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TryCF Gist
Simulate database queries
suppNeg = queryNew("subID, companyID, suppName,O18,O19,O20,O22,WDPVC1,WDPVC2"
,[ {"subID":1,"companyId":22,"suppName":"SuppNameA","O18":100,"O19":0,"O20": "-150","O22":0,"WDPVC1":"500","WDPVC2":"750"}
,{"subID":1,"companyId":30,"suppName":"SuppNameA","O18":0,"O19":0,"O20": "0","O22":"0","WDPVC1":"0","WDPVC2":"0"}
columntotals = queryNew("WDPVC1, WDPVC2,O18,O19,O20,O22"
,[{"O18":100,"O19":0,"O20": "-150","O22":0,"WDPVC1":"500","WDPVC2":"750"}
,{"O18":0,"O19":0,"O20": "0","O22":"0","WDPVC1":"0","WDPVC2":"0"}
<cfquery dbtype="query" name="subs">
SELECT DISTINCT suppName, companyID, subID
FROM suppNeg
Show Queries
<cfset writeDump(suppNeg)><br>
<cfset writeDump(columntotals)>
<cfset writeDump(subs)>
Calculate Totals
<cfset O18Value = valueList(columntotals.O18) />
<cfset O18total = listToArray(O18Value) />
<cfset O19Value = valueList(columntotals.O19) />
<cfset O19total = listToArray(O19Value) />
<cfset O20Value = valueList(columntotals.O20) />
<cfset O20total = listToArray(O20Value) />
<cfset O22Value = valueList(columntotals.O22) />
<cfset O22total = listToArray(O22Value) />
<cfset WDPVC1Value = valueList(columntotals.WDPVC1) />
<cfset WDPVC1total = listToArray(WDPVC1Value) />
<cfset WDPVC2Value = valueList(columntotals.WDPVC2) />
<cfset WDPVC2total = listToArray(WDPVC2Value) />
Show totals used in CFIF/CFELSE
<cfset totals = {O18total = #ArraySum(O18total)#
, "O19total" = #ArraySum(O19total)#
, "O20total" = #ArraySum(O20total)#
, "O22total" = #ArraySum(O22total)#
, "WDPVC1total" = #ArraySum(WDPVC1total)#
, "WDPVC2total" = #ArraySum(WDPVC2total)#}>
<cfdump var="#totals#" label="Totals used in CFIF/CFELSE ">
<br><br>Output :<hr>
<cfoutput query="subs">
subID = #subID# companyID = #companyID# /
<cfif (arraysum(O18total)) LT 0>
arraysum(O18total) is less than 0
(Value = #arraysum(O18total)#)
<cfelseif (arraysum(O19total)) LT 0>
arraysum(O19total) is less than 0
(Value = #arraysum(O19total)#)
<cfelseif (arraysum(O20total)) LT 0>
arraysum(O20total) is less than 0
(Value = #arraysum(O20total)#)
<cfelseif (arraysum(O22total)) lt 0>
arraysum(O22total) is less than 0
(Value = #arraysum(O22total)#)
<cfelseif (arraysum(WDPVC1total)) LT 0>
arraysum(WDPVC1total) is less than 0
(Value = #arraysum(WDPVC1total)#)
<cfelseif (arraysum(WDPVC2total)) LT 0>
arraysum(WDPVC2total) is less than 0
(Value = #arraysum(WDPVC2total)#)
None of the totals are less than 0
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