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Last active April 29, 2024 07:50
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A way to use high classifier-free guidance (CFG) scales with Stable Diffusion by applying an unsharp mask to the model output, while avoiding the artifacts and excessive contrast/saturation this usually produces
# This is an abbreviated demonstration of how to perform this technique. The code
# is a simplified version of that in my own custom codebase, and can't be plugged
# into other ways of using Stable Diffusion (e.g. Diffusers or A1111) without changes.
# In essence, the observation that the CFG formula:
# output_noise = uncond_noise + (cond_noise - uncond_noise) * scale
# looks a lot like the formula for the unsharp mask, a common way to sharpen or add local contrast to images:
# sharpened_image = original_image + (original_image − gaussian_blurred_image) * strength
# led me to try applying a "reverse" unsharp mask to the conditional output of the model to try to get rid of the
# easily noticeable artifacts and exaggerated contrast and saturation the output images tend to suffer from when
# generating images with Stable Diffusion at high classifier-free guidance (CFG) scales.
# I've previously spent quite a bit of time trying to fix this issue, see e.g. my post here:
# ...but the results using those techniques are far from perfect: they tend to cause output images to suffer
# from other issues like desaturation, and are not powerful enough to handle extreme CFG scales like 60 or 80.
# In contrast, this method performs a lot better, and by careful tuning of the parameters you can use very
# high CFG scales indeed without substantially degrading output image quality.
# One question that's important to answer preemptively is whether effectively blurring the conditional model output
# is "cheating", in the sense that the images generated using this method at high CFG scales are "effectively" generated
# at a much lower CFG scale because of the blur. It's hard to say exactly what an image generated at a high CFG scale
# "should" look like if generated using a proper, theory-backed fix to the problem at hand (which this isn't), but my
# intuition says that at high CFG scales (higher than the usual range of roughly 0.0–15.0), generated images should
# A) display better prompt adherence than one generated at a lower CFG scale
# B) display less diversity, i.e. two images generated with different initial noises should be more similar
# I can't definitely prove that the images generated at high CFG scales using this technique display these two properties,
# but I absolutely *think* they do – you be the judge. :)
# A few additional notes:
# - applying unsharp mask not to the predicted noise but to the predicted final latent (x0) also works (you'll need
# to experiment with parameters, though) – I apply it to the noise because of the way my own codebase is structured.
# - since the unsharp mask is simply a convoluted way of applying a Gaussian blur, you can also simply blur the output
# noise instead of applying an unsharp mask. I do it this way because of the similarity between CFG and the unsharp
# mask noted previously.
# - I've unsuccessfully experimented with various methods to autodetect a suitable mix_factor or unsharp mask sigma
# (by adjusting one or both based on the estimated noisel level, the global contrast level or the maximum edge contrast).
# If you figure out a smart way to do this, please tell me about it! Right now I use a simple adjustment based on
# CFG scale, but this is definitely not optimal.
# - you still can't turn the CFG scale arbitrarily high – the exact max that still gives good-looking images varies,
# depending on prompt and the number of steps, but on occasion I've successfully used CFG scales just over 100.
import torch
import kornia as KR
import k_diffusion as K
# The most important parameter here is the mix factor, which is the main parameter
def apply_unsharp_mask(pred_noise, denoising_sigma, cfg_scale, mix_factor=DEFAULT_MIX_FACTOR, kernel_size=3):
cond_scale_factor = min(0.02 * cfg_scale, 0.65)
usm_sigma = torch.clamp(
1 + denoising_sigma[[0]] * cond_scale_factor,
sharpened = KR.filters.unsharp_mask(
(kernel_size, kernel_size),
(usm_sigma, usm_sigma),
pred_noise = pred_noise + (sharpened - pred_noise) * mix_factor
return pred_noise
# This class is based on Katherine Crowson's DiscreteEpsDDPMDenoiser:
class DenoiserWrapper(K.external.DiscreteSchedule):
def __init__(self, model, quantize, cond_emb, uncond_emb, cfg_scale, unsharp_mask_mix_factor=DEFAULT_MIX_FACTOR):
super().__init__(((1 - model.alphas_cumprod) / model.alphas_cumprod) ** 0.5, quantize)
self.inner_model = model
self.sigma_data = 1.
self.cond_emb = cond_emb # Conditional embedding
self.uncond_emb = uncond_emb # "Unconditional embedding", i.e. the embedding of the empty string
self.cfg_scale = cfg_scale
self.unsharp_mask_mix_factor = unsharp_mask_mix_factor
def get_scalings(self, sigma):
c_out = -sigma
c_in = 1 / (sigma ** 2 + self.sigma_data ** 2) ** 0.5
return c_out, c_in
def get_eps(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.inner_model.apply_model(*args, **kwargs)
def loss(self, input, noise, sigma, **kwargs):
c_out, c_in = [K.utils.append_dims(x, input.ndim) for x in self.get_scalings(sigma)]
noised_input = input + noise * K.utils.append_dims(sigma, input.ndim)
eps = self.get_eps(noised_input * c_in, self.sigma_to_t(sigma), **kwargs)
return (eps - noise).pow(2).flatten(1).mean(1)
def forward(self, input, sigma, **kwargs):
c_out, c_in = [K.utils.append_dims(x, input.ndim) for x in self.get_scalings(sigma)]
uncond_eps = self.get_eps(input * c_in, self.sigma_to_t(sigma), cond=self.uncond_emb, **kwargs)
cond_eps = self.get_eps(input * c_in, self.sigma_to_t(sigma), cond=self.cond_emb, **kwargs)
cond_eps = apply_unsharp_mask(cond_eps, sigma, self.cfg_scale, mix_factor=self.unsharp_mask_mix_factor)
eps = uncond_eps + (cond_eps - uncond_eps) * self.cfg_scale
return input + eps * c_out
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Thanks for your code. I've tried your code on my case, sd1.4, cfg=5.0, unipc sampler. I set the usm_sigma to 2.0, because your code does not has this default value. Least at present, cfg=5.0+unsharp did not solve my problem. In my case, cfg=2.5 is more realistic than cfg=5.0. I guess it is because I finetuned sd1.4 without classifier free guidance.

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