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<cffunction name="weekOfYear" returnType="date">
<cfargument name="yearWeek" type="string">
<!--- Parse out the year, the week of the year from arguments.yearWeek and default the day of week to Monday --->
<cfset year = listGetAt(arguments.yearWeek, 1, "-W")>
<cfset woy = listGetAt(arguments.yearWeek, 2, "-W")>
<cfset dow = 2>
<!--- Calculate the number of days this year and last year for later use. --->
<cfset DaysThisYear = daysInYear(CreateDate(year, 1, 1))>
<cfset DaysLastYear = daysInYear(CreateDate(year-1, 1, 1))>
<!--- Multiply week number "woy" by 7, then add the weekday number "dow" --->
<cfset ordinalDate = woy*7 + dow>
<!--- From this sum, subtract the correction for the year: Get the weekday of 4 January and add 3 --->
<cfset ordinalDate = ordinalDate - (dayOfWeek(parseDateTime("#year#-01-04", "y-M-d")) + 3)>
<!--- The result is the ordinal date, which can be converted into a calendar date. --->
<cfif ordinalDate LT 1>
<!--- If the ordinal date thus obtained is zero or negative, the date belongs to the previous calendar year. --->
<cfset ordinalDate = ordinalDate + daysLastYear>
<cfset year = year-1>
<cfelseif ordinalDate GT daysThisYear>
<!--- If it is greater than the number of days in the year, it belongs to the following year. --->
<cfset ordinalDate = ordinalDate - daysThisYear>
<cfset year = year+1>
<cfreturn parseDateTime("#year#-#ordinalDate#", "y-D")>
<!--- Testing with your example. --->
2021-W46 => #weekOfYear("2021-W46")#<br><br>
<!--- Testing edge cases. --->
2014-W1 => #weekOfYear("2014-W1")#<br>
2014-W52 => #weekOfYear("2014-W52")#<br>
2014-W53 => #weekOfYear("2014-W53")#<br><br>
2015-W1 => #weekOfYear("2015-W1")#<br>
2015-W52 => #weekOfYear("2015-W52")#<br>
2015-W53 => #weekOfYear("2015-W53")#<br><br>
2016-W1 => #weekOfYear("2016-W1")#<br>
2016-W52 => #weekOfYear("2016-W52")#<br>
2016-W53 => #weekOfYear("2016-W53")#<br><br>
2017-W1 => #weekOfYear("2017-W1")#<br>
2017-W52 => #weekOfYear("2017-W52")#<br>
2017-W53 => #weekOfYear("2017-W53")#<br><br>
2018-W1 => #weekOfYear("2018-W1")#<br>
2018-W52 => #weekOfYear("2018-W52")#<br>
2018-W53 => #weekOfYear("2018-W53")#<br><br>
2019-W1 => #weekOfYear("2019-W1")#<br>
2019-W52 => #weekOfYear("2019-W52")#<br>
2019-W53 => #weekOfYear("2019-W53")#<br><br>
2020-W1 => #weekOfYear("2020-W1")#<br>
2020-W52 => #weekOfYear("2020-W52")#<br>
2020-W53 => #weekOfYear("2020-W53")#<br><br>
2021-W1 => #weekOfYear("2021-W1")#<br>
2021-W52 => #weekOfYear("2021-W52")#<br>
2021-W53 => #weekOfYear("2021-W53")#<br>
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