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Last active March 9, 2021 02:25
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  • Save tsalb/2006ec47b92085971f7465ace4da0d49 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save tsalb/2006ec47b92085971f7465ace4da0d49 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -euo pipefail
# usage, must be run from project root: ./ 998c47bdb4950e31a8c6792181542eae06a53d65
if [ $# -lt 1 ]
echo 'Usage: ./ <your commit hash to diff from> <your commit has to diff to>(optional, if not specified, defaults to "HEAD")'
exit 1;
# Salesforce deletes aura component files that were not included in the deployment. So, you have to ensure that you deploy all the files even if only 1 file in a component is changed. Eg: Even if you change just the .cmp file, you still have to deploy the controller, helper, css files, etc.
# script assumes you have a 'local' directory in the project root with an sfdx-project.json file in it. If not, create one
# if you get an 'invalid character' error, run 'dos2unix' command on the file
# delete the 'local/force-app' and 'local/myfiles.tar' before every new run
# Create directory named 'local' if it doesn't exist
if [ ! -d "local" ]; then
mkdir local
# Clear out all previous artifacts, sans sfdx-project.json
cd local
ls | grep -v sfdx-project.json | xargs rm -rf
cd ..
for var in `git diff --diff-filter=ACMRT --name-only $1 $toHash` # loop over all new and modified files in git diff
if [[ "$var" = *"/aura/"* ]] || [[ "$var" = *"/lwc/"* ]] # for aura and lwc, grab the whole directory and not just the changed file
tar -rf local/myfiles.tar `dirname "$var"` # add files to a 'tar' archive. we will expand it to recreate the directory structure after we are done
else tar -rf local/myfiles.tar "$var"
if [ -f "$var-meta.xml" ] # if there is a meta.xml file, grab that as well
tar -rf local/myfiles.tar "$var-meta.xml"
elif [[ "$var" = *"-meta.xml" ]]; then # if meta.xml was changed, add the actual file to the package as well
if [[ -f "${var%%-meta.xml}" ]]; then
tar -rf local/myfiles.tar "${var%%-meta.xml}"
# Expand tar file to recreate the directory structure, relative to the project root
cd local
tar -xf myfiles.tar
# Convert the force-app
sfdx force:source:convert -r ./force-app -d mdapi-package
# Uncomment to ONLY keep package.xml and sfdx-project.json
# Inverse, comment this out to keep the converted mdapi-package along with other files changed
mv mdapi-package/package.xml .
ls | grep -Ev 'sfdx-project.json|package.xml' | xargs rm -rf
cd -
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