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Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
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  • Save tsackton/92ca44b232d3f952790c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save tsackton/92ca44b232d3f952790c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Logging set at level: DEBUG
Logging to file: test_align.log
Running the command: cactus_analyseAssembly ./cactusTestData/blanchettesSimulation/00.job/HUMAN
Running the command: cactus_analyseAssembly ./cactusTestData/blanchettesSimulation/00.job/CHIMP
Running the command: cactus_analyseAssembly ./cactusTestData/blanchettesSimulation/00.job/BABOON
Running the command: cactus_analyseAssembly ./cactusTestData/blanchettesSimulation/00.job/MOUSE
Running the command: cactus_analyseAssembly ./cactusTestData/blanchettesSimulation/00.job/RAT
Running the command: cactus_analyseAssembly ./cactusTestData/blanchettesSimulation/00.job/DOG
Running the command: cactus_analyseAssembly ./cactusTestData/blanchettesSimulation/00.job/CAT
Running the command: cactus_analyseAssembly ./cactusTestData/blanchettesSimulation/00.job/PIG
Running the command: cactus_analyseAssembly ./cactusTestData/blanchettesSimulation/00.job/COW
Running the command: rm -rf ./testDir/jobTree
Running the command: mkdir ./testDir/sequenceData
Running the command: "/n/home12/tsackton/ratite_scratch/wga/fast_test/testDir/expTemplate.xml" "./testDir/progressiveAlignment" --fixNames=0
Running the command: . /n/home12/tsackton/cuff/progressiveCactus/bin/../src/../environment && --jobTree ./testDir/jobTree --stats --batchSystem "slurm" --maxThreads "60" --maxCpus "1000" --bigBatchSystem "singleMachine" --bigMemoryThreshold "50000000000" --jobTime "20000" --maxLogFileSize "10000000" --slurm-partition "serial_requeue" --slurm-scriptpath "slurm_scripts" --slurm-time "480" ./testDir/progressiveAlignment/progressiveAlignment_project.xml >> ./testDir/cactus.log 2>&1
Running the command: jobTreeStatus --failIfNotComplete --jobTree ./testDir/jobTree > /dev/null 2>&1
Error: Command: jobTreeStatus --failIfNotComplete --jobTree ./testDir/jobTree > /dev/null 2>&1 exited with non-zero status 1
Temporary data was left in: ./testDir
More information can be found in ./testDir/cactus.log
2015-04-14 10:22:16.741383: Beginning Progressive Cactus Alignment
Got message from job at time: 1429021416.86 : Before running any preprocessing on the assembly: /n/home12/tsackton/ratite_scratch/wga/fast_test/cactusTestData/blanchettesSimulation/00.job/CAT got following stats (assembly may be listed as temp file if input sequences from a directory): Input-sample: /n/home12/tsackton/ratite_scratch/wga/fast_test/cactusTestData/blanchettesSimulation/00.job/CAT Total-sequences: 1 Total-length: 50283 Proportion-repeat-masked: 0.228228 ProportionNs: 0.000000 Total-Ns: 0 N50: 50283 Median-sequence-length: 50283 Max-sequence-length: 50283 Min-sequence-length: 50283
Got message from job at time: 1429021434.83 : Before running any preprocessing on the assembly: /n/home12/tsackton/ratite_scratch/wga/fast_test/cactusTestData/blanchettesSimulation/00.job/PIG got following stats (assembly may be listed as temp file if input sequences from a directory): Input-sample: /n/home12/tsackton/ratite_scratch/wga/fast_test/cactusTestData/blanchettesSimulation/00.job/PIG Total-sequences: 1 Total-length: 54843 Proportion-repeat-masked: 0.237751 ProportionNs: 0.000000 Total-Ns: 0 N50: 54843 Median-sequence-length: 54843 Max-sequence-length: 54843 Min-sequence-length: 54843
