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Created January 13, 2021 11:53
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Djikstras shortest path algorithm in kotlin
package algorithms.shortestpath
interface Node
data class Edge(val node1: Node, val node2: Node, val distance: Int)
* See
fun findShortestPath(edges: List<Edge>, source: Node, target: Node): ShortestPathResult {
// Note: this implementation uses similar variable names as the algorithm given do.
// We found it more important to align with the algorithm than to use possibly more sensible naming.
val dist = mutableMapOf<Node, Int>()
val prev = mutableMapOf<Node, Node?>()
val q = findDistinctNodes(edges)
q.forEach { v ->
dist[v] = Integer.MAX_VALUE
prev[v] = null
dist[source] = 0
while (q.isNotEmpty()) {
val u = q.minByOrNull { dist[it] ?: 0 }
if (u == target) {
break // Found shortest path to target
.filter { it.node1 == u }
.forEach { edge ->
val v = edge.node2
val alt = (dist[u] ?: 0) + edge.distance
if (alt < (dist[v] ?: 0)) {
dist[v] = alt
prev[v] = u
return ShortestPathResult(prev, dist, source, target)
private fun findDistinctNodes(edges: List<Edge>): MutableSet<Node> {
val nodes = mutableSetOf<Node>()
edges.forEach {
return nodes
* Traverse result
class ShortestPathResult(val prev: Map<Node, Node?>, val dist: Map<Node, Int>, val source: Node, val target: Node) {
fun shortestPath(from: Node = source, to: Node = target, list: List<Node> = emptyList()): List<Node> {
val last = prev[to] ?: return if (from == to) {
list + to
} else {
return shortestPath(from, last, list) + to
fun shortestDistance(): Int? {
val shortest = dist[target]
if (shortest == Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
return null
return shortest
package algorithms.shortestpath
import org.amshove.kluent.shouldBeEqualTo
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test
data class StringNode(val s: String) : Node
class GenericShortestPathTest {
fun `should find shortest path`() {
val graph = listOf(
Edge(StringNode("a"), StringNode("b"), 4),
Edge(StringNode("a"), StringNode("c"), 2),
Edge(StringNode("b"), StringNode("c"), 3),
Edge(StringNode("c"), StringNode("b"), 1),
Edge(StringNode("c"), StringNode("d"), 5),
Edge(StringNode("b"), StringNode("d"), 1),
Edge(StringNode("a"), StringNode("e"), 1),
Edge(StringNode("e"), StringNode("d"), 4)
val result = findShortestPath(graph, StringNode("a"), StringNode("d"))
// println("prev: ${result.prev}")
// println("dist: ${result.dist}")
result.shortestPath() shouldBeEqualTo listOf(StringNode("a"), StringNode("c"), StringNode("b"), StringNode("d"))
result.shortestDistance() shouldBeEqualTo 4
fun `should behave when shortest path is not reachable`() {
val graph = listOf(
Edge(StringNode("a"), StringNode("b"), 4),
Edge(StringNode("a"), StringNode("c"), 2),
Edge(StringNode("b"), StringNode("c"), 3),
Edge(StringNode("c"), StringNode("b"), 1),
Edge(StringNode("c"), StringNode("d"), 5),
Edge(StringNode("b"), StringNode("d"), 1),
// Edge(StringNode("a"), StringNode("e"), 1),
Edge(StringNode("e"), StringNode("d"), 4)
val result = findShortestPath(graph, StringNode("a"), StringNode("e"))
result.shortestPath() shouldBeEqualTo emptyList()
result.shortestDistance() shouldBeEqualTo null
fun `should behave when to-node doesnt event exist`() {
val graph = listOf(
Edge(StringNode("a"), StringNode("b"), 4),
Edge(StringNode("a"), StringNode("c"), 2),
Edge(StringNode("b"), StringNode("c"), 3),
Edge(StringNode("c"), StringNode("b"), 1),
Edge(StringNode("c"), StringNode("d"), 5),
Edge(StringNode("b"), StringNode("d"), 1),
Edge(StringNode("a"), StringNode("e"), 1),
Edge(StringNode("e"), StringNode("d"), 4)
val result = findShortestPath(graph, StringNode("a"), StringNode("f"))
result.shortestPath() shouldBeEqualTo emptyList()
result.shortestDistance() shouldBeEqualTo null
fun `should behave when the world is empty`() {
val graph = emptyList<Edge>()
val result = findShortestPath(graph, StringNode("a"), StringNode("f"))
result.shortestPath() shouldBeEqualTo emptyList()
result.shortestDistance() shouldBeEqualTo null
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