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Created June 10, 2018 21:57
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Awful Twitch v3 API CLI thingamagoop
# Create a and define CLIENT_ID and TOKEN for API stuff
# You're on your own for getting those.
import requests
import ssl
from urllib.parse import quote_plus
from localvar import CLIENT_ID, TOKEN
# Replace with your own API Client ID here
req_headers = {"Accept": "application/vnd.twitchtv.v3+json",
"Client-ID": CLIENT_ID,
"Authorization": TOKEN}
def raw_api_call(uri):
# Passed URIs should be base-relative, but if we get a full one, use it
if uri.startswith("http"):
url = uri
url = URI_BASE + uri
# Prepare our request and shunt return data JSON->Dict
req = urllib2.Request(url, headers=req_headers)
gcontext = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1)
data = urllib2.urlopen(req, context=gcontext).read()
result = json.loads(data)
return result
def paginating_api_call(uri, to_yield="streams"):
""" Generic API call function that expects a "streams" object and channel
paginate in response to over 100 results. Useful for searches, follower
lists, and other multi-stream searches.
Can also handle single-response searches that return one "stream"
To return something besides "stream" and "streams", override to_yield
# Passed URIs should be base-relative, but if we get a full one, use it
if uri.startswith("http"):
url = uri
url = TWITCH_URI_BASE + uri
# Prepare our request and shunt return data JSON->Dict
req = requests.get(url, headers=req_headers)
if req.status_code != 200:
print("Return code: " + str(req.status_code))
return None
result = req.json()
# If we called a one-stream search, return just that stream and run away
if to_yield.endswith('s'):
to_yield_singular = to_yield[:-1]
if to_yield_singular in result:
yield result[to_yield_singular]
# Yield each stream individually
# We yield because if we have to paginate, we don't want to block
for s in result[to_yield]:
yield s
# Do pagination if response has more than max items
if "_total" in result and result["_total"] > 100:
for i in range(int(result["_total"] / 100)):
if '?' in url:
offset_url = "%s&offset=%d" % (url, (i + 1) * 100)
offset_url = "%s?offset=%d" % (url, (i + 1) * 100)
req = requests.get(offset_url, headers=req_headers)
result = req.json()
for s in result[to_yield]:
yield s
def get_authenticated_user():
for u in paginating_api_call("", to_yield="tokens"):
return u["user_name"]
def get_user_favorites():
url = "streams/followed?limit=100"
for r in paginating_api_call(url):
yield r
def get_user_all_favorites():
""" Unfortunate name for backward compatability. get_user_favorites() only
return active streams. This one gets ALL favorites. """
global USER_NAME
if USER_NAME is None:
USER_NAME = get_authenticated_user()
url = "/users/%s/follows/channels?limit=100" % (USER_NAME)
for r in paginating_api_call(url, to_yield="follows"):
yield r
def get_channel_status(channel, raw=False):
url = "streams/%s" % channel
for r in paginating_api_call(url):
yield r
def get_game_streams(game):
game = quote_plus(game)
url = "streams?limit=100&game=%s" % game
for r in paginating_api_call(url):
yield r
def search_api(search):
search = quote_plus(search)
url = "search/streams?limit=100&q=%s" % search
for r in paginating_api_call(url):
yield r
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import twitch_api
import shutil
import argparse
import time
from termcolor import cprint
highlights = [
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
help=("Follow along with the API and print "
"online/offline events"),
args = parser.parse_args()
termwidth = shutil.get_terminal_size((80, 24))[0]
def print_table_border():
""" Prints a pretty header for the formatted table. """
headers = "{:5} {:25.25} {:42.42} {}".format("View", "Streamer", "Game", "Title")
padding = " " * (termwidth - len(headers))
cprint(headers + padding, attrs=['underline'])
def print_formatted_table(streams):
""" Take a list of twitch account API data objects and prints a neat table
containing their viewer count, account name, game, and title. """
# Sort by popularity
streams.sort(key=lambda stream: stream['viewers'], reverse=True)
# Length of status cell, defined by termwidth - space for everything else
celllength = termwidth - 75
# Print the table, each row alternating between none and grey background
# Also don't forget to highlight our defined highlights
color = False
for s in streams:
name = s["channel"]["name"]
game = s["channel"]["game"]
status = s["channel"]["status"][0:celllength].replace("\n", " ")
viewers = s["viewers"]
if color:
color = False
bg = "on_grey"
color = True
bg = None
if name.lower() in highlights:
fg = "green"
attrs = ['bold']
fg = None
attrs = []
dataline = "{:5} {:25.25} {:42.42} {}".format(viewers, name, game, status)
padding = " " * (termwidth - len(dataline))
cprint(dataline + padding, fg, bg, attrs=attrs)
def get_live_follows():
""" Returns a list of twitch API objects representing account objects
of live streamers. Differs from follow_list_from_api in that this
returns full data, not just account name. """
streams = []
# This is a generator so we need to unspool it into a list
for i in twitch_api.get_user_favorites():
return streams
def follow_list_from_api(result):
""" Returns a list of twitch account names that are live. """
live = []
for stream in result:
return live
def print_live_list(streams):
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Non -f invocation: print a nice table of live streams
if not args.follow:
result = get_live_follows()
# -f invocation. Follow mode, like tail -f but colorful and dumb
last_list = set()
while True:
result = get_live_follows()
this_list = set(follow_list_from_api(result))
new_streams = this_list.difference(last_list)
old_streams = last_list.difference(this_list)
now = time.strftime("%H:%M")
if old_streams:
print(now + "> \033[0;31m-" + ", ".join(sorted(old_streams)) + "\033[0;0m")
if new_streams:
print(now + "> \033[0;32m+" + ", ".join(sorted(new_streams)) + "\033[0;0m")
last_list = this_list
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