Got message from job at time: 1429021452.04 : Before running any preprocessing on the assembly: /n/home12/tsackton/ratite_scratch/wga/fast_test/cactusTestData/blanchettesSimulation/00.job/HUMAN got following stats (assembly may be listed as temp file if input sequences from a directory): Input-sample: /n/home12/tsackton/ratite_scratch/wga/fast_test/cactusTestData/blanchettesSimulation/00.job/HUMAN Total-sequences: 1 Total-length: 57553 Proportion-repeat-masked: 0.371710 ProportionNs: 0.000000 Total-Ns: 0 N50: 57553 Median-sequence-length: 57553 Max-sequence-length: 57553 Min-sequence-length: 57553
Got message from job at time: 1429021452.27 : Before running any preprocessing on the assembly: /n/home12/tsackton/ratite_scratch/wga/fast_test/cactusTestData/blanchettesSimulation/00.job/CHIMP got following stats (assembly may be listed as temp file if input sequences from a directory): Input-sample: /n/home12/tsackton/ratite_scratch/wga/fast_test/cactusTestData/blanchettesSimulation/00.job/CHIMP Total-sequences: 1 Total-length: 57344 Proportion-repeat-masked: 0.377337 ProportionNs: 0.000000 Total-Ns: 0 N50: 57344 Median-sequence-length: 57344 Max-sequence-length: 57344 Min-sequence-length: 57344
Got message from job at time: 1429021452.5 : Before running any preprocessing on the assembly: /n/home12/tsackton/ratite_scratch/wga/fast_test/cactusTestData/blanchettesSimulation/00.job/BABOON got following stats (assembly may be listed as temp file if input sequences from a directory): Input-sample: /n/home12/tsackton/ratite_scratch/wga/fast_test/cactusTestData/blanchettesSimulation/00.job/BABOON Total-sequences: 1 Total-length: 58960 Proportion-repeat-masked: 0.384108 ProportionNs: 0.000000 Total-Ns: 0 N50: 58960 Median-sequence-length: 58960 Max-sequence-length: 58960 Min-sequence-length: 58960
Got message from job at time: 1429021483.63 : After preprocessing assembly we got the following stats: Input-sample: ./testDir/sequenceData/CAT_6 Total-sequences: 1 Total-length: 50283 Proportion-repeat-masked: 0.228228 ProportionNs: 0.000000 Total-Ns: 0 N50: 50283 Median-sequence-length: 50283 Max-sequence-length: 50283 Min-sequence-length: 50283
Got message from job at time: 1429021497.38 : Before running any preprocessing on the assembly: /n/home12/tsackton/ratite_scratch/wga/fast_test/cactusTestData/blanchettesSimulation/00.job/MOUSE got following stats (assembly may be listed as temp file if input sequences from a directory): Input-sample: /n/home12/tsackton/ratite_scratch/wga/fast_test/cactusTestData/blanchettesSimulation/00.job/MOUSE Total-sequences: 1 Total-length: 32750 Proportion-repeat-masked: 0.293344 ProportionNs: 0.000000 Total-Ns: 0 N50: 32750 Median-sequence-length: 32750 Max-sequence-length: 32750 Min-sequence-length: 32750
Got message from job at time: 1429021503.29 : Before running any preprocessing on the assembly: /n/home12/tsackton/ratite_scratch/wga/fast_test/cactusTestData/blanchettesSimulation/00.job/COW got following stats (assembly may be listed as temp file if input sequences from a directory): Input-sample: /n/home12/tsackton/ratite_scratch/wga/fast_test/cactusTestData/blanchettesSimulation/00.job/COW Total-sequences: 1 Total-length: 55508 Proportion-repeat-masked: 0.284536 ProportionNs: 0.000000 Total-Ns: 0 N50: 55508 Median-sequence-length: 55508 Max-sequence-length: 55508 Min-sequence-length: 55508
Got message from job at time: 1429021516.09 : After preprocessing assembly we got the following stats: Input-sample: ./testDir/sequenceData/HUMAN_0 Total-sequences: 1 Total-length: 57553 Proportion-repeat-masked: 0.371710 ProportionNs: 0.000000 Total-Ns: 0 N50: 57553 Median-sequence-length: 57553 Max-sequence-length: 57553 Min-sequence-length: 57553
