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Created November 18, 2014 14:58
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Patched CreateImage for node
noflo = require 'noflo'
Canvas = require 'canvas'
Image = Canvas.Image
urlUtil = require 'url'
request = require 'request'
temporary = require 'temporary'
fs = require 'fs'
# @runtime noflo-nodejs
# @name CreateImage
class CreateImage extends noflo.AsyncComponent
description: 'Load image from URL or path and send node-canvas compatible image'
icon: 'picture-o'
constructor: ->
@inFlight = {}
@inPorts = new noflo.InPorts
datatype: 'string'
type: 'string/url'
datatype: 'string'
description: 'not applicable to Node version'
required: false
@outPorts = new noflo.OutPorts
datatype: 'object'
type: 'noflo-canvas/image'
datatype: 'object'
super 'url', 'image'
doAsync: (url, callback) ->
onLoad = (err, image) =>
if err
onError err
@outPorts.image.beginGroup url
@outPorts.image.send image
callback null
onError = (err) ->
err.url = url
return callback err
loadFile = (path) ->
fs.stat path, (err, stats) ->
return onError err if err
if stats.size is 0
e = new Error 'Zero-sized image'
return onError e
fs.readFile path, (err, image) ->
if err
return onError err
img = new Image
img.onload = () ->
onLoad null, img
img.onerror = (err) ->
onError err, null
img.src = image
urlOptions = urlUtil.parse url
if urlOptions.protocol
# Remote image
tmpFile = new temporary.File
stream = fs.createWriteStream tmpFile.path
req = request url, ->
# ignore result here, pipe later
error = null
req.on 'response', (resp) ->
return if resp.statusCode is 200
error = new Error "#{url} responded with #{resp.statusCode}"
error.url = url
req.on 'error', (err) ->
err.url = url
error = err
req.on 'end', =>
delete @inFlight[url]
if error
onError error
loadFile tmpFile.path
catch e
onError e
req.pipe stream
@inFlight[url] = req
# Local image
loadFile url
shutdown: ->
for url, req of @inFlight
delete @inFlight[url]
@q = []
@errorGroups = []
exports.getComponent = -> new CreateImage
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