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Last active January 2, 2016 11:09
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get-previous-report.ahk for SmartWonder
; HotKey
;; for SmartWonder
#IfWinActive, tedpc-
IEGet(Name="") ;Retrieve pointer to existing IE window/tab
IfEqual, Name,, WinGetTitle, Name, ahk_class IEFrame
Name := ( Name="New Tab - Windows Internet Explorer" ) ? "about:Tabs"
: RegExReplace( Name, " - (Windows|Microsoft) Internet Explorer" )
For wb in ComObjCreate( "Shell.Application" ).Windows
If ( wb.LocationName = Name ) && InStr( wb.FullName, "iexplore.exe" )
Return wb
} ;written by Jethrow
wb := IEGet()
frmWork := wb.document.frames["frameWork"]
frmTabIframe2 := frmWork.document.frames["tabIframe2"]
tabEditReport := frmWork.document.getElementById("tabCaption0").children[1]
tabPrevReport := frmWork.document.getElementById("tabCaption0").children[7]
; 切換至歷史報告頁
Loop ;optional check to wait for the page to completely load
Sleep, 100
Until (frmTabIframe2.document && frmTabIframe2.document.readyState = "complete")
;; get current exam date and time
frmHistory2 := frmTabIframe2.frames["History2"]
Loop ;optional check to wait for the page to completely load
Sleep, 100
Until (frmHistory2.document && frmHistory2.document.readyState = "complete")
currExamName := frmHistory2.document.getElementById("BodyPart").innerText
currExamDate := frmHistory2.document.getElementById("StudyDate").innerText
currExamTime := frmHistory2.document.getElementById("StudyTime").innerText
; 檢查是否有歷史報告
prevReportLists := frmTabIframe2.document.getElementById("lstBdyQuery")
isNoPrevReport := (prevReportLists.children.length = 0)
tdMsgMore := frmTabIframe2.document.frames["History1"].document.getElementById("tdMsgMore")
If !isNoPrevReport ; 有一筆以上的歷史報告
; 參考用的 pattern
patternCXR := "i)chest (pa|ap)"
patternKUB := "i)kub"
; 分析目前為何種檢查
If RegExMatch(currExamName, patternCXR)
currPattern := patternCXR
Else If RegExMatch(currExamName, patternKUB)
currPattern := patternKUB
currPattern := ""
If (currPattern = "")
MsgBox % "AHK-SmartWonder: Currently, only CXR and KUB are supported."
Else { ; 找到最近相關報告
prevReportListsLength := prevReportLists.children.length
getPrevReport := 0
Loop %prevReportListsLength% {
If RegExMatch(prevReportLists.children[A_Index].children[7].innerText, currPattern) {
; 必須要是比當前報告早的報告
prevExamDate := prevReportLists.children[A_Index].children[4].innerText
prevExamTime := prevReportLists.children[A_Index].children[5].innerText
;; convert string to int for date and time
StringReplace prevExamDate, prevExamDate, -,, All
StringReplace currExamDate, currExamDate, -,, All
prevExamTime := prevExamTime + 0
currExamTime := currExamTime + 0
If (currExamDate > prevExamDate || (currExamDate = prevExamDate && currExamTime > prevExamTime)) {
getPrevReport := A_Index
If (getPrevReport > 0) { ; 有找到相關的報告
latestRelatedReport := prevReportLists.children[getPrevReport].children[1] ; 點最近報告、開影像
frmPrevReport := frmTabIframe2.document.frames["History3"]
Loop ;optional check to wait for the page to completely load
Sleep, 100
Until (frmPrevReport.document && frmPrevReport.document.readyState = "complete")
btnCopyReport := frmPrevReport.document.getElementsByName("copyReport")[0] ; 複製報告
; 切回報告編輯頁
If isNoPrevReport ; 完全沒有歷史報告
MsgBox % tdMsgMore.innerText
If (getPrevReport = 0) ; 有找到相關的報告,顯示訊息
MsgBox % "AHK-SmartWonder: No related report found."
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