Got message from job at time: 1429021553.65 : Before running any preprocessing on the assembly: /n/home12/tsackton/ratite_scratch/wga/fast_test/cactusTestData/blanchettesSimulation/00.job/RAT got following stats (assembly may be listed as temp file if input sequences from a directory): Input-sample: /n/home12/tsackton/ratite_scratch/wga/fast_test/cactusTestData/blanchettesSimulation/00.job/RAT Total-sequences: 1 Total-length: 38436 Proportion-repeat-masked: 0.316526 ProportionNs: 0.000000 Total-Ns: 0 N50: 38436 Median-sequence-length: 38436 Max-sequence-length: 38436 Min-sequence-length: 38436
Got message from job at time: 1429021560.81 : Before running any preprocessing on the assembly: /n/home12/tsackton/ratite_scratch/wga/fast_test/cactusTestData/blanchettesSimulation/00.job/DOG got following stats (assembly may be listed as temp file if input sequences from a directory): Input-sample: /n/home12/tsackton/ratite_scratch/wga/fast_test/cactusTestData/blanchettesSimulation/00.job/DOG Total-sequences: 1 Total-length: 54187 Proportion-repeat-masked: 0.256353 ProportionNs: 0.000000 Total-Ns: 0 N50: 54187 Median-sequence-length: 54187 Max-sequence-length: 54187 Min-sequence-length: 54187
Got message from job at time: 1429021588.03 : After preprocessing assembly we got the following stats: Input-sample: ./testDir/sequenceData/CHIMP_1 Total-sequences: 1 Total-length: 57344 Proportion-repeat-masked: 0.377337 ProportionNs: 0.000000 Total-Ns: 0 N50: 57344 Median-sequence-length: 57344 Max-sequence-length: 57344 Min-sequence-length: 57344
Got message from job at time: 1429021601.42 : After preprocessing assembly we got the following stats: Input-sample: ./testDir/sequenceData/MOUSE_3 Total-sequences: 1 Total-length: 32750 Proportion-repeat-masked: 0.293344 ProportionNs: 0.000000 Total-Ns: 0 N50: 32750 Median-sequence-length: 32750 Max-sequence-length: 32750 Min-sequence-length: 32750
Got message from job at time: 1429021610.35 : After preprocessing assembly we got the following stats: Input-sample: ./testDir/sequenceData/DOG_5 Total-sequences: 1 Total-length: 54187 Proportion-repeat-masked: 0.256353 ProportionNs: 0.000000 Total-Ns: 0 N50: 54187 Median-sequence-length: 54187 Max-sequence-length: 54187 Min-sequence-length: 54187
Got message from job at time: 1429021631.52 : After preprocessing assembly we got the following stats: Input-sample: ./testDir/sequenceData/RAT_4 Total-sequences: 1 Total-length: 38436 Proportion-repeat-masked: 0.316526 ProportionNs: 0.000000 Total-Ns: 0 N50: 38436 Median-sequence-length: 38436 Max-sequence-length: 38436 Min-sequence-length: 38436
Got message from job at time: 1429021785.33 : After preprocessing assembly we got the following stats: Input-sample: ./testDir/sequenceData/BABOON_2 Total-sequences: 1 Total-length: 58960 Proportion-repeat-masked: 0.384108 ProportionNs: 0.000000 Total-Ns: 0 N50: 58960 Median-sequence-length: 58960 Max-sequence-length: 58960 Min-sequence-length: 58960
Got message from job at time: 1429021929.85 : After preprocessing assembly we got the following stats: Input-sample: ./testDir/sequenceData/COW_8 Total-sequences: 1 Total-length: 55508 Proportion-repeat-masked: 0.284536 ProportionNs: 0.000000 Total-Ns: 0 N50: 55508 Median-sequence-length: 55508 Max-sequence-length: 55508 Min-sequence-length: 55508
Got message from job at time: 1429023074.98 : After preprocessing assembly we got the following stats: Input-sample: ./testDir/sequenceData/PIG_7 Total-sequences: 1 Total-length: 54843 Proportion-repeat-masked: 0.237751 ProportionNs: 0.000000 Total-Ns: 0 N50: 54843 Median-sequence-length: 54843 Max-sequence-length: 54843 Min-sequence-length: 54843
Got message from job at time: 1429023382.11 : Running blast using the trimming strategy
Got message from job at time: 1429023382.11 : Ingroup sequences: ['/n/home12/tsackton/ratite_scratch/wga/fast_test/testDir/jobTree/jobs/t1/gTD2/tmp_kFTtPYzHHu/renamedInputs/CHIMP_1', '/n/home12/tsackton/ratite_scratch/wga/fast_test/testDir/jobTree/jobs/t1/gTD2/tmp_kFTtPYzHHu/renamedInputs/HUMAN_0']
Got message from job at time: 1429023382.11 : Outgroup sequences: ['/n/home12/tsackton/ratite_scratch/wga/fast_test/testDir/jobTree/jobs/t1/gTD2/tmp_kFTtPYzHHu/renamedInputs/BABOON_2', '/n/home12/tsackton/ratite_scratch/wga/fast_test/testDir/jobTree/jobs/t1/gTD2/tmp_kFTtPYzHHu/renamedInputs/DOG_5', '/n/home12/tsackton/ratite_scratch/wga/fast_test/testDir/jobTree/jobs/t1/gTD2/tmp_kFTtPYzHHu/renamedInputs/CAT_6']
Got message from job at time: 1429023382.11 : Blasting ingroups vs outgroups to file /n/home12/tsackton/ratite_scratch/wga/fast_test/testDir/jobTree/jobs/t1/gTD2/tmp_kFTtPYzHHu/tmp_mNpijQVpRtunconvertedAlignments
Got message from job at time: 1429023487.97 : Running blast using the trimming strategy
Got message from job at time: 1429023487.97 : Ingroup sequences: ['/n/home12/tsackton/ratite_scratch/wga/fast_test/testDir/jobTree/jobs/t0/gTD3/tmp_9pI7Py5XsO/renamedInputs/COW_8', '/n/home12/tsackton/ratite_scratch/wga/fast_test/testDir/jobTree/jobs/t0/gTD3/tmp_9pI7Py5XsO/renamedInputs/PIG_7']
Got message from job at time: 1429023487.97 : Outgroup sequences: ['/n/home12/tsackton/ratite_scratch/wga/fast_test/testDir/jobTree/jobs/t0/gTD3/tmp_9pI7Py5XsO/renamedInputs/DOG_5', '/n/home12/tsackton/ratite_scratch/wga/fast_test/testDir/jobTree/jobs/t0/gTD3/tmp_9pI7Py5XsO/renamedInputs/CAT_6', '/n/home12/tsackton/ratite_scratch/wga/fast_test/testDir/jobTree/jobs/t0/gTD3/tmp_9pI7Py5XsO/renamedInputs/HUMAN_0']
Got message from job at time: 1429023487.97 : Blasting ingroups vs outgroups to file /n/home12/tsackton/ratite_scratch/wga/fast_test/testDir/jobTree/jobs/t0/gTD3/tmp_9pI7Py5XsO/tmp_kUameHqFDqunconvertedAlignments
Got message from job at time: 1429023562.95 : Coverage on COW_8 from outgroup #1, DOG_5: 60.5300136917% (current ingroup length 55508, untrimmed length 55508). Outgroup trimmed to 54187 bp from 54187
Got message from job at time: 1429023562.95 : Coverage on PIG_7 from outgroup #1, DOG_5: 70.1055740933% (current ingroup length 54843, untrimmed length 54843). Outgroup trimmed to 54187 bp from 54187
Got message from job at time: 1429023562.95 : Cumulative coverage of 1 outgroups on ingroup COW_8: 60.5300136917
Got message from job at time: 1429023562.95 : Cumulative coverage of 1 outgroups on ingroup PIG_7: 70.1055740933
Got message from job at time: 1429023562.95 : Coverage on COW_8 from outgroup #2, CAT_6: 25.2618574421% (current ingroup length 18617, untrimmed length 55508). Outgroup trimmed to 34588 bp from 50283
Got message from job at time: 1429023562.95 : Coverage on PIG_7 from outgroup #2, CAT_6: 31.8123116659% (current ingroup length 11615, untrimmed length 54843). Outgroup trimmed to 34588 bp from 50283
Got message from job at time: 1429023562.95 : Cumulative coverage of 2 outgroups on ingroup COW_8: 68.4910283202
Got message from job at time: 1429023562.95 : Cumulative coverage of 2 outgroups on ingroup PIG_7: 76.5184253232
Got message from job at time: 1429023562.95 : Coverage on COW_8 from outgroup #3, HUMAN_0: 5.11479881791% (current ingroup length 13197, untrimmed length 55508). Outgroup trimmed to 17113 bp from 57553
Got message from job at time: 1429023562.95 : Coverage on PIG_7 from outgroup #3, HUMAN_0: 19.4097460535% (current ingroup length 7285, untrimmed length 54843). Outgroup trimmed to 17113 bp from 57553
Got message from job at time: 1429023562.95 : Cumulative coverage of 3 outgroups on ingroup COW_8: 69.5719535923
Got message from job at time: 1429023562.95 : Cumulative coverage of 3 outgroups on ingroup PIG_7: 78.9526466459
Got message from job at time: 1429023749.6 : Coverage on CHIMP_1 from outgroup #1, BABOON_2: 95.849609375% (current ingroup length 57344, untrimmed length 57344). Outgroup trimmed to 58960 bp from 58960
Got message from job at time: 1429023749.6 : Coverage on HUMAN_0 from outgroup #1, BABOON_2: 95.548450993% (current ingroup length 57553, untrimmed length 57553). Outgroup trimmed to 58960 bp from 58960
Got message from job at time: 1429023749.6 : Cumulative coverage of 1 outgroups on ingroup CHIMP_1: 95.849609375
Got message from job at time: 1429023749.6 : Cumulative coverage of 1 outgroups on ingroup HUMAN_0: 95.548450993
Got message from job at time: 1429023749.6 : Coverage on CHIMP_1 from outgroup #2, DOG_5: 4.475781729% (current ingroup length 1631, untrimmed length 57344). Outgroup trimmed to 4073 bp from 54187
Got message from job at time: 1429023749.6 : Coverage on HUMAN_0 from outgroup #2, DOG_5: 4.04880754298% (current ingroup length 1803, untrimmed length 57553). Outgroup trimmed to 4073 bp from 54187
Got message from job at time: 1429023749.6 : Cumulative coverage of 2 outgroups on ingroup CHIMP_1: 95.9769112723
Got message from job at time: 1429023749.6 : Cumulative coverage of 2 outgroups on ingroup HUMAN_0: 95.6752906017
Got message from job at time: 1429023749.6 : Coverage on CHIMP_1 from outgroup #3, CAT_6: 0% (current ingroup length 1556, untrimmed length 57344). Outgroup trimmed to 0 bp from 50283
Got message from job at time: 1429023749.6 : Coverage on HUMAN_0 from outgroup #3, CAT_6: 0% (current ingroup length 1728, untrimmed length 57553). Outgroup trimmed to 0 bp from 50283
Got message from job at time: 1429023749.6 : Cumulative coverage of 3 outgroups on ingroup CHIMP_1: 95.9769112723
Got message from job at time: 1429023749.6 : Cumulative coverage of 3 outgroups on ingroup HUMAN_0: 95.6752906017
Got message from job at time: 1429023772.14 : Blocking on ktserver <kyoto_tycoon database_dir="/n/regal/edwards_lab/ratites/wga/fast_test/testDir/progressiveAlignment/Anc6/Anc6/Anc6_DB" database_name="Anc6.kch" in_memory="1" port="1984" snapshot="1" />
with killPath /n/home12/tsackton/ratite_scratch/wga/fast_test/testDir/jobTree/jobs/t0/gTD3/tmp_9pI7Py5XsO/tmp_RvGfMK1ijY_kill.txt
Got message from job at time: 1429023832.52 : Converted headers of cigar file /n/home12/tsackton/ratite_scratch/wga/fast_test/testDir/jobTree/jobs/t0/gTD3/tmp_9pI7Py5XsO/tmp_kUameHqFDqunconvertedAlignments to internal names, new file /n/home12/tsackton/ratite_scratch/wga/fast_test/testDir/jobTree/jobs/t0/t1/gTD1/tmp_hVGmkge1pl/tmp_jfqAvm2tE2
Got message from job at time: 1429023832.52 : Starting caf phase target with index 0 at 1429023812.08 seconds (recursing = 1)
Got message from job at time: 1429023839.59 : Starting bar phase target with index 0 at 1429023834.68 seconds (recursing = 1)
Got message from job at time: 1429024160.14 : Blocking on ktserver <kyoto_tycoon database_dir="/n/regal/edwards_lab/ratites/wga/fast_test/testDir/progressiveAlignment/Anc7/Anc7/Anc7_DB" database_name="Anc7.kch" in_memory="1" port="1985" snapshot="1" />
with killPath /n/home12/tsackton/ratite_scratch/wga/fast_test/testDir/jobTree/jobs/t1/gTD2/tmp_kFTtPYzHHu/tmp_US9vluAXeO_kill.txt
Got message from job at time: 1429024237.96 : Starting avg phase target with index 0 at 1429024062.62 seconds (recursing = 0)
Got message from job at time: 1429024237.96 : Starting reference phase target with index 0 at 1429024062.77 seconds (recursing = 1)
Got message from job at time: 1429024271.32 : Converted headers of cigar file /n/home12/tsackton/ratite_scratch/wga/fast_test/testDir/jobTree/jobs/t1/gTD2/tmp_kFTtPYzHHu/tmp_mNpijQVpRtunconvertedAlignments to internal names, new file /n/home12/tsackton/ratite_scratch/wga/fast_test/testDir/jobTree/jobs/t1/t1/gTD1/tmp_YtY2LwNQme/tmp_mN0fRf7Rok
Got message from job at time: 1429024271.32 : Starting caf phase target with index 0 at 1429024195.64 seconds (recursing = 1)
Got message from job at time: 1429024275.68 : Starting bar phase target with index 0 at 1429024273.52 seconds (recursing = 1)
Got message from job at time: 1429024333.67 : Blocking on ktserver <kyoto_tycoon database_dir="/n/regal/edwards_lab/ratites/wga/fast_test/testDir/progressiveAlignment/Anc6/Anc6/Anc6_DB_tempSecondaryDatabaseDir_0.553148945999" database_name="Anc6.kch" in_memory="1" port="2084" snapshot="1" />
with killPath /n/home12/tsackton/ratite_scratch/wga/fast_test/testDir/jobTree/jobs/t0/t1/gTD1/tmp_hVGmkge1pl/tmp_oyYlazX2A3_kill.txt
The job seems to have left a log file, indicating failure: /n/home12/tsackton/ratite_scratch/wga/fast_test/testDir/jobTree/jobs/t1/t1/t0/job
Reporting file: /n/home12/tsackton/ratite_scratch/wga/fast_test/testDir/jobTree/jobs/t1/t1/t0/log.txt
log.txt: Exception: ST_KV_DATABASE_EXCEPTION: Opening connection to host: with error: network error
log.txt: Uncaught exception
log.txt: Traceback (most recent call last):
log.txt: File "/n/home12/tsackton/cuff/progressiveCactus/submodules/jobTree/src/", line 271, in main
log.txt: defaultMemory=defaultMemory, defaultCpu=defaultCpu, depth=depth)
log.txt: File "/n/home12/tsackton/cuff/progressiveCactus/submodules/jobTree/scriptTree/", line 153, in execute
log.txt: File "/n/home12/tsackton/cuff/progressiveCactus/submodules/cactus/pipeline/", line 560, in run
log.txt: self.makeRecursiveTargets()
log.txt: File "/n/home12/tsackton/cuff/progressiveCactus/submodules/cactus/pipeline/", line 236, in makeRecursiveTargets
log.txt: default=CactusRecursionTarget.maxSequenceSizeOfFlowerGroupingDefault))
log.txt: File "/n/home12/tsackton/cuff/progressiveCactus/submodules/cactus/shared/", line 78, in runCactusGetFlowers
log.txt: stdinString=flowerNames)
log.txt: File "/n/home12/tsackton/cuff/progressiveCactus/submodules/sonLib/", line 211, in popenCatch
log.txt: raise RuntimeError("Command: %s with stdin string '%s' exited with non-zero status %i" % (command, stdinString, sts))
log.txt: RuntimeError: Command: cactus_workflow_getFlowers CRITICAL '<st_kv_database_conf type="kyoto_tycoon">
log.txt: <kyoto_tycoon database_dir="/n/regal/edwards_lab/ratites/wga/fast_test/testDir/progressiveAlignment/Anc7/Anc7/Anc7_DB" database_name="Anc7.kch" host="" in_memory="1" port="1985" snapshot="1" />
log.txt: </st_kv_database_conf>
log.txt: ' 0 100000000 1000000 with stdin string ' 5 985162418487319 1224 254 824 262 ' exited with non-zero status 128
log.txt: Exiting the slave because of a failed job on host
log.txt: Due to failure we are reducing the remaining retry count of job /n/home12/tsackton/ratite_scratch/wga/fast_test/testDir/jobTree/jobs/t1/t1/t0/job to 0
log.txt: We have set the default memory of the failed job to 34359738368 bytes
Job: /n/home12/tsackton/ratite_scratch/wga/fast_test/testDir/jobTree/jobs/t1/t1/t0/job is completely failed
The job seems to have left a log file, indicating failure: /n/home12/tsackton/ratite_scratch/wga/fast_test/testDir/jobTree/jobs/t1/t1/t1/job
Reporting file: /n/home12/tsackton/ratite_scratch/wga/fast_test/testDir/jobTree/jobs/t1/t1/t1/log.txt
log.txt: Exception: ST_KV_DATABASE_EXCEPTION: Opening connection to host: with error: network error
log.txt: Uncaught exception
log.txt: Traceback (most recent call last):
log.txt: File "/n/home12/tsackton/cuff/progressiveCactus/submodules/jobTree/src/", line 271, in main
log.txt: defaultMemory=defaultMemory, defaultCpu=defaultCpu, depth=depth)
log.txt: File "/n/home12/tsackton/cuff/progressiveCactus/submodules/jobTree/scriptTree/", line 153, in execute
log.txt: File "/n/home12/tsackton/cuff/progressiveCactus/submodules/cactus/pipeline/", line 589, in run
log.txt: messages = runBarForTarget(self)
log.txt: File "/n/home12/tsackton/cuff/progressiveCactus/submodules/cactus/pipeline/", line 583, in runBarForTarget
log.txt: precomputedAlignments=precomputedAlignments)
log.txt: File "/n/home12/tsackton/cuff/progressiveCactus/submodules/cactus/shared/", line 326, in runCactusBar
log.txt: largeEndSize, endAlignmentsToPrecomputeOutputFile, precomputedAlignments), stdinString=flowerNames)
log.txt: File "/n/home12/tsackton/cuff/progressiveCactus/submodules/sonLib/", line 211, in popenCatch
log.txt: raise RuntimeError("Command: %s with stdin string '%s' exited with non-zero status %i" % (command, stdinString, sts))
log.txt: RuntimeError: Command: cactus_bar --cactusDisk '<st_kv_database_conf type="kyoto_tycoon">
log.txt: <kyoto_tycoon database_dir="/n/regal/edwards_lab/ratites/wga/fast_test/testDir/progressiveAlignment/Anc7/Anc7/Anc7_DB" database_name="Anc7.kch" host="" in_memory="1" port="1985" snapshot="1" />
log.txt: </st_kv_database_conf>
log.txt: ' --logLevel CRITICAL --spanningTrees 5 --maximumLength 100000 --gapGamma 0.2 --splitMatrixBiggerThanThis 3000 --anchorMatrixBiggerThanThis 500 --repeatMaskMatrixBiggerThanThis 500 --constraintDiagonalTrim 14 --minimumDegree 2 --minimumIngroupDegree 0 --minimumOutgroupDegree 0 --alignAmbiguityCharacters --pruneOutStubAlignments --diagonalExpansion 20 --maximumNumberOfSequencesBeforeSwitchingToFast 10 --largeEndSize 5000 with stdin string ' 269 985162418487303 40 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 46 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 40 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 54 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 57 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 4 ' exited with non-zero status 128
log.txt: Exiting the slave because of a failed job on host
log.txt: Due to failure we are reducing the remaining retry count of job /n/home12/tsackton/ratite_scratch/wga/fast_test/testDir/jobTree/jobs/t1/t1/t1/job to 0
log.txt: We have set the default memory of the failed job to 4294967296 bytes
Job: /n/home12/tsackton/ratite_scratch/wga/fast_test/testDir/jobTree/jobs/t1/t1/t1/job is completely failed
The job seems to have left a log file, indicating failure: /n/home12/tsackton/ratite_scratch/wga/fast_test/testDir/jobTree/jobs/t0/t1/t1/job
Reporting file: /n/home12/tsackton/ratite_scratch/wga/fast_test/testDir/jobTree/jobs/t0/t1/t1/log.txt
log.txt: Exception: ST_KV_DATABASE_EXCEPTION: Opening connection to host: with error: network error
log.txt: Uncaught exception
log.txt: Traceback (most recent call last):
log.txt: File "/n/home12/tsackton/cuff/progressiveCactus/submodules/jobTree/src/", line 271, in main
log.txt: defaultMemory=defaultMemory, defaultCpu=defaultCpu, depth=depth)
log.txt: File "/n/home12/tsackton/cuff/progressiveCactus/submodules/jobTree/scriptTree/", line 153, in execute
log.txt: File "/n/home12/tsackton/cuff/progressiveCactus/submodules/cactus/pipeline/", line 777, in run
log.txt: makeScaffolds=self.getOptionalPhaseAttrib("makeScaffolds", bool))
log.txt: File "/n/home12/tsackton/cuff/progressiveCactus/submodules/cactus/shared/", line 363, in runCactusReference
log.txt: popenPush(command, stdinString=flowerNames)
log.txt: File "/n/home12/tsackton/cuff/progressiveCactus/submodules/sonLib/", line 223, in popenPush
log.txt: raise RuntimeError("Command: %s with stdin string '%s' exited with non-zero status %i" % (command, stdinString, sts))
log.txt: RuntimeError: Command: cactus_reference --cactusDisk '<st_kv_database_conf type="kyoto_tycoon">
log.txt: <kyoto_tycoon database_dir="/n/regal/edwards_lab/ratites/wga/fast_test/testDir/progressiveAlignment/Anc6/Anc6/Anc6_DB" database_name="Anc6.kch" host="" in_memory="1" port="1984" snapshot="1" />
log.txt: </st_kv_database_conf>
log.txt: ' --logLevel CRITICAL --matchingAlgorithm blossom5 --referenceEventString Anc6 --permutations 10 --useSimulatedAnnealing --theta 0.0001 --maxWalkForCalculatingZ 100000 --ignoreUnalignedGaps --wiggle 0.9999 --numberOfNs 10 --minNumberOfSequencesToSupportAdjacency 1 --makeScaffolds with stdin string '1 0' exited with non-zero status 128
log.txt: Exiting the slave because of a failed job on host
log.txt: Due to failure we are reducing the remaining retry count of job /n/home12/tsackton/ratite_scratch/wga/fast_test/testDir/jobTree/jobs/t0/t1/t1/job to 0
log.txt: We have set the default memory of the failed job to 34359738368 bytes
Job: /n/home12/tsackton/ratite_scratch/wga/fast_test/testDir/jobTree/jobs/t0/t1/t1/job is completely failed
Batch system is reporting that the job (1, 45) /n/home12/tsackton/ratite_scratch/wga/fast_test/testDir/jobTree/jobs/t0/t1/t0/job failed with exit value 1
No log file is present, despite job failing: /n/home12/tsackton/ratite_scratch/wga/fast_test/testDir/jobTree/jobs/t0/t1/t0/job
Due to failure we are reducing the remaining retry count of job /n/home12/tsackton/ratite_scratch/wga/fast_test/testDir/jobTree/jobs/t0/t1/t0/job to 0
We have set the default memory of the failed job to 34359738368 bytes
Job: /n/home12/tsackton/ratite_scratch/wga/fast_test/testDir/jobTree/jobs/t0/t1/t0/job is completely failed
Batch system is reporting that the job (1, 32) /n/home12/tsackton/ratite_scratch/wga/fast_test/testDir/jobTree/jobs/t0/t0/job failed with exit value 1
No log file is present, despite job failing: /n/home12/tsackton/ratite_scratch/wga/fast_test/testDir/jobTree/jobs/t0/t0/job
Due to failure we are reducing the remaining retry count of job /n/home12/tsackton/ratite_scratch/wga/fast_test/testDir/jobTree/jobs/t0/t0/job to 0
We have set the default memory of the failed job to 34359738368 bytes
Job: /n/home12/tsackton/ratite_scratch/wga/fast_test/testDir/jobTree/jobs/t0/t0/job is completely failed
Batch system is reporting that the job (1, 39) /n/home12/tsackton/ratite_scratch/wga/fast_test/testDir/jobTree/jobs/t1/t0/job failed with exit value 1
g file is present, despite job failing: /n/home12/tsackton/ratite_scratch/wga/fast_test/testDir/jobTree/jobs/t1/t0/job
Due to failure we are reducing the remaining retry count of job /n/home12/tsackton/ratite_scratch/wga/fast_test/testDir/jobTree/jobs/t1/t0/job to 0
We have set the default memory of the failed job to 34359738368 bytes
Job: /n/home12/tsackton/ratite_scratch/wga/fast_test/testDir/jobTree/jobs/t1/t0/job is completely failed
2015-04-14 21:42:24.347167: Finished Progressive Cactus Alignment
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