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TryCF Gist
// Simulated Query
all_employees = QueryNew("userdefined,hello,f", "varchar,varchar,varchar",
["test","pure text","takeMe"],
["2","number as varchar","takeMe"],
["03","leading zero","takeMe"],
[" 4 ","leading and trailing spaces","takeMe"],
["5 ","extra trailing spaces","takeMe"],
[" 6","extra leading spaces","takeMe"],
["165e73","scientific notation","takeMe"],
["1,5","comma-delimited (or non-US decimal)","takeMe"],
["1.0","valid decimal","takeMe"],
["1.","invalid decimal","takeMe"],
["1,000","number with comma","takeMe"]
) ;
//writedump(all_employees) ;
// Set up your return array.
retval = [] ;
// Filter your query (like WHERE clause)
filt = all_employees.filter( function(whereclause){ return ( whereclause.f == "takeMe"); } ) ;
// Check your userDefined values and reformat if needed
function(r) {
ISNUMERIC(r.userDefined) ? right("00000000"&ltrim(rtrim((r.userdefined))),8) : r.userDefined
) ;
) ;
// Sort the array.
retval.sort("textnocase") ;
// Output our sorted array.
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