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Last active March 25, 2017 06:52
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package custom
import{ Materializer, OverflowStrategy }
import{ Sink, Keep, Source, Flow }
object CustomActorFlow {
def actorRef[In, Out](props: ActorRef => Props, bufferSize: Int = 16, overflowStrategy: OverflowStrategy = OverflowStrategy.dropNew)(implicit factory: ActorRefFactory, mat: Materializer): (Flow[In, Out, _], ActorRef) = {
val (outActor, publisher) = Source.actorRef[Out](bufferSize, overflowStrategy)
val sinkActor = factory.actorOf(Props(new Actor {
val flowActor =, "flowActor"))
def receive = {
case Status.Success(_) | Status.Failure(_) => flowActor ! PoisonPill
case Terminated(_) => context.stop(self)
case other => flowActor ! other // <<-- whatever you send to sinkActor is forwarded to your actor, except above
override def supervisorStrategy = OneForOneStrategy() {
case _ => SupervisorStrategy.Stop
Sink.actorRef(sinkActor, Status.Success(())),
), sinkActor) // <<-- return as a tuple
// Here is how you use it
val (flow, underlyingActor) = CustomActorFlow.actorRef { out => MyWebSocketActor.props(out) }
underlyingActor ! "Whatever"
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