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Created August 13, 2017 10:34
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A JavaScript implementation of the non-blocking RotatingSkipList algorithm described in Dick, I. Fekete, A. Gramoli, V. (2016) "A Skip List for Multicore", to appear in Concurrency and Computation Practice and Experience 2016
A JavaScript implementation of the non-blocking RotatingSkipList algorithm described in:
Dick, I. Fekete, A. Gramoli, V. (2016)
"A Skip List for Multicore", to appear in
Concurrency and Computation Practice and Experience 2016
type KEY = 0; const KEY = 0;
type VAL = 1; const VAL = 1;
type PREV = 2; const PREV = 2;
type NEXT = 3; const NEXT = 3;
type LEVEL = 4; const LEVEL = 4;
type DELETED = 5; const DELETED = 5;
type WHEEL = 6; const WHEEL = 6;
type SkipNode<K, V> = {
/* KEY */ 0: K,
/* VAL */ 1: V | SkipNode<K, V>,
/* PREV */ 2: SkipNode<K, V>,
/* NEXT */ 3: SkipNode<K, V>,
/* LEVEL */ 4: number,
/* DELETED */ 5: boolean,
length: number,
[k: number]: any
function SkipNode<K, V>(
key: K, val: V,
prev: SkipNode<K, V> | null,
next: SkipNode<K, V> | null,
level: number
): SkipNode<K, V> {
return [
/* KEY */ key,
/* VAL */ val,
/* PREV */ prev,
/* NEXT */ next,
/* LEVEL */ level | 0,
/* DELETED */ false
type Disposable = { dispose(): void, unsubscribe?: () => void };
type Scheduler = { schedule(delay: number, state: any): Disposable };
const TimeoutScheduler = { d: null,
schedule<K, V>(this: { d: any }, delay: number, list: SkipList<K, V> ) {
if (this.d === null) {
const self = this, timeout = setTimeout(() => list.rebalance(this.d = null), delay);
return this.d = { dispose() { if (self.d) clearTimeout(timeout); self.d = null; } };
return this.d;
class SkipList<K, V> {
public length = 0;
protected base = 0;
protected levels: number;
protected head: SkipNode<K, V>;
protected scheduler: Scheduler | null;
protected disposable: Disposable | null = null;
constructor(size?: number, scheduler?: boolean | Scheduler) {
this.head = SkipNode(<any> Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, null, null, null, 1);
this.levels = Math.round(Math.log2(size !== undefined ? Math.abs(size | 0) || 65535 : 65535));
this.scheduler = !scheduler ? null : typeof scheduler === 'boolean' ? TimeoutScheduler : scheduler;
* Get a value from the skip list
* @param {K} key The search key
* @return {TResult|null} The search key's value, or null if the key is not in the skip list
get(key: K) {
const [node] =, KEY);
return !node[DELETED] && node[KEY] === key ? node[VAL] : null;
* Get a key from the skip list
* @param {V} key The search value
* @return {TResult|null} The search value's key, or null if the value is not in the skip list
key(val: V) {
const [node] =, VAL);
return !node[DELETED] && node[VAL] === val ? node[KEY] : null;
* Set a value into the skip list
* @param {Number} key The search key
* @param {any} val The search value
set(key: K, val: V) {
const [node, next] =;
// If key matches exactly, write the new value into the node
if (node[KEY] === key) {
return node[VAL] = val;
this.length += 1;
// Otherwise, splice a new node for this key into the skip list
node[NEXT] = next ? (next[PREV] =
SkipNode(key, val, node, next, 0)) :
SkipNode(key, val, node, next, 0) ;
// Invalidate the skip list levels and return the value
return this.rebalance(this.scheduler) && val || val;
* Delete a key from the skip list
* @param {Number} key The search key
* @return {boolean} A boolean indicating whether the key was in the list and required removal
delete(key: K) {
const [node] =;
// If key not present or is logically deleted, return false
if (node[DELETED] || node[KEY] !== key) { return false; }
// Mark or reclaim the deleted nodes, and return true
return (node[DELETED] = true) && (node[LEVEL] > 0 ?
// nodes with index items are marked for removal and reclaimed using index height changes.
this.rebalance(this.scheduler) :
// If node is height 1 (i.e. they don't have index nodes above), we can safely remove and reclaim the node in-place.
