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TryCF Gist
<!--- DEMO data (CFML style) --->
<cfset getFAQs = QueryNew("Tags,Question,Answer"
, "varchar,varchar,varchar"
, [ {"tags": "already transferred"
, "question": "Can we transfer customers who have already been transferred previously? what is the dispo? warm transfer or already contacted?"
, "answer": "Yes, mark as already contacted."
"tags": "secured debt"
, "question": "If customer only has secured debts, can we still offer credit repair?"
, "answer": "Yes, as long as they have at least $100 in secured/unsecured debt.
<!--- build array of structures --->
<cfset yourArray = []>
<cfloop query="getFAQs">
<cfset yourArray.append( { "tags" : getFAQs.tags
, "question" : getFAQs.question
,"answer": getFAQs.answer
} )>
<!--- format as JSON --->
<cfset jsonString = serializeJSON( yourArray )>
<!--- DEMO - display results --->
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