.nil): Prop
:= is_unique l ∧ cycle_in_graph graph l h ∧
(∀ u v n, (u,v,n)∈ to_set(l) → (u,v,n)∉ to_set(l) ) ∧
(∀ u v n, graph(u,v)≥ n ∧ n≥ 1 → (u,v,n)∈ to_set l ∨ (v,u,n)∈ to_set l )
def is_Eulerian_in_undirected_graph [inhabited (α × α × ℕ )] [decidable_eq α](graph: α × α → ℕ ) :Prop
:= ∃ l (h : l ≠ list.nil), Euler_cycle_in_undirected_graph graph l h
def invertex (graph: α × α → ℕ ) (u:α ): set (α × α × ℕ )
:= λ e, graph(e.1,e.2.1)≥ e.2.2 ∧ e.2.2≥ 1 ∧ e.2.1=u
def outvertex (graph: α × α → ℕ ) (u:α ): set (α × α × ℕ )
:= λ e, graph(e.1,e.2.1)≥ e.2.2 ∧ e.2.2≥ 1 ∧ e.1=u
def same_degree (graph: α × α → ℕ ) (u:α ):Prop
:= ∃ (f:outvertex graph u → invertex graph u) (g: invertex graph u → outvertex graph u), (∀ v, f (g v) =v)∧ (∀ v, g (f v)= v)
def orientation (graph:α × α → ℕ ) :set(α × α → ℕ)
:= λ f, ∀e, f e +f (e.2,e.1) = graph e
def Eulerian_orientation [inhabited (α × α × ℕ )] [decidable_eq α](graph: α × α → ℕ ): Prop
:= undirected_graph graph ∧
(∃ G:α × α → ℕ, G ∈ orientation graph ∧
(∀ u:vertices G, same_degree G u) ∧
is_Eulerian G
definition strong_orientation [inhabited (α × α × ℕ )] (graph:α × α → ℕ ):Prop
:= undirected_graph graph ∧
(∃ G:α × α → ℕ, G ∈ orientation graph ∧
(∀ u v:vertices G,
∃ l (h : l ≠ list.nil), walk_in_graph G l ∧
(list.head l).1=u /\
(list.last l h).2.1=v
#check invertex
#check Euler_walk_in_undirected_graph
#check walk_in_graph
#check Euler_walk
#check Euler_cycle
#check count_in_list
#reduce ((λ (x y:α), x=y) u u )∨ true
#check walk_in_graph
#check path
#check graph
#check ∃ v, graph(u,v)>0 ∨ graph(v,u)>0
#check tt
#check vertices
end direct_graph
--import data.fintype
variables {α : Type}
def invertex (graph: α × α → ℕ ) (u:α ): set (α × α × ℕ )
:= λ e, graph(e.1,e.2.1)≥ e.2.2 ∧ e.2.2≥ 1 ∧ e.2.1=u
instance [fintype (α × α × ℕ ) ] [decidable_eq α ] (graph : α × α → ℕ) (u : α ) : fintype (invertex graph u) :=
by unfold invertex; apply_instance
def indegree [fintype (α × α × ℕ ) ] [decidable_eq α ] (graph : α × α → ℕ) (u : α ) : ℕ :=
fintype.card (invertex graph u)
def outvertex (graph: α × α → ℕ ) (u:α ): set (α × α × ℕ )
:= λ e, graph(e.1,e.2.1)≥ e.2.2 ∧ e.2.2≥ 1 ∧ e.1=u
instance [fintype (α × α × ℕ ) ] [decidable_eq α ] (graph : α × α → ℕ) (u : α ) : fintype (outvertex graph u) :=
by unfold outvertex; apply_instance
def outdegree [fintype (α × α × ℕ ) ] [decidable_eq α ] (graph : α × α → ℕ) (u : α ) : ℕ :=
fintype.card (outvertex graph u)
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