SkipList.remove(this, node[PREV], node[VAL] = node)
) && true || true;
* Traverse the skip list and return the node and next that match the search
* @param {S} key The search value
* @param { 0 | 1 } field The search field flag, either KEY = 0, or VAL = 1
* @return {[node, next]} The found node and next | null
search<S = K>(search: S, field?: KEY | VAL): [SkipNode<K, V>, SkipNode<K, V> | null] {
let FIELD = field === undefined ? KEY : field;
let node = this.head, level = node[LEVEL] - 1;
let next: SkipNode<K, V>, { base, levels } = this;
// find an entry-point to the node-level
do {
// follow level in wheels
next = node[WHEEL - 1 + ((level + base) % levels)];
/* if next key is smaller and there are more rows, move right */
if (next && (next[DELETED] || <any> next[FIELD] < search)) { node = next; }
/* if next key is larger and there are more levels, move down */
else if (--level > base) { next = node; }
/* otherwise we found the lowest level, now find the correct node and next */
else {
do {
// if node is physically deleted, backtrack
// to the first non physically deleted node
while (node === node[VAL]) node = node[PREV];
// next becomes immediate next node. if next is not
// logically deleted, but is physically deleted,
// remove the deleted nodes and retry
if ((next = node[NEXT]) && next[DELETED]) {
next = SkipList.remove(this, node, next);
// if we're still at the right position, return the results
if (!next || <any> next[FIELD] > search) {
return [node, next || null];
// otherwise continue the traversal
node = next;
} while (true);
} while (true);
rebalance(scheduler?: Scheduler | null): null {
if (scheduler && typeof scheduler.schedule === 'function') {
if (!this.disposable) {
this.disposable = scheduler.schedule(0, this);
return null;
} else if (this.disposable) {
(this.disposable.unsubscribe || this.disposable.dispose).call(this.disposable);
this.disposable = null;
// raised - keep track of whether we raised the index level
// threshold - keep track of whether we should lower index level
let level, threshold, { base, head, levels } = this;
let [raised, kept, removed] = SkipList.raiseBottomLevel(this, head, base, levels);
// If we raised the bottom level, add a new index level
if (1 === (level = head[LEVEL]) && raised) {
// set index to null before we increase the level
head[WHEEL + ((level + base) % levels)] = null;
head[LEVEL] = ++level;
// raise the index level nodes
// tslint:disable-next-line:whitespace
for (let height = 1; height < level;) {
raised = SkipList.raiseIndexLevel(head, base, levels, height);
// if we raised index to the head level, add a new index level
if (level === ++height && raised && level < levels) {
// set index to null before we increase the level
head[WHEEL + ((level + base) % levels)] = null;
head[LEVEL] = ++level;
// if needed, remove the lowest index level
if (kept * 10 < removed && level > 1) {
this.base = SkipList.lowerIndexLevel(head, base, levels);
return null;
* Finish physically removing a node
* @param {Node} prev the node before the one to remove
* @param {Node} node the node to finish removing
* @return {Node|null} the next valid node, or null if no more valid nodes
protected static remove<K, V>(list: SkipList<K, V>, prev: SkipNode<K, V>, node: SkipNode<K, V>) {
// if node is not logically deleted, return it
if (node[VAL] !== node) { return node; }
// if node is not the next node in the skip list, return it
if (prev[NEXT] !== node) { return node; }
list.length -= 1;
// remove the node
let next = node[NEXT];
if (prev[NEXT] = next) {
next[PREV] = prev;
return next || null;
* Traverse and raise the bottom skip list level. Tries to raise non-deleted
* nodes, and finishes deletions that have been started but not completed.
* @return {[boolean raised, int kept, int removed]}
protected static raiseBottomLevel<K, V>(list: SkipList<K, V>, head: SkipNode<K, V>, base: number, levels: number) {
let next_head_below: SkipNode<K, V>;
let raised = 0, kept = 0, removed = 0;
let key, prev = head, node = head[NEXT];
let next = node[NEXT], index = WHEEL + (base % levels);
let above_head = head, above_prev = head, above_next = head;
do {
// if node logically deleted, then maybe physically delete
if (node[DELETED]) {
// If node is physically deleted or level > 0
// otherwise, physically delete and increment deleted
if (node[VAL] !== node && node[LEVEL] === 0 && 0 < ++removed) {
SkipList.remove(list, node[PREV], node[VAL] = node);
// if not deleted, increment kept count
// raise the level the node in the middle of three
// consecutive non-deleted nodes of the same height
else if (++kept &&
(prev[LEVEL] === 0) &&
(node[LEVEL] === 0) &&
(next[LEVEL] === 0)) {
key = node[KEY];
node[LEVEL] = raised = 1;
// get the index node above for raising - inlined to avoid allocations
if (above_next[KEY] < key) {
next_head_below = above_head[index];
do {
above_next = above_next[index];
if (above_next !== next_head_below) {
above_prev = above_prev[index];
} while (above_next && above_next[KEY] < key);
node[index] = above_next;
above_prev[index] = node;
above_next = above_prev = above_head = node;
prev = node;
} while ((node = next) && (next = node[NEXT]));
return [raised, kept, removed];
protected static raiseIndexLevel<K, V>(head: SkipNode<K, V>, base: number, levels: number, height: number) {
let raised = 0;
let next_head_below: SkipNode<K, V>;
let index = WHEEL + ((height + base) % levels);
let above = WHEEL + ((height + base - 1) % levels);
let key, prev = head, node = head, next = head[above];
let above_head = head, above_prev = head, above_next = head;
while ((node = next) && (next = node[above])) {
// skip physically deleted nodes
while (node[VAL] === node) {
prev[above] = next;
node[LEVEL] -= 1; // decrement index level
node = next;
if (!(next = next[above])) {
return raised;
// raise the level the node in the middle of three
// consecutive non-deleted nodes of the same or lower height
if (prev[LEVEL] <= height &&
node[LEVEL] == height &&
next[LEVEL] <= height &&
node[DELETED] === false /* skip deleted nodes */) {
raised = 1;
key = node[KEY];
// get the index node above for raising - inlined to avoid allocations
if (above_next[KEY] < key) {
next_head_below = above_head[index];
do {
above_next = above_next[index];
if (above_next !== next_head_below) {
above_prev = above_prev[index];
} while (above_next && above_next[KEY] < key);
// fix the pointers and levels
node[LEVEL] = height + 1;
node[index] = above_next;
above_prev[index] = node;
above_next = above_prev = above_head = node;
prev = node;
return raised;
protected static lowerIndexLevel<K, V>(head: SkipNode<K, V>, base: number, levels: number) {
let node = head, next, index = WHEEL + (base % levels);
// if there's room to lower, decrement the level of all nodes
if (node[LEVEL] - 2 > base) {
do {
next = node[index];
if (node[LEVEL] > 0) {
node[LEVEL] -= 1;
node[index] = null;
node = next;
} while (node);
return base + 1;
alert('open the console to see the results');
console.log('queueing tests');
var runs = 10;
var count = Math.pow(10, 6);
var operations = Math.pow(10, 3);
var ops = `${nf(operations, ',')}`;
var create = `w/ ${nf(count, ',')} items:`;
var access = `${ops} random reads:`;
var insert = `${ops} random inserts:`;
var remove = `${ops} random deletes:`;
var splice = `${ops} random splices:`;
var rThenA = `${ops} random deletes, then ${ops} random reads:`;
var sThenA = `${ops} random splices, then ${ops} random reads:`;
setTimeout(() => {
console.log(`ms displayed is average of ${nf(runs, ',')} runs`);
console.log(`SkipList ${create} ${runMany(runs, initSkipList(count))}`);
console.log(`${access} ${runMany(runs, initSkipList(count), accessSkipListRandom(count, operations))}`);
console.log(`${insert} ${runMany(runs, initSkipList(count), updateSkipListRandom(count, operations))}`);
console.log(`${remove} ${runMany(runs, initSkipList(count), removeSkipListRandom(count, operations))}`);
console.log(`${rThenA} ${runMany(runs, initSkipList(count), removeSkipListRandom(count, operations, accessSkipListRandom(count, operations, true)))}`);
console.log(`Object ${create} ${runMany(runs, initObject(count))}`);
console.log(`${access} ${runMany(runs, initObject(count), accessObjectRandom(count, operations))}`);
console.log(`${insert} ${runMany(runs, initObject(count), updateObjectRandom(count, operations))}`);
console.log(`${remove} ${runMany(runs, initObject(count), removeObjectRandom(count, operations))}`);
console.log(`${rThenA} ${runMany(runs, initObject(count), removeObjectRandom(count, operations, accessObjectRandom(count, operations)))}`);
console.log(`Array ${create} ${runMany(runs, initArray(count))}`);
console.log(`${access} ${runMany(runs, initArray(count), accessArrayRandom(count, operations))}`);
console.log(`${insert} ${runMany(runs, initArray(count), updateArrayRandom(count, operations))}`);
console.log(`${splice} ${runMany(runs, initArray(count), removeArrayRandom(count, operations))}`);
console.log(`${sThenA} ${runMany(runs, initArray(count), removeArrayRandom(count, operations, accessArrayRandom(count, operations)))}`);
}, 5000);
function initSkipList(count) {
return function() {
var list = new SkipList(undefined, true);
for (let i = -1, node = (<any> list).head; ++i < count;) {
node[NEXT] = SkipNode(i, i * 10, node, null, 0);
node = node[NEXT];
return list;
function accessSkipListRandom(count, times, nullsOk?) {
return function(list) {
for (let i = -1; ++i < times;) {
let x = count * Math.random() | 0;
let y = list.get(x);
if (y !== x * 10) {
if (!nullsOk || y !== null) {
throw new Error(`expected ${y} to be ${x * 10}`);
function updateSkipListRandom(count, times) {
return function (list) {
for (let i = -1; ++i < times;) {
let x = count * Math.random() | 0;
list.set(x, x * 10);
function removeSkipListRandom(count, times, nextFn?) {
return function(list) {
for (let i = -1, n = count; ++i < times;) {
list.delete(--n * Math.random() | 0);
nextFn && nextFn(list);
function initObject(count) {
return function() {
var obj = Object.create(null);
for (let i = -1; ++i < count;) {
obj['key_' + i] = i * 10;
return obj;
function accessObjectRandom(count, times) {
let x;
return function(obj) {
for (let i = -1; ++i < times;) {
x = obj['key_' + (count * Math.random() | 0)];
function updateObjectRandom(count, times) {
return function (obj) {
for (let i = -1; ++i < times;) {
let x = count * Math.random() | 0;
obj['key_' + x] = x * 10;
function removeObjectRandom(count, times, nextFn?) {
return function(obj) {
for (let i = -1, n = count; ++i < times;) {
delete obj['key_' + (--n * Math.random() | 0)];
nextFn && nextFn(obj);
function initArray(count) {
return function() {
var arr = new Array(count);
for (let i = -1; ++i < count;) {
arr[i] = i * 10;
return arr;
function accessArrayRandom(count, times) {
let x;
return function(arr) {
for (let i = -1; ++i < times;) {
x = arr[count * Math.random() | 0];
function updateArrayRandom(count, times) {
return function (arr) {
for (let i = -1; ++i < times;) {
let x = count * Math.random() | 0;
arr[x] = x * 10;
function removeArrayRandom(count, times, nextFn?) {
return function(arr) {
for (let i = -1, n = count; ++i < times;) {
arr.splice(--n * Math.random() | 0, 1);
nextFn && nextFn(arr);
function runMany(runs, setupFn, testFn?) {
let t = 0, i = 0, times = [],
testArg, runTest = testFn || setupFn;
if (testFn) testArg = setupFn();
do {
t =;
times.push( - t);
} while (++i < runs);
let sum = times.reduce((xs, x) => xs + x, 0);
let avg = sum / times.length;
let sig = Math.pow(10, 2);
return `${nf(Math.round(avg * sig) / sig, ',')}ms`;
function nf(_number, _sep) {
let number = typeof _number != 'undefined' && _number > 0 ? '' + _number : "";
let dot = number.indexOf('.');
let int = ~dot ? number.slice(0, dot) : number;
let dec = ~dot ? number.slice(dot) : '';
int = int.replace(new RegExp("^(\\d{" + (int.length%3? int.length%3:0) + "})(\\d{3})", "g"), "$1 $2").replace(/(\d{3})+?/gi, "$1 ").trim();
if(typeof _sep !== 'undefined' && _sep !== ' ') {
int = int.replace(/\s/g, _sep);
return int + dec;
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