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Last active August 14, 2023 14:20
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Parse 8xp files (poorly)
import os
import bisect
import xmltodict
here = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
with open(os.path.join(here, "tokens.xml"), "r", encoding="utf8") as token_file:
tokens = xmltodict.parse(
token_symbol = {}
symbol_token = {}
def listy(thing):
if type(thing) is list:
return thing
return [thing]
def load_token(leading_bytes, data):
code = leading_bytes + int(data["@byte"][1:],16).to_bytes(1, 'big')
if "@string" in data:
if "@group" not in data or data["@group"] in ['_default','Greek','Y-Vars','Drawing Commands','Accented Letters']:
symbol = data["@string"]
if symbol == "\\n":
symbol = "\n"
token_symbol[code] = symbol
symbol_token[symbol] = code
if "Token" in data:
for subtoken in listy(data["Token"]):
load_token(code, subtoken)
if "Alt" in data:
for alt in listy(data["Alt"]):
symbol_token[alt["@string"]] = code
for token in tokens["Tokens"]["Token"]:
load_token(bytes(), token)
symbol_list = list(symbol_token.keys())
ambiguous_symbols = {}
for s1 in symbol_list:
if len(s1) > 0:
ambiguous_symbols[s1] = []
for s2 in symbol_list:
if s2.endswith(s1) and len(s2) > len(s1):
class Program:
def __init__(self, name, comment, code, version=(0,0), archived=False): = name
self.comment = comment
self.code = code
self.archived = archived
self.version = version
def __init__(self, data): = data[60:60+8].decode('ascii').rstrip(' \0')
self.version = int(data[68])
self.comment = data[11:11+42].decode('ascii').rstrip(' \0')
self.archived = data[69] == 0x80
self.code = ""
pos = 72
if data[55] == 13:
pos += 2
indents = 0
in_if = False
after_newline = True
while pos<len(data)-2:
(symbol, lg, token) = self.write_symbol(self.code, data, pos)
if after_newline:
after_newline = False
itoken = int.from_bytes(token, 'little')
if in_if and itoken != 0xCF:
self.code += "\t"
if itoken in [0xD4, 0xD0]:
indents = max(0, indents-1)
self.code += "\t" * indents
if itoken in [0xD0, 0xD1, 0xD2, 0xD3, 0xCF]:
indents += 1
in_if = itoken == 0xCE
if symbol == "\n":
after_newline = True
self.code += symbol
pos += lg
def compile(self):
data = bytes()
data += "**TI83F*".encode('ascii')
data += bytes([26, 10, 0])
data += (self.comment.ljust(42, '\0')).encode('ascii')
token_data = bytes()
pos = 0
while pos<len(self.code):
word = self.parse_token(self.code, pos)
if word is not None:
token_data += symbol_token[word]
pos += len(word)
pos += 1
data += (len(token_data)+19).to_bytes(2, 'little')
section = bytes([13, 0])
section += (len(token_data)+2).to_bytes(2, 'little')
section += bytes([5])
section +=, '\0').encode("ascii")
section += bytes([self.version])
section += bytes([0x80]) if self.archived else bytes([0x00])
section += (len(token_data)+2).to_bytes(2, 'little')
section += (len(token_data)).to_bytes(2, 'little')
section += token_data
data += section
data += (sum(section) & 0xFFFF).to_bytes(2, 'little')
return data
def write_symbol(self, so_far, stream, position):
symbol = None
bc = 0
while symbol is None:
bc += 1
byte_string = stream[position:position+bc]
symbol = token_symbol.get(byte_string)
potential = so_far + symbol
for ambig in ambiguous_symbols[symbol]:
if potential.endswith(ambig):
symbol = "‗" + symbol
return (symbol, bc, byte_string)
def parse_token(self, stream, position):
current = position + 1
too_far = False
possible = symbol_list
while True:
word = stream[position:current]
if len(word) == 0:
return None
if too_far and word in symbol_token:
return word
next_word = word[0:len(word)-1]+chr(ord(word[-1])+1)
possible = possible[bisect.bisect_left(possible, word):bisect.bisect_left(possible, next_word)]
if len(possible) == 1 and len(possible[0]) == len(word):
return word
if len(possible) == 0 or current > len(stream):
too_far = True
current += (-1 if too_far else 1)
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