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Created March 7, 2016 14:02
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A basic class to use when loading plugins in a controlled environment within PHP, this class uses runkit to redefine the functions, adding some random prefix, and controlling the access to these functions, like file parameters base dir and such
class sandboxPluginLoader {
private $fileSystemFunctionsMap = array(
'realpath' => 0,
'chgrp' => 0, 'chmod' => 0, 'chown' => 0,
'unlink' => 0, 'copy' => array(0, 1), 'file' => 0,
'file_exists' => 0, 'file_get_contents' => 0, 'file_put_contents' => 0,
'flock' => 0, 'fopen' => 0, 'glob' => 0,
'link' => array(0, 1), 'readfile' => 0, 'readlink' => 0,
'rename' => array(0, 1), 'rmdir' => 0,
'symlink' => array(0, 1)
private $forbiddenFunctions = array(
'var_dump', 'print_r', 'get_declared_classes', 'phpinfo',
'exec', 'shell_exec', 'passthru', 'system',
'class_exists', 'get_declared_interfaces', 'get_object_vars'
private $functionPrefix = '';
private $pluginDirectoryName = '';
static $sandboxInstance = false;
static $isRunningSandbox = false;
static function instance($pluginDirectoryName = '') {
if ( sandboxPluginLoader::$sandboxInstance === false )
sandboxPluginLoader::$sandboxInstance = new sandboxPluginLoader($pluginDirectoryName);
return sandboxPluginLoader::$sandboxInstance;
public function __construct($pluginDirectoryName = '') {
if ( ! function_exists('runkit_function_rename') )
throw new Exception("No Runkit found");
$this->functionPrefix = "_" . md5(mt_rand());
$this->pluginDirectoryName = $pluginDirectoryName;
public function startSandbox() {
sandboxPluginLoader::$isRunningSandbox = true;
public function isRunningSandbox() {
return sandboxPluginLoader::$isRunningSandbox;
private function redefineForbidden() {
foreach($this->forbiddenFunctions as $functionName) {
$functionCode = sprintf(
'$baseDir = "%1$s";
$callStack = debug_backtrace();
$filePath = %2$s_realpath(dirname($callStack[0]["file"])) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
if ( substr($filePath, 0, strlen($baseDir)) == $baseDir ) {
return false;
return call_user_func_array(
runkit_function_add($functionName, '', $functionCode);
private function redefineFileSystem() {
foreach($this->fileSystemFunctionsMap as $functionName => $fileParam) {
$functionCode = sprintf(
'$baseDir = "%1$s";
$fileArg = %2$s;
$functionArguments = func_get_args();
$callStack = debug_backtrace();
$filePath = %3$s_realpath(dirname($callStack[0]["file"])) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
if ( substr($filePath, 0, strlen($baseDir)) == $baseDir ) {
if ( is_array($fileArg) ) {
foreach($fileArg as $fIndex) {
$filePath = %3$s_realpath(dirname($functionArguments[$fIndex])) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
if ( substr($filePath, 0, strlen($baseDir)) != $baseDir )
return false;
else if ( count($functionArguments) > $fileArg ) {
$filePath = %3$s_realpath(dirname($functionArguments[$fileArg])) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
if ( substr($filePath, 0, strlen($baseDir)) != $baseDir )
return false;
set_error_handler(function($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline, $errcontext) {
if ( 0 == error_reporting() )
return false;
$errstr = str_replace("%3$s_%4$s", "%4$s", $errstr);
trigger_error($errstr, E_USER_WARNING);
$returnedFunction = call_user_func_array(
return $returnedFunction;
(is_array($fileParam) ?
sprintf("array(%s)", implode(",", $fileParam)) : $fileParam),
runkit_function_add($functionName, '', $functionCode);
/*EXAMPLE USAGE: instance it withing the plugin directory as a param,
and start the sandbox, after started, it goes till your script finish
sandboxPluginLoader::instance(realpath('plugins/testplugin') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR)->startSandbox();
//NOW: includes the plugin
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