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Created June 7, 2011 11:30
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Format parser for hledger
-- This is hledger-lib/Hledger/Read/Format.hs
module Hledger.Read.Format where
import Numeric
import Data.Maybe
import Test.HUnit
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec hiding (spaces)
%-P a transaction's payee, left justified
%20P The same, right justified, at least 20 chars wide
%.20P The same, no more than 20 chars wide
%-.20P Left justified, maximum twenty chars wide
data FormatString
= FormatLiteral String
| FormatField
Bool -- Left justified
(Maybe Int) -- Min width
(Maybe Int) -- Max width
Char -- EXPR
deriving (Show, Eq)
text :: Parser Char
text = letter
formatField :: Parser FormatString
formatField = do
char '%'
leftJustified <- optionMaybe (char '-')
minWidth <- optionMaybe (many1 $ digit)
min = case minWidth of
Just text -> Just m where ((m,_):_) = readDec text
_ -> Nothing
maxWidth <- optionMaybe (do char '.'; many1 $ digit)
max = case maxWidth of
Just text -> Just m where ((m,_):_) = readDec text
_ -> Nothing
field <- letter
return $ FormatField (isJust leftJustified) min max field
formatLiteral :: Parser FormatString
formatLiteral = do
s <- many1 c
return $ FormatLiteral s
c = noneOf "%"
<|> try (string "%%" >> return '%')
formatString :: Parser FormatString
formatString =
<|> formatLiteral
parseFormatString :: String -> Either ParseError [FormatString]
parseFormatString input = parse (many formatString) "(unknown)" input
testParser :: String -> [FormatString] -> Assertion
testParser s expected = case (parseFormatString s) of
Left error -> assertFailure $ show error
Right actual -> assertEqual ("Input: " ++ s) expected actual
tests = test [
testParser "" []
, testParser "P" [FormatLiteral "P"]
, testParser "%P" [FormatField False Nothing Nothing 'P']
, testParser "Hello %P!" [FormatLiteral "Hello ", FormatField False Nothing Nothing 'P', FormatLiteral "!"]
, testParser "%-P" [FormatField True Nothing Nothing 'P']
, testParser "%20P" [FormatField False (Just 20) Nothing 'P']
, testParser "%.10P" [FormatField False Nothing (Just 10) 'P']
, testParser "%20.10P" [FormatField False (Just 20) (Just 10) 'P